15 research outputs found

    The Effect of Islamic Work Ethics on Work Outcomes: A Case Study on Higher Education in State of Kedah

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Islamic work ethic on work outcomes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention) on Higher Education in state of Kedah (UUM, KUIN and UITM Merbok). Professional organizations work very hard to establish codes of ethics to help both staff administration and academic to understand and manage their ethical responsibilities. Islam considers ethics as an essential factor to build individuals, communities and society. Islamic work ethics are set of moral principles and guidance that recognizes what is right behavior from doing wrong. It is universal, comprehensive, stable, fair, and historically prove success in building ethically great society. The study used a sample of 200 respondents from three institutions of Higher Education in Kedah (UUM, UITM & KUIN). The empirical testing indicates that Islamic work ethic has positive effects on both job satisfaction and organizational commitment; whereas there is has negative relationship between Islamic work ethic and turnover intention. Implication, limitation and suggestion for future research are discussed

    Keusahawanan sosial Islam: faktor-faktor penglibatan usahawan sosial berjaya Muslim

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    Islamic social entrepreneurship is one of the muamalat activities which became obligatory (fardu kifayah) to a community. Implementation of Islamic social entrepreneurship is very important because it fosters a positive relationship between man and his creator (Allah S.W.T) (hablum-minallah), man and man (hablum-minannas), and man and nature. The study of Islamic social entrepreneurship caters of maqasid syariah in preserve religion, life, intellect, lineage and property of those things that is detrimental or prejudicial. The objective of this study was to determining factors for successful Muslim social entrepreneurs in Islamic social entrepreneurship. Research methods used were Islamic epistemology, content analysis based on previous studies, and study library with a major revelation of the Qur'an and Sunnah. The results showed that there are several factors that drive successful Muslim social entrepreneurs implement social entrepreneurial activity among Muslims to seek a pleasure and blessings of Allah S.W.T in this world and the hereafter, to meet the needs of the goals and social vision of society, awareness of faith (iman) and piety (taqwa) are high in themselves, help solve social problems communities, become agents of change to the social economy, help youth gain the skills of social entrepreneurship, enhancing network cooperation with social business practitioners, monitor the performance of the youth, and to understand the purpose and social responsibility towards society

    Peranan sifat-sifat terpuji (Mahmudah) dalam keusahawanan sosial Islam: satu pengenalan dari perspektif media sosial dan Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Keusahawanan sosial Islam (KSI) merupakan salah satu aktiviti yang dapat menyeimbangkan kestabilan ekonomi negara. Bagi melaksanakan KSI secara holistik, usahawan tersebut perlu menerapkan sifat-sifat terpuji (mahmudah) dalam diri agar dapat mengelakkan diri dari sifat-sifat terkeji (mazmumah) dan dapat memenuhi objektif yang ingin dicapai iaitu berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Kertas kerja ini adalah bertujuan menghuraikan peranan sifat-sifat terpuji (mahmudah) dalam KSI melalui perspektif media sosial dan revolusi industri 4.0 di Malaysia. Kaedah penyelidikan yang digunakan adalah analisis kandungan berdasarkan kajian-kajian lepas serta merujuk sumber al-Qur’an dan as-Sunnah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa peranan sifat-sifat terpuji (mahmudah) ini sangat besar dan perlu diutamakan dalam mencapai matlamat KSI melalui perspektif media sosial dan revolusi industri yang semakin pesat kerana ia dapat dijadikan sebagai panduan dan sempadan kepada para usahawan untuk meneruskan aktiviti muamalat yang berlandaskan hukum syarak. Antara sifat-sifat terpuji (mahmudah) itu adalah taubat, ikhlas, takut kepada Allah SWT, zuhud, sabar, syukur, tawakal, kasih sayang, redha dan mengingati mati. Oleh itu, perbincangan mendalam secara ilmiah akan dikupas dalam kajian ini

    Model usahawan berjaya dalam amalan nilai-nilai murni keusahawanan sosial Islam

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    Bidang keusahawanan sosial Islam adalah salah satu cabang di bawah konteks Muamalah di mana ianya dikenal pasti sebagai pemangkin yang berpontensi besar dalam membangunkan ekonomi ummah sejagat. Islam memandang berat tentang amalan nilai-nilai murni yang diaplikasikan oleh golongan usahawan terutama golongan usahawan berjaya dalam meneruskan aktiviti keusahawanan sosial Islam. Pembentukan model dalam meningkatkan hubungan di antara usahawan berjaya dengan tuhan, sesama manusia dan alam bagi mencapai Maqasid Syariah sangat diperlukan untuk dijadikan panduan dan sandaran bagi memartabatkan agama Islam itu sendiri.Kertas kerja ini akan memberi fokus kepada model usahawan yang berjaya dalam melaksanakan amalan nilai-nilai murni keusahawanan sosial menurut perspektif Islam.Oleh itu, perbincangan berdasarkan sumber hukum al-Quran dan as-Sunnah akan ditekankan bagi mencapai sistem alfalah iaitu mendapatkan keredaan Allah SWT di dunia dan akhirat

    Conceptual design model of interactive television advertising: experts reviews on impulse purchase tendency

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    Previous studies have proposed factors of impulse purchase in different advertising mediums like website, mobile, traditional retail store and traditional television.However, to the best of researchers’ knowledge, none of the impulse purchase model is dedicated on impulse purchase tendency for interactive TV advertising. Therefore, a conceptual design model of interactive television advertising toward impulse purchase tendency (iTVAdIP) was developed. The focus of this study is to evaluate the conceptual design model of iTVAdIP through expert reviews. The finding showed that majority of the experts agreed that the conceptual design model is applicable to the development of iTV advertising and the model has the ability to increase impulse purchase level of iTV advertising

    Uncovering the needs for a hybridized interaction design model for sign language learning through experts’ feedback

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    Nielsen's and Molich's design guidelines have been famously adapted in studies related to the design of interactive products, including for learning environment, and for hearing-impaired learners. In current situation, the learning materials for hearing-impaired learners are lacking in terms of positive interactions that promote two-way communication, partly because they do not apply appropriate design principles appropriately for the users. This affects their stimulation in learning activities. Hence, this paper aims at uncovering the current design principles applied in learning materials for learning sign language for the hearing-impaired learners. Besides an elicitation of literature, a semi-structured interview with the experts in hearing-impaired curricula has been carried out. It reveals that a study needs to urgently be carried out in proposing a heuristics design model that is specifically able to evoke the positive learning experience

    Perniagaan Berlandaskan Syarak, Kriteria Jamin Pendapatan Berkat

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    Peranan usahawan berjaya dalam keusahawanan sosial Islam: Satu penyelesaian kepada masalah ekonomi dan sosial

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    Kajian ini menilai peranan usahawan Muslim dalam melaksanakan aktiviti keusahawanan sosial Islam bagi menangani masalah ekonomi dan masalah sosial dalam masyarakat.Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah meta analisis kandungan kajian lepas serta kajian perpustakaan dengan merujuk kepada sumber wahyu iaitu Quran dan Sunnah.Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa peranan usahawan sosial adalah luas dan ia amat signifikan dalam menyelesaikan masalah ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat.Beberapa contoh keusahawanan sosial yang diterapkan oleh usahawan muslim juga diketengahkan agar menjadi contoh ikutan kepada usahawan lain

    Analysis of new haddul kifayah on income zakat in Kedah state

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    This study focuses on the new rate of haddul kifayah on income zakat in the state of Kedah. Lembaza Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK) are responsible to determine the limits of haddul kifayah zakat especially on the income zakat for Kedah state. The rate of haddul kifayah is a measure of the adequacy of the individual to incur expenses for the basic needs of the person and the member under his dependence for basic life. The haddul kifayah method in income zakat is currently based on the estimated income tax from the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) and the Poverty Line Income (PGK) issued by the Department of Statistics, Malaysia. Since the current economic level is so high with various costs and prices rising, the study of the effect of new haddul kifayah in zakat income needs to be done so that this re-examination can attract more paying zakat payers. Hence, the objective of this study is to analysis of new haddul kifayah on income zakat in Kedah. The methods for this study are qualitative method, comparative analysis, library method and the analysis of the contents of the previous studies and refers to the Qur'an and Hadith. The findings of this study show that there are some implications that occur when the new haddul kifayah is implemented. Therefore, scientific discussions will be discussed in this paper

    Pembentukan model amalan keusahawanan sosial Islam dalam kalangan usahawan sosial berjaya muslim (The formation of Islamic social entrepreneurship model among successful Muslim social entrepreneurs)

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    Islamic Social Entrepreneurship (ISE) is an activity that focuses on community social values based on the Islamic framework (akidah, syariah and moral) conducted by Sucessful Muslim Social Entrepreneurs (SMSE) to help the needy community. ISE is also one of the muamalat branches in improving the economy of a country. To implement ISE holistically, a model based on the Al-Quran and as-Sunnah should be developed to guide the SMSE groups involved with the vision and mission purpose. This paper is intended to analyze the ISE model which includes Islamic frameworks and Islamic values based on the Al-Quran and as-Sunnah. The research method used is content analysis based on past studies and referring to the Qur'an and as-Sunnah to obtain a detailed description of the ISE practice model. The findings show that the model of ISE practices among SMSE can be produced and thus can positively impact the social media perspective to improve the economy of the ummah and solve the social problems of society. Therefore, in-depth scientific discussion are highlighted in this study