283 research outputs found

    In vitro fertilization : the status of the frozen embryo

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    9TH Annual ethics conference. Theme : Bioethics medical, legal, environmental and cultural aspects in healthcare ethics at STRATHMORE UNIVERSITY, 25-26 OCTOBER 2012.The first Kenyan IVF babies were born on 8th May 2006. The event was celebrated as a breakthrough. It was to offer hope for perhaps thousands of Kenyan couples who were childless. Since then a number of IVF clinics have sprang up around the country. Childless couples are routinely offered IVF as a solution to their childless state. Little is said about the state of the frozen embryo. Or the ethics and morality of the IVF treatment. The number of frozen embryos in Kenya is unknown. There are between 400,000 and 500,000 frozen embryos in the USA alone. With an estimated 20,000 being added annually

    A customised proactive crisis communication process framework for secondary educational institutions in Kenya : a cross-sectional exploration of students' strike in Mirangine Sub-County

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    Text in English, abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and ZuluSecondary educational institutions need to constantly scan their environment for crises that could hamper their operations and hinder the achievement of their organisational objectives. These institutions should also engage their strategic stakeholders in a mixed motive communication to collaboratively discuss the crises and find amicable solutions; thereby avoiding crises like the proliferating student strikes in secondary educational institutions in Kenya. This study explored the need for a customised Proactive Crisis Communication Process (PCCP) framework for secondary educational institutions in Kenya to avoid student strikes. A two-phased approach was adopted to collect the data. The first phase involved 12 one-on-one semi-structured interviews with the principals of the secondary educational institutions in Mirangine Sub-County, while the second phase involved five focus group discussions with the students of Ruiru Secondary School. The results indicated that student strikes in secondary educational institutions in Kenya were proliferating and that despite this, these institutions lack proactive measures to avoid strikes. Hence, this study posited a PCCP framework that proposed various proactive measures to avoid student strikes in secondary educational institutions in Kenya.SekondĂȘre opvoedkundige instellings moet konstant hul omgewing ondersoek vir krisisse wat hul bedrywighede kan belemmer en die bereiking van hul organisatoriese doelwitte kan verhinder. Hierdie instellings moet ook hul strategiese belanghebbers by gemengdemotief- kommunikasie betrek om gesamentlik die krisisse te bespreek en minlike oplossings te vind; en sodoende krisisse soos die toenemende studentestakings in sekondĂȘre opvoedkundige instellings in Kenia te vermy. In hierdie studie is die nodigheid vir Ɖ doelgemaakte ProaktieweKrisiskommunikasieproses (PCCP)-raamwerkvir sekondĂȘre opvoedkundige instellings in Kenia ondersoek om studentestakings te voorkom. Ɖ Tweefase-benadering is gevolg om die data in te samel. Die eerste fase het 12 halfgestruktureerde onderhoude behels wat een-tot-een met die hoofde van die sekondĂȘre opvoedkundige instellingsin Mirangine Sub-Countygevoer is, terwyl die tweede fase bestaan het uit vyf fokusgroepbesprekings met die studente van RuiruSecondarySchool. Die resultate het getoon dat studentestakings in sekondĂȘre opvoedkundige instellingsin Kenia vinnig toeneem en dat hierdie instellings, ten spyte daarvan, nie oor proaktiewe maatstawwe beskik om stakings af te weer nie.Gevolglik het hierdie studie Ɖ PCCP-raamwerk aangeneem wat verskeie proaktiewe maatstawwe voorstel om stakings deur studente in sekondĂȘre opvoedkundige instellings in Kenia te verhoed.Izikhungo zemfundoyomkhakhawamasekhondari kumele zihlale ziqaphele ukuthi akukho yini endaweniezikuyookungasusaudweshubesekuphazamisaukusebenzakwazokuvimbe impumeleloyazoezinhloswenizayo.Lezizikhungokumelezibuyezisebenzisane nabathintekayo balawule amasu okusebenza ukuba kubenokuxhumana okunhlobonhlobo kuxoxwe ngokubambisana ngodweshu olungavela nokuthi lungasonjululwa kanjani ngendlela egculisayo; ngaleyo ndlela-ke ingagwemeka imibhikisho yabafundi elokhu isabalala ezikhungwenj zamasekhondari eKenya. Lolu cwaningoluhlola isidingo sohlaka lwekhethelo lokusheshe kusukunyelweudweshu lungakenzeki,i-Proactive Crisis Communication Process (PCCP) olungasebenza ezikhungweni zemfundo yamasekhondari eKenya ukuze kugwenywe imibhikisho yabafujni. Kwemukelwaindlela ezigaba zimbili yokuqoqainingwane. Isigaba sokuqala ngokuxoxisana okuyi-12 komuntu ebhekene nomuntu okuthi akuhleleke nje, okwenziwa nothishanhloko bezukhungo zemfundi yamasekhondaribaseMiringane Sub-County, kanti isigaba sesibili sabandakanya izingxoxo eziyisihlanu zamaqembu agxike kokuthile nje, zenziwa nabafundi besikole iRuri Secondary School. Imiphumela yaveza ukuthi imibhikisho ezikhungweni zemfundo yamasekhondari eKenya yabe yanda nokuthi nangaphandle kwalokhu izikhungo lezi zazingenazo izinyathelo ezingazithatha ngaphambi kwesikhathi ukuvimba ukwenziwa kwemibhikisho. Yikho-ke lolu cwaningo luphakamisa uhlaka lwe-PCCP oluncoma izinyathelo ezahlukene okumele zisheshe zithathwe ukugwema imibhikisho yabafundi ezikhungweni zamasekhondari eKenya.CommunicationM.A. (Communication

    A framework towards the design of more sustainable concrete structures

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    Includes bibliographical references.The main contribution of this study is the development of a novel framework for the design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures which aims at ensuring that future RC structures have the lowest possible carbon footprint, energy use and impact on the environment. The key focus of the study is on structural design where there is a lack of grasp of materials aspects, and environmental aspects of construction. In the proposed framework, a set of quantifiable design parameters and variables (binder type, concrete grade, diffusivity, concrete cover depth, area of steel in the structural component) are selected with respect to a set of performance measures which cover the functionality and availability of the structure to the user during its service life. The outputs generated from the framework are optimised material types and properties which not only meet the design performance requirements but also lead to minimised life-cycle environmental impacts. Two case studies are used to demonstrate the proposed design methodology. These include a reinforced concrete frame building and a post-tensioned box girder. The application of the framework for design in the material specifications showed a reduced volume of materials in construction compared to the current materials and structures design practice

    Participation in Sports Betting and Youth Welfare Nexus: An Endogenous Switching Regression Model in Kenyan Perspective

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    This paper seeks to establish the nexus between sports betting participation and youth welfare in Kenya. The focus of the study is the youth based in the Kajiado North constituency which has the highest youth population within the Nairobi metropolitan statistical area. There are 9 universities around the region. The study sample size is 341. Endogenous switching regression estimation is adopted to determine the association between sports betting participation and youth welfare.  From the regression analysis, this study obtains a significant and negative coefficient of -1.4971 relating to sports betting and youth welfare. This suggests that sports betting negatively affects youths' overall welfare in a 1.49 percent greater manner than those who abstain from it. It is important to address the factors that lead the youth to participate in sports betting, particularly control of commercials by making it mandatory that they issue disclaimers that doing so may worsen one's welfare. It is also essential to properly educate young people on financial management in order that they may channel their money toward worthwhile endeavors rather than sports betting


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    The new Kenyan curriculum emphasizes the role of parents as essential to their children’s education and in the success of curriculum implementation. The development requires a change in how parents and the community interact with schools and education. The perception in Kenya has always been that education is the sole responsibility of the school and the teacher. And so, parental involvement in Kenya has mainly been limited to financial contributions and teacher-parent meetings. With the introduction of new curriculum, the role of parent is crucial for the academic success of the child. A literature study investigated the extent of parental involvement in primary schools in Kenya. The data is obtained from a variety of library articles addressing parental involvement in Primary schools in different counties in Kenya. The current study found that majority of parents are involved in their children’s education, however, more awareness of the parental involvement is needed and more strategies on parental involvement needs to be employed for the success of the new curriculum.  Article visualizations

    Probabilistic modelling for durability design of reinforced concrete structures

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    Includes abastract.Includes bibliographical references.The purpose of this study was to create a framework for the development of a probabilistic model for durability design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures in South African marine conditions. Durability design of RC structures is mainly concerned with ensuring the ability of the concrete to resist the penetration of aggressive agents during the concrete‘s intended service life. RC structures in the marine environment may be attacked by aggressive chloride ions which penetrate concrete mainly through the diffusion mechanism. The chloride ions accumulate at the steel level and, upon reaching a critical concentration, cause corrosion to initiate which if not intercepted leads to the eventual deterioration of the entire structure

    Influence of Information and Communication Technology on Performance of Financial Audits in Government Ministries in Kenya

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    Financial Audits in the public sector have since independence been carried out manually in the Country. The use of this manual approach in the performance of auditing had raised queries as to the quality of audits, detection of fraud and timeliness of reports presented to parliament. Through the adoption of Integrated Financial Management Information Systems in Government Ministries, the financial function and operations have since been automated. With the shift of the Government financial operations from a manual approach to an automated system, a manual audit approach to these automated government operations would therefore not be effective, efficient and economical. Fraud perpetrated through the system would also be hard to discover using the manual approach. It was within this backdrop that the study sought to establish the effect of adoption of ICT on the performance of financial audits in Government Ministries on the basis of ICT training, ICT infrastructure, Organizational Setting, Legislative support and Auditing Standards. The general objective of the study was to determine the influence of ICT on the performance of financial audits in Government Ministries of Kenya. The specific objectives were how ICT infrastructure, IT audits training, legislature support, organizational structure and auditing standards affect the performance of financial audits in Government Ministries of Kenya. The research design used for the study was descriptive. The scope of the study was financial auditors at the 18 Ministries who were from the Office of the Auditor General with a total population of 434. To obtain data, stratified random sampling technique was used to obtain a sample size of 87 respondents. Validity refers to the degree to which results obtained from analysis of data actually represents the phenomenon under study. For testing validity the questionnaire was tested on 3 staff that were not included in the final study. Reliability is a measure of the degree to which research instruments gives consistent results after repeated trials. To confirm reliability, instruments were pretested on a small sample which was used in the final survey. Data was collected through questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics then presented in the form of tables for easy understanding purposes. A regression model was used to establish the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The study found out that adoption of ICT in the audit process improves the financial audit process by reducing the time and cost it takes to conduct the audit. Regular training on auditing computerized applications by the Government improves the knowledge of auditors to be able to effectively audit the financial applications. The study recommends for the implementation and utilization of ICT in the audit process to reduce operational inefficiency and to improve the audit process


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    Since 1993 when the floating exchange rate regime was established in Kenya, the country has experienced tumultuous times regarding fluctuations in exchange rates. This continuous volatility has increased foreign exchange risk exposure which in turn has raised transaction costs of companies. Naturally, higher transaction costs results in lower profitability which subsequently affects the market prices of traded stocks. During the period 2008 to 2015, the Kenyan currency market experienced significant fluctuations in exchange rates – topping at the all-time high of Kshs 110 to the US dollar. This coincided with a period of depressed performance in the Nairobi Securities Exchange with regard to capitalization. This study sought to examine the effect of fluctuations in exchange rates on share prices of the listed companies in Kenya. Both the flow-oriented theory of exchange rates and efficient market hypothesis formed the theoretical foundation of the study. The study employed a longitudinal research design and a census of all the 61 listed companies was taken. The study utilized secondary data on the daily mean exchange rates between Kenyan shillings and United States Dollar and daily mean share prices for the 8 years period from January 2008 to December 2015.The relevant diagnostic tests for time series linear regression analysis were conducted to determine suitability of the collected data for the study. Regression analysis was performed to analyze the data. Both the F and t-tests were used at 5% significance level to test the significance of the overall model and coefficient of the independent variable respectively. The results of the study showed that exchange rates volatility had a significant adverse effect on the share prices. Based on this empirical finding, the study recommended that the managers of the Kenyan monetary system should adopt policies that promote stable exchange rate regime. Further, the study advocated for fast-tracking of the impending launch of the derivatives market in NSE to enable effective mitigation of the negative impact of exchange rates volatility in the economy.  Article visualizations


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    This study sought to ascertain the influence of microfinance services on the financial performance of MSMEs in Kirinyaga County. Specifically, the study sought to determine how microcredit services, micro-saving services and business consultancy services offered by Microfinance institutions influenced the financial performance of MSMEs within the county as operationalized by growth in their sales turnover. The study was anchored on the theories of Information Asymmetry and Financial Intermediation. The study’s target population comprised the MSMEs operating within Kirinyaga County and adopted the descriptive research design. The studied MSMEs were purposively selected from the townships of Sagana, Kerugoya, Kutus, Kagio, and Kagumo. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires and analysis of the collected data was performed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The results were presented using tables and charts. The study found that all the services offered by microfinance institutions had a positive and significant influence on the financial performance of MSMEs. Effectively, the study recommended that the owner-managers of the MSMEs should have more strategic engagement with the Microfinance institutions in tapping the services extended by them. Further, sustained efforts should be made by policy formulators to promote and strengthen microfinancing in pursuit of Vision 2030. JEL: L10; L20; M10; G20  Article visualizations

    Contribution of the Durability Index Approach towards Sustainable Concrete Structures

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    Abstract: Durability and sustainability with respect to concrete structures are two important concepts that have to be defined critically to determine whether the former results in the latter. While there is no agreement on the latter‟s definition, there is little disagreement that the concept is a desirable objective. This study focuses on the contribution of concrete durability through the development of the South African durability index (DI). The DI approach is based on the premise that the durability of RC structures is largely controlled by the quality and thickness of the cover layer protecting the reinforcement. The approach utilizes service life models that depend on the relevant indexes in their formulation to give performance-based specifications. This integrated approach allows the use of marginal and new materials in concrete. In addition, the DI approach results in durable concrete structures that require minimal repair during their service life bringing about a savings in costs and material usag
