37 research outputs found

    (SUSY) Higgs Search at the LHC

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    The discovery of the Standard Model (SM) or supersymmetric (SUSY) Higgs bosons belongs to the main endeavors of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this article the status of the signal and background calculations for Higgs boson production at the LHC is reviewed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, plenary talk given at SUSY08, Seoul, Kore

    Vector-like Bottom Quarks in Composite Higgs Models

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    Like many other models, Composite Higgs Models feature the existence of heavy vector-like quarks. Mixing effects between the Standard Model fields and the heavy states, which can be quite large in case of the top quark, imply deviations from the SM. In this work we investigate the possibility of heavy bottom partners. We show that they can have a significant impact on electroweak precision observables and the current Higgs results if there is a sizeable mixing with the bottom quark. We explicitly check that the constraints from the measurement of the CKM matrix element VtbV_{tb} are fulfilled, and we test the compatibility with the electroweak precision observables. In particular we evaluate the constraint from the ZZ coupling to left-handed bottom quarks. General formulae have been derived which include the effects of new bottom partners in the loop corrections to this coupling and which can be applied to other models with similar particle content. Furthermore, the constraints from direct searches for heavy states at the LHC and from the Higgs search results have been included in our analysis. The best agreement with all the considered constraints is achieved for medium to large compositeness of the left-handed top and bottom quarks.Comment: additional figures, extended discussion of numerical result

    NLO QCD Corrections to Higgs Pair Production including Dimension-6 Operators

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    New Physics that becomes relevant at some high scale Λ\Lambda beyond the experimental reach, can be described in the effective theory approach by adding higher-dimensional operators to the Standard Model (SM) Lagrangian. In Higgs pair production through gluon fusion, which gives access to the trilinear Higgs self-coupling, this leads not only to modifications of the SM couplings but also induces novel couplings not present in the SM. For a proper prediction of the cross section, higher order QCD corrections that are important for this process, have to be taken into account. The various higher-dimensional contributions are affected differently by the QCD corrections. In this paper, we provide the next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections to Higgs pair production including dimension-6 operators in the limit of large top quark masses. Depending on the dimension-6 coefficients entering the Lagrangian, the new operators affect the relative NLO QCD corrections by several per cent, while modifying the cross section by up to an order of magnitude.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Natural NMSSM Higgs Bosons

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    We study the phenomenology of Higgs bosons close to 126 GeV within the scale invariant unconstrained next-to-minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM), focusing on the regions of parameter space favoured by low fine-tuning considerations, namely stop masses of order 400 GeV to 1 TeV and an effective μ\mu parameter between 100-200 GeV, with large (but perturbative) λ\lambda and low tanβ=\tan \beta =2-4. We perform scans over the above parameter space, focusing on the observable Higgs cross sections into γγ\gamma \gamma, WWWW, ZZZZ, bbbb, ττ\tau \tau final states, and study the correlations between these observables. We show that the γγ\gamma \gamma signal strength may be enhanced up to a factor of about two not only due to the effect of singlet-doublet mixing, which occurs more often when the 126 GeV Higgs boson is the next-to-lightest CP-even one, but also due to light stops (and to a lesser extent light chargino and charged Higgs loops). There may be also smaller enhancements in the Higgs decay channels into WWWW, ZZZZ, correlated with the γγ\gamma \gamma enhancement. However there is no such correlation observed involving the Higgs decay channels into bbbb, ττ\tau \tau. The requirement of having perturbative couplings up to the GUT scale favours the interpretation of the 126 GeV Higgs boson as being the second lightest NMSSM CP-even state, which can decay into pairs of lighter neutralinos, CP-even or CP-odd Higgs bosons, leading to characteristic signatures of the NMSSM. In a non-negligible part of the parameter range the increase in the γγ\gamma\gamma rate is due to the superposition of rates from nearly degenerate Higgs bosons. Resolving these Higgs bosons would rule out the Standard Model, and provide evidence for the NMSSM

    Gauge-independent Renormalization of the N2HDM

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    The Next-to-Minimal 2-Higgs-Doublet Model (N2HDM) is an interesting benchmark model for a Higgs sector consisting of two complex doublet and one real singlet fields. Like the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric extension (NMSSM) it features light Higgs bosons that could have escaped discovery due to their singlet admixture. Thereby, the model allows for various different Higgs-to-Higgs decay modes. Contrary to the NMSSM, however, the model is not subject to supersymmetric relations restraining its allowed parameter space and its phenomenology. For the correct determination of the allowed parameter space, the correct interpretation of the LHC Higgs data and the possible distinction of beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs sectors higher order corrections to the Higgs boson observables are crucial. This requires not only their computation but also the development of a suitable renormalization scheme. In this paper we have worked out the renormalization of the complete N2HDM and provide a scheme for the gauge-independent renormalization of the mixing angles. We discuss the renormalization of the Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 soft breaking parameter m122m_{12}^2 and the singlet vacuum expectation value vSv_S. Both enter the Higgs self-couplings relevant for Higgs-to-Higgs decays. We apply our renormalization scheme to different sample processes such as Higgs decays into ZZ bosons and decays into a lighter Higgs pair. Our results show that the corrections may be sizeable and have to be taken into account for reliable predictions