4 research outputs found

    An Examination of the resettlement program at Mayon Volcano : what can we learn for sustainable volcanic risk reduction?

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    This paper investigates a resettlement program for communities impacted by volcanic hazards from Mayon volcano in the Philippines. Two resettlement sites are selected, the first FVR-FNM village (named after President Fidel V. Ramos and Mayor Florencio N. Munoz) was settled after the 1993 eruption. The second, Bungkaras Village, was settled after the 2006 eruption and associated typhoon Reming lahar event. These two sites were selected in order to explore the process of relocation over the short and longer term, although the main focus of the study is in the more recently settled Bungkaras Village. The overall aim is to determine if exposure to volcanic hazards has decreased without adding to vulnerability through loss of livelihood, community and culture, and exposure to new risks. A mixed method qualitative approach was utilized including semistructured interviews, participant observations, and a participatory workshop. This enabled an in-depth understanding of life and the challenges faced at the resettlement sites vis-à-vis the original settlements. In order to document the process of site selection, planning, and building, semistructured interviews were conducted with key government officials, emergency managers, and donors of the resettlement projects. This research demonstrates that a volcanic resettlement program must be directed by meaningful consultation with the impacted community who also share in the decision making. Successful resettlement must consider aspects of livelihood security, house design, and the availability of public and lifeline facilities.21 page(s

    Serie reflexiones académicas: la vulnerabilidad y los riesgos estudios de caso en el Ecuador

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    Seis reflexiones académicas expuestas en los debates realizados en Cuenca, Paute y Yantzaza.“Dimensiones sociales de los riesgos y su generación” a cargo de Julien Rebotier; “La gestión de crisis: un punto de vista de geógrafo” de Jeremy Robert; “Conceptos Amplios de la Vulnerabilidad: Indicadores, sus aplicaciones y adaptabilidad” de Muhibuddin Usamah; “Hidrometeorología en el Azuay y Sistemas de Alerta Temprana Hidrometeorológicos ante inundaciones por crecidas de ríos (SAT)” a cargo de Sebastián Páez Bimos; “Análisis de vulnerabilidad de los asentamientos informales en las orillas del río Zamora y la quebrada Yantzaza, cantón Yantzaza” de Muhibuddin Usamah y “Análisis espacial del crecimiento urbano y sus implicaciones en la vulnerabilidad social de la ciudad de Yantzaza, Ecuador” de Inés Martínez.Universidad de Cuenca, Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos SGR, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo PNUD, Oficina de Ayuda Humanitaria y Protección Civil de la Comisión Europea, ECH