3 research outputs found

    Scavenger receptor B1 facilitates the endocytosis of \u3ci\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/i\u3e via TLR4 signaling in mammary gland infection

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    SCARB1 belongs to class B of Scavenger receptors (SRs) that are known to be involved in binding and endocytosis of various pathogens. SRs have emerging role in regulating innate immunity and host–pathogen interactions by acting in co-ordination with Toll-like receptors.Query Little is known about the function of SCARB1 in milk-derived mammary epithelial cells (MECs). This study reports the role of SCARB1 in infection and its potential association in TLR4 signaling on bacterial challenge in Goat mammary epithelial cells (GMECs). The novelty in the establishment of MEC culture lies in the method that aims to enhance the viability of the cells with intact characteristics upto a higher passage number. We represent MEC culture to be used as a potential infection model for deeper understanding of animal physiology especially around the mammary gland. On E.coli challenge the expression of SCARB1 was signifcant in induced GMECs at 6 h. Endoribonuclease-esiRNA based silencing of SCARB1 affects the expression of TLR4 and its pathways i.e. MyD88 and TRIF pathways on infection. Knockdown also affected the endocytosis of E.coli in GMECs demonstrating that E.coli uses SCARB1 function to gain entry in cells. Furthermore, we predict 3 unique protein structures of uncharacterized SCARB1 (Capra hircus) protein. Overall, we highlight SCARB1 as a main participant in host defence and its function in antibacterial advances to check mammary gland infections

    fagocitna aktivnost i fagocitni indeksi polimorfonuklearnih stanica mlijeka (PMN) kao markeri za dijagnozu i praćenje terapijske i profilaktičke učinkovitosti različitih formulacija antioksidanata u suzbijanju mastitisa goveda

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    A clinical study was undertaken on bovine mastitis in the Kashmir valley to study the relationship between Phagocytic activity (PA) and the phagocytic index (PI) of milk neutrophils (PMN’s) and bovine mastitis. The PA and PI of milk PMN’s were assessed in mastitic animals and compared with normal, healthy, lactating animals. A significant decrease was found in the values of the PA and PI of milk neutrophils in clinical cases of mastitis as compared to the healthy control group. The utility of anti-oxidants in clinical management of mastitis was measured through the response to treatment with trace minerals such as Cu, Zn, Mn and Se in addition to conventional antibiotic therapy. Two groups of mastitic animals received two therapeutic regimens. Group I animals received antibiotics (Enrofloxacin 6.6 mg/kg BID for 5 days) and a self-formulated trace mineral anti-oxidant mixture at therapeutic doses for 7 days, while Group II animals only received the antibiotic (at the same dose rate and frequency). Therapeutic regimen I proved more efficacious than the therapeutic regimen II in the treatment of clinical mastitis, as evidenced by higher recovery rates, a lower number of mean days required for recovery, and higher PA and PI of the milk PMN’s on day 10 post treatment. For prophylactic studies, 24 healthy lactating cows were divided into two groups of 12 animals each. One group was supplemented with a self-formulated trace mineral anti-oxidant mixture at prophylactic doses for 30 days, which resulted in a significant improvement in udder health status in terms of the SCC, PA and PI of milk PMN’s. Supplementation with the antioxidant formulation played a significant role in early recovery and prophylaxis of bovine mastitis. Assessment of PA and PI of milk PMN’s could be utilised as an effective tool for diagnosing susceptibility to the occurrence of mastitis, as well as monitoring the therapeutic efficacy of different treatment regimes.Kliničko istraživanje mastitisa goveda u dolini Kashmir provedeno je kako bi se procijenila povezanost fagocitne aktivnosti (PA) i fagocitnih indeksa (PI) neutrofila u mlijeku (PMN’s) i mastitisa goveda. PA i PI neutrofila u mlijeku analizirani su u životinja s mastitisom i uspoređeni sa zdravim životinjama u laktaciji. Pronađeno je znakovito smanjenje PA i PI neutrofila u mlijeku u slučajevima kliničkog mastitisa u usporedbi s kontrolnom, zdravom skupinom. Korisnost antioksidansa u slučajevima kliničkog mastitisa mjerena je putem odgovora na liječenje mineralima u tragovima kao što su Cu, Zn, Mn i Se, koji su dodani konvencionalnoj antibiotskoj terapiji. Dvije skupine životinja s mastitisom imale su dva terapijska programa. Skupina 1 primala je antibiotik (enrofloksacin 6,6 mg/kg, 2 puta dnevno, tijekom 5 dana) i vlastito pripremljenu mješavinu antioksidantnih minerala u tragovima u terapijskoj dozi tijekom 7 dana, dok je skupina 2 dobivala samo antibiotike (u istoj dozi i intervalu). Terapijski program u skupini 1 pokazao se učinkovitijim od onoga u skupini 2 u liječenju kliničkog mastitisa, što dokazuju veće stope oporavka, manji prosječan broj dana potreban za oporavak te povećane vrijednosti PA i PI polimorfonuklearnih stanica mlijeka deseti dan poslije tretmana. Za istraživanje profilakse 24 zdrave krave u laktaciji podijeljene su u dvije skupine sa po 12 životinja. Jedna je skupina dobivala vlastito pripremljenu mješavinu antioksidantnih minerala u tragovima u profilaktičkoj dozi tijekom 30 dana. To je rezultiralo znakovitim poboljšanjem zdravlja vimena što se vidjelo po vrijednostima SCC, PA i PI neutrofila u mlijeku. Dodatak antioksidantne formulacije znakovito je utjecao na rani oporavak i profilaksu mastitisa u goveda. Procjena PA i PI polimorfonuklearnih stanica mlijeka mogla bi biti učinkovit alat pri dijagnostici sumnje na mastitis kao i praćenju učinkovitosti različitih terapijskih program

    Antibacterial Activity of Some Medicinal Plants of Kashmir, J&K, India

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    The study was conducted to find out the activity of some medicinal plants against bacterial isolates. The bacterial isolates from milk samples of infected quarters of cows were investigated for in-vitro drug sensitivity by standard disc diffusion technique (Bauer et al., 1966). Cultural examination of milk samples was done by method described by Quin et al. (2004) in which predominant isolates were Staph. (55.55%), E. coli (22.22%), Strepto. agalactiae (16.66%) and other isolates as 5.5% and were subjected to in-vitro antibacterial sensitivity test to selected herbal extracts and standard antibiotic (cefuroxime) (Table-1). The four different aqueous concentrations of the herbs namely Fumaria indica, Adiantum capillus, Nepata cataria, Levandula stoeches and Borago officinalis collected from registered herbal shops prepared by standard procedure as 25mg/ml, 50mg/ml, 75mg/ml and 100mg/ml were used. The results indicated that aqueous extract of Fumaria indica, Adiantum capillus and Napeta cataria against Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli, Streptococcus agalactia and K. pneumonia exhibited maximum zone of inhibition 20.0±1.21, 21.0±0.19, 13.0±0.37 17.0±0.21; 18±0.41, 12±0.21, 13±0.31, 15±0.31 and 15±0.33, 16.01±0.19 14.09±0.37, 13.31±0.41 at 100 mg/ml respectively which was significantly low as compared to standard drug (cefuroxime) at 30 microgram concentration. Aqueous extract of Levandula stoeches against Staphylococcus aureus and E.coli exhibited maximum zone of inhibition 18.0±0.33 and 13.0±0.141 at 100 mg/ml respectively. Borago officinalis has shown nil to non-significant bacterial growth inhibition activity