17 research outputs found

    Teknik Perbanyakan Masal Predator Menochilus Sexmaculatus Pengendali Serangga Bemisia Tabaci Vektor Virus Kuning Pada Tanaman Cabai

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    . Muharam, A. and W. Setiawati. 2007. The Mass Propagation Technique of Menochilus sexmaculatus, the Predator of Bemisia tabaci, the Chilli-Yellow-Viruses Transmitting Vector. Bemisia tabaci is apparently known as one of the major pests on chilli pepper. Another important role of the pest is the capability of transmitting gemini virus on chilli pepper causing yellow diseases. A study on mass propagation of M. sexmaculatus, the predator of B. tabaci, was carried out in Screenhouses of Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute, Lembang, from April to November 2006. Consecutive steps of the study were (1) propagation of the predator using a factorial randomized block design, with 4 host plants and 2 preys, and (2) the test of the capability of M. sexmaculatus as the predator of B. tabaci and Myzus persicae, utilyzing a randomized block design with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The results indicated that a correlation was occurred between host plants and preys. The combination of Brassica sinensis as a host plant with M. persicae as a prey resulted in the best treatment for propagation of the predator with eggs production of 893.33, followed by the combinations of Zea mays with M. persicae, and B. sinensis with B. tabaci. One female of M. sexmaculatus was able to produce 140 to 975 eggs within 8 to 11 days, or 12 to 89 eggs per day. The peak of egg production was occurred from the 5th to 7th day. Mortality of M. sexmaculatus larvae was between 28.66 and 45.47%. The best ratio of female and male of the predator was 1 : 1. Within 24 hours the predator was able to attack B. tabaci and M. persicae up to 51.50 and 168.50 larvae, respectively. Life cycle of the predator was between 56 and 78 days: egg 4-5 days, larvae 20-25 days, pupa 4-6 days, and imago for 28-42 days. Female predators attacked B. tabaci much more than male and larvae. Female predators found preys faster than male ones and larvae, 20.33 seconds for 120 preys. The application of M. sexmaculatus for biological control of B. tabaci will obviously decrease the use of synthetic insecticides

    Uji Laboratorium Azospirillum SP. Yang Diisolasi Dari Beberapa Ekosistem

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    . Widawati, S and Muharam, A 2012. The Laboratory Test of Azospirillum sp. Isolated from Several Ecosystems. Microbes that are nonpathogenic and nonsymbiotic bacteria which are effectively fixed up nitrogen from air, and are able to dissolve phosphated bounded on Ca, Al, and Fe in soil, are able to growth in different ecosystems in nature. Some of the bacterial species can be isolated from rizosphere of horticultural crops. The research was aimed to determine the potential role of Azospirillum sp. as a plant growth promoter in coastal ecosystem and extremely environmental conditions. The laboratory test of Azospirillum sp. isolated from several ecosystems was carried out in the Ecophysiology Laboratory, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Bogor from January until December 2011. Thirty-four isolates of Azospirillum sp. (B1 to B17;PS1 to PS3; FR1 to FR 14) were investigated with some methods i.e. (1) the qualitative test of the capability of Azospirillum sp. to fix up nitrogen in solid Okon medium containing NaCl, (2) the qualitative test of the capability of Azospirillum sp. in dissolving bounded P in solid Pikovskaya medium and phosphate dissolution efficiency index, (3) the qualitative test of the capability of Azospirillum sp. in dissolving bounded P in liquid Pikovskaya medium and the activity of acid and base PME-ase, and pH condition after 7 days incubation in pure media, and (4) analysis of the capability of Azospirillum sp. in producing indole acetic acid (IAA). The results pointed out that : (1) all tested isolates of Azospirillum sp. were capable to fix up nitrogen in solid Okon medium, (2) isolates of B2, B4, B6, B12, B14, PS2, and FR13 were capable to solubilize P on Ca3(PO4)2 in solid Pikovskaya medium with its efficiency of 120, 160, 140, 100, 110, 120, and 100, respectively, (3) isolates of B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B14, B17, PS1, PS2, PS3, FR1, FR5, FR7, FR8, FR10, FR12, and FR13 were able to grow in Okon medium with 0, 2, 4, or 6% of NaCl doses, (4) the highest concentrations of solubilized P was resulted by isolates B4 (5.80 mg/l), B6 (5.84 mg/l), and PS2 (5.45 mg/l) with PME-ase i.e. 0.58 u m/l, 0.58 u m/l, 0.57 u m/l (acid), 0.52 mg/l, 0.50 mg/l, 0.48 mg/l (base), and with pH : 4.20, 4.30, and 4.22, and (5) isolates of B4 and B6 isolated from rice field at Rambut Siwi beach, Bali, were capable to produce highest IAA hormone i.e. 0.6749 and 0.4694 ppm respectively on the first day after the treatment. Based on the result of this experiment it can be concluded that Azospirillum sp. is a potential plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria for coastal ecosystem. The bacterial species is very important to enrich coastal areas for crop cultivation, including horticulture

    Pengaruh Kompos Yang Diperkaya Bakteri Penambat Nitrogen Dan Pelarut Fosfat Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kapri Dan Aktivitas Enzim Fosfatase Dalam Tanah

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    . Widawati, S., Suliasih, and A. Muharam. 2010. The Effect of Compost Enriched with SymbioticNitrogen Fixing and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria on the Growth of Peas and the Activity of PhosphataseEnzymes in the Soil. The use of organic materials on cultivation of vegetable crops has some advantages, especiallyfor maintaining suitable soil conditions and decreasing the utilization of inorganic fertilizers. The research wascarried out at Cidawu Village, Cibodas (1,250 m asl.), Cianjur, West Java, from January to December 2007. Soilsamples were collected from some different areas in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The research was aimed todetermine the effect of compost enriched with mixed phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) on the growth of peasand on the activity of phosphatase enzymes in the soil. A randomized block design with five treatments and threereplications was used in the experiment. A local variety of peas was utilized in the experiment. The treatments werethe addition of fertilizers consisted of (A) without any fertilizer, (B) with inorganic fertilizers i.e. TSP+KCl+Urea,(C) with chicken dung + rice husk, (D) with compost, and (E) with compost plus (compost enriched with symbioticnitrogen fixing bacteria/SNFB, nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria/NSNFB, and PSB). The results showed thatthe mixed bacteria isolated from peat soil in West Kalimantan in the compost plus (treatment E) properly adaptedin soil conditions at the site of the experiment. The total populations of SNFB, NSNFB, and PSB were increased upto 9.15 x 108, 9.34 x 108, and 9.35 x 108 cell/g soil, respectively. The occurrence of the mixed bacteria increased theactivity of acid and alkaline phosphatases in the soil. The highest activities of acid and alkaline phosphomonoesteraseenzymes in the soil achieved by the treatment of compost plus. The treatment increased the fresh weight of peascompared to control (75.32 %), to the chemical fertilizers (45.48%), to chicken dung+rice husk ( 31.19 %), and tocompost (15.60 %). The widely application of the mixed PSB in compost is hopefully established in cultivation ofpeas in the organic farming (OF) system, then it will confidently support on the increase of peas production, and thedecrease of inorganic fertilizers as well

    Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Dan Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Tomat Dan Aktivitas Mikroba Tanah

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    . Suliasih, S. Widawati, and A. Muharam. 2010. The Application of Organic Fertilizers andPhosphate Solubilizing Bacteria to Increase the Growth of Tomato and Soil Microbial Activities. The use oforganic matters on tomato cultivation is focused to decrease the utilization of chemical substances for minimizingenvironmental degradation. An experiment was conducted at Cidawu Village, Cibodas, Cianjur (1,250 m asl.) todetermine the suitable and effective inoculant to increase the growth of tomato plants, and also to stimulate soil microbialactivities. The tomato variety used was Gondol. The organic fertilizers were compost, chicken dung plus rice husk,and phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), as a biofertilizer. A randomized block design with three replications wasutilized in this experiment. The treatments consisted of without organic fertilizers or PSB (control) (K), inoculationof PSB (P1), application of compost (P2), (4) application of chicken dung plus rice husk (P3), and application of thechemical fertilizer (NPK) (P4). The results showed that the application of organic fertilizers and PSB increased thegrowth of tomato plants and also PSB population, acid, and alkaline phosphatase activities in the soil after harvesting.The inoculation of PSB resulted in heighest plant height (108.3 cm) compared to control (72.3 cm) and also thehighest tomato yield compared to the control treatment (88.2%), and even it was higher than the yield caused by theapplication of the chemical fertilizer. The highest increase of PSB population and the activities of acid and alkalinephosphatase enzymes in soil after harvesting was also caused by the application of the PSB inoculant compared to theother treatments. The applications of organic fertilizers and PSB for wide scale cultivation of tomato expectantly playan important role for increasing production, productivity, and quality of tomato to fulfill market demand for the product

    Pengaruh Air Laut terhadap Populasi Bakteri Biofertilizer, P Tersedia dalam Tanah, dan Pertumbuhan Bayam (Amaranthus SP.)

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    Pemanfaatan pupuk hayati merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengembangkan pembudidayaan tanaman yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui ketahanan bakteri pelarut fosfat dan bakteri pengikat nitrogen nonsimbiosis terhadap salinitas dan peranannya dalam menyediakan P dan N untuk pertumbuhan tanaman bayam. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium dan Rumah Kaca Mikrobiologi, LIPI Cibinong, Bogor, Jawa Barat, sejak bulan Februari sampai dengan Desember 2013. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama, yaitu plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) dalam pupuk organik hayati yang terdiri atas: A, B, C, D (A+B), E (A+C), F (B+C), G (A+B+C), H (ABC+TSP+ KCl+ Urea+kompos), I (TSP+KCl+Urea+ABC), dan J (kompos+ABC), serta kontrol (K1 = kompos, K2 = tanpa pupuk, K3 = TSP+KCl+Urea). Faktor kedua, penyiraman yaitu, (1) air laut dan (2) air tawar. Tanaman bayam (Amaranthus sp.) ditumbuhkan dalam media tanah menggunakan pot di dalam rumah kaca. Peubah yang diamati mencakup tinggi tanaman, berat segar bayam, pH tanah, salinitas tanah, populasi bakteri, PME-ase tanah, dan P tersedia dalam media tanah, pada 7 dan 28 hari setelah tanam (HST). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa air laut dengan kadar garam 30 dS/m berpengaruh nyata terhadap populasi bakteri, produksi enzim PME-ase, P-tersedia, tinggi, dan berat segar tanaman bayam. Semua bakteri tahan terhadap kondisi salin dan bakteri Azotobacter lebih tahan salin daripada Azospirillum. Masing-masing isolat yang terkandung dalam inokulan B, H, dan J mampu bertahan pada salinitas sebesar 2,03; 4,0; dan 4,0 dS/m, dengan populasi bakteri sebesar 27,88 dan 79 x 105sel g/tanah, mampu memproduksi PME-ase sebesar 0,60; 0,62; dan 0,55 mg pnitrofenol/ml, P tersedia sebesar 5,96; 8,95; dan 7,30 ppm serta berdampak positif terhadap tinggi tanaman (14,47; 21,50; dan 25,83 cm) dan berat segar tanaman bayam (12,50; 79,56; dan 102,63 g/pot). Aplikasi bakteri tersebut pada lahan-lahan salin akan bermanfaat untuk pembudidayaan sayuran

    Kajian Sifat Inovasi Komponen Teknologi untuk Menentukan Pola Diseminasi Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu Padi Sawah

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    Assessment on Properties of Innovation Technology Component to Determine Dissemination Pattern of Rice Integrated Crop Management (ICM). ICM Field School is one of the strategic programs of the Ministry of Agriculture aimed at accelerating increased production of major food commodities, included rice. This study aims to determine the variability of quantitative trait ICM technology innovation and determine the pattern of technology innovation dissemination of efficient and effective on site-specific conditions based on quantitative and qualitative variability. The data was collected through interviews with 180 farmers in West Java and Central Java. The analysis revealed that six ICM components technology is quite difficult to be adopted are: (1) application of organic matter, (2) legowo crop establishment, (3) fertilization based on crop needs and soil nutrient status, (4) IPM approach to pest control, (5) intermittent irrigation, and (6) weeding with the hedgehog / gasrok. Therefore, dissemination patterns for each category can not follow a linear pattern of the conventional approach, from source technologies - extension – farmer. An understanding of the processes leading to the adoption of new technologies by small-scale farmers has been important to the planning and implementation of successful dissemination and extension programs

    Studi Pembuatan Antiserum Poliklonal Untuk Deteksi Cepat Virus Mosaik Mentimun Pada Krisan

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    Virus mosaik mentimun merupakan salah satu patogen penting pada berbagai tanaman hortikultura, termasuk tanaman krisan. Untuk mengetahui secara dini infeksi virus pada tanaman, maka perlu dikembangkan metode deteksi cepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan antiserum poliklonal untuk deteksi cepat virus mosaik mentimun pada krisan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Virologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Segunung dari bulan April sampai Desember 2000. Antiserum terhadap CMV pada tanaman krisan telah dihasilkan dengan cara penyuntikan virus murni CMV pada kelinci dengan konsentrasi setiap penyuntikan sebesar 1 mg/ml. Antiserum yang diuji terdiri dari enam periode pengambilan darah. Pengujian menggunakan metode ELISA tidak langsung. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa dari enam kali pengambilan darah ternyata bereaksi positif, yaitu dengan adanya konsentrasi antibodi dalam darah meningkat. Antiserum juga dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi langsung terhadap ekstrak daun krisan yang terinfeksi CMV. Kepekaan antiserum tertinggi pada pengambilan darah ke empat dan ke enam dengan konsentrasi 1/100 dan 1/500 terhadap pengenceran sampel 1/10 dan 1/100. Study on developing of polyclonal antiserum for rapid detection of cucumber mosaic virus on chrysanthemum. Cucumber mosaic virus is one the major pathogens on some horticulture crops, including chrysanthemum. A rapid detection method should be developed to support the evaluation of initial infection of the virus in plants. The objective of this experiment was to obtain polyclonal antiserum to CMV on chrysanthemum for rapid detection. The experiment was conducted in Virology Laboratory of Indonesian Ornamental Plants Institute in Segunung from April to December 2000. A polyclonal CMV antiserum had been produced by injections of purified CMV into rabbits with concentration 1 mg/ml each injections. The antiserum from six bleeding periods were tested. An indirect ELISA method was used to determine the sensitivity of the antiserum. Results indicated that six bleeding periods had positive reaction, with concentration of the virus antibodies increased gradually from the first to the sixth bleedings. The antiserum can also be directly used to detect CMV from infected chrysanthemum plants. The highest antiserum sensitivity were the fourth and sixth bleedings with concentration 1/100 and 1/500 to sample dilution 1/10 and 1/100

    Proteksi Silang untuk Pengendalian Virus Mosaik Mentimun pada Krisan

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    Salah satu virus yang menyerang tanaman krisan adalah CMV. Alternatif pengendalian CMV pada krisan adalah menggunakan vaksin CARNA 5. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui teknik aplikasi vaksin yang paling efektif dalam memproteksi CMV pada krisan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Virologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Segunung dari bulan Januari sampai Desember 2001. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok tiga ulangan dengan delapan perlakuan, yaitu (1) penyambungan, (2) inokulasi mekanis vaksin CARNA 5 dengan konsentrasi 5 μg/ml, (3) inokulasi mekanis vaksin CARNA 5 dengan konsentrasi 15 μg/ml, (4) inokulasi mekanis vaksin CARNA 5 dengan konsentrasi 20 μg/ml, (5) inokulasi mekanis vaksin CARNA 5 dengan konsentrasi 25 μg/ml, (6) melalui serangga (kutu daun), dan (7) tanaman krisan sehat (kontrol). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman krisan yang diberi vaksin pada berbagai cara aplikasi tidak menunjukkan gejala mosaik. Warna bunga pada semua perlakuan tidak menampakkan gejala pecah warna.Cross protection for controling cucumber mosaic virus on chrysanthemum. One of the virus that attack chrysanthemum is CMV. The alternative of CMV control on plant is the use of vaccine CARNA 5. The objective of the experiment was to find out the application technique of vaccine for CMV protection on chrysanthemum. The experiment was conducted in Virology Laboratory of Indonesia Ornamental Plant Research Institute in Segunung from January to December 2001. RCBD with eight treatments and three replications were used. The treatments were grafting; mechanical inoculation of CARNA 5 with concentration 5 μg/ml, 10 μg/ml, 15 μg/ml, 20 μg/ml, and 25 μg/ml; through vector (aphid), and healthy chrysanthemum plant (control). The results of the experiment showed that chrysanthemum treated with various vaccine application techniques did not show mosaic symptoms. The quality of flower color showed that all treatments did not cause color breaking