11 research outputs found
Estimated proportion vaccinated on time by age (months) by vaccine for each geographical region in the Gambia for a) schedule 1 and b) schedule 2.
<p>Blue bars: proportion who received BCG on time. Brown bars: proportion who received DPT1 on time. Green bars: proportion who received DPT2 on time. Orange bars: proportion who received DPT3 on time. Turquoise bars: proportion who received measles vaccine on time. Red bars: proportion who received DPT booster on time. Vertical bars: 95% confidence intervals.</p
DPT3 coverage, GNI and under-5 mortality rate by countries in the AFRO region.
<p>Circle size represents size of under-5 mortality rate. (<a href="http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.DYN.MORT" target="_blank">http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.DYN.MORT</a>). Blue circle: WHO estimates for The Gambia. (<a href="http://apps.who.int/immunization_monitoring/globalsummary" target="_blank">http://apps.who.int/immunization_monitoring/globalsummary</a>). Green circle: URR and NBR combined. Grey circle: Western health region. Yellow circle: West Kiang, LRR. GNI: Gross National Income per capita.</p
General characteristics of the study population and study sites to evaluate the Expanded Programme on Immunisation in the Gambia between January 2005 and December 2012.
<p>HDSS: Health and Demographic surveillance system; DSS: demographic surveillance system; KeMRES: Keneba Electronic Medical Records System; EPI: Expanded Programme of Immunisation.</p><p>General characteristics of the study population and study sites to evaluate the Expanded Programme on Immunisation in the Gambia between January 2005 and December 2012.</p
Proportion of eligible children vaccinated and median age (in months) by vaccine type and by region in The Gambia.
<p>Blue bars: proportion who received BCG on time. Brown bars: proportion who received DPT1 on time. Green bars: proportion who received DPT2 on time. Orange bars: proportion who received DPT2 on time. Turquoise bars: proportion who received measles vaccine on time. Red bars: proportion who received DPT booster on time. Blue line: Median age (in months) for BCG. Brown line: Median age (in months) for DPT1. Green line: Median age (in months) for DPT2. Orange line: Median age (in months) for DPT3. Turquoise line: Median age (in months) for measles vaccine. Red line: Median age (in months) for DPT booster. Vertical bars: Interquartilte range in months of age at vaccination.</p
Map of The Gambia.
<p>WCR: Western Coastal Region; LRR: Lower River Region; CRR: Central River Region; URR: Upper River Region. Dashed circles represent the demographic surveillance sites: Farafenni Health and Demographic Surveillance System (FHDSS), Basse Health and Demographic Surveillance System (BHDSS), and Kiang West Demographic surveillance system (KWDSS).</p
Age for WHO recommended routine vaccinations in the Gambia.
<p>Age for WHO recommended routine vaccinations in the Gambia.</p
Frequency distribution of number of vaccinations received by age at vaccination (in weeks) for each of the study sites: a) North Bank region (2005–2012), b) South bank of the Upper River Region (2005–2012), c) West Kiang, Lower River Region (2005–2012), d) Western Health Region (June 2010), e) Greater Banjul Health facilities (2010–2011).
<p>Blue line: Proportion vaccinated with BCG vaccine. Brown line: Proportion vaccinated with 1 dose of DPT vaccine. Green line: Proportion vaccinated with 2 doses of DPT vaccine. Orange line: Proportion vaccinated with 3 doses of DPT vaccine. Blue/Green line: Proportion vaccinated with measles vaccine. Red line: Proportion vaccinated with DPT booster.</p
<b>Table 3.</b> Proportion delayed to vaccination and median delay by vaccine type and by geographical region in The Gambia.
<p>IQR: Interquartile range in weeks; <sup>1</sup>Median delay estimated from the upper limit of schedule 2 for each vaccine.</p><p><b>Table 3.</b> Proportion delayed to vaccination and median delay by vaccine type and by geographical region in The Gambia.</p
A schematic diagram of the HIV-1 clade A (HIVA) immunogen.
<p>The HIVA protein consists of consensus amino acid sequences of clade A p24 and p17 Gag and a string of partially overlapping CD8<sup>+</sup> T-cell epitopes identified in chronically infected individuals [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0078289#B23" target="_blank">23</a>]. Pool P90 of 15-mer peptides overlapping by 11 amino acids across the Gag portion is shown below the protein. Pool P9 consisted of known CD8<sup>+</sup> T-cell epitope peptides derived from the polyepitope region.</p
MVA.HIVA-elicited weak T-cell responses in fresh IFN-γ ELISPOT assay.
<p>The net fresh <i>ex-vivo</i> ELISPOT frequencies of IFN-γ-producing cells (mean of stimulated wells minus mean of negative control wells) to HIVA peptide pools P9 and P90 at all 4 bleed time points for the control (Con) and vaccinated (Vac) groups are shown. The p value for the only statistically significant difference between the two groups after Bonferroni correction is given. The median ‘mock’ no-peptide background response across all wells on plates that passed QC was 5 SFU/10<sup>6</sup> PBMC (IQ range 0-20), and median PHA response was 1,850 SFU/10<sup>6</sup> PBMC (IQ range 1,065- 2,960).</p