33 research outputs found

    Financial transactions in Islamic banking are viable alternatives to the conventional banking transactions

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    Islam has prohibited riba (interest) on loan given. When a lender lends money to another person, he is allowed to get back the capital amount only and not any additional amount which is usually fixed interest on the capital. Taking interest on loan given caused cruelty and injustice to poor people in the society during prophet Muhammad’s time who were unable to pay back the capital and the interest. So, Prophet Muhammad encouraged the rich people to give qard al-hasan (interest free loan) to the poor and needy people to help them to solve their problems. That’s why Allah (the Creator) prohibited taking interest but encouraged people who have money to invest the money in business. The profit obtained from business is permitted (halal) but fixed rate interest taken on loan given to a person is riba (interest) and it is prohibited. As Allah (the Creator) has prohibited interest, Muslims are prohibited to give interest, to take interest and to write down the interest transaction. Hence, Muslim scholars have invented some Islamic transactions which do not involve interest and Islamic banks are adopting these Islamic transactions. The objective of this paper is to narrate and analyze the Islamic banking transactions which are interest free and they are considered as alternatives to the conventional banking transactions

    Islamic law of contract is getting momentum

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    This article is basically a book review on the book written by Razali, Siti Salwani. The title of the book is the ‘Islamic Law of Contract’ which has been published by Cengage Learning from the United States in 2010. The ISBN of the book is 13: 978-981-4253-97-0 and there are a total of 124 pages. The authors of this review article (Dr. Jalil and Mr. Khalil) have reviewed the book to find its merits and demerits and finally have given some suggestions for its further improvement. The authors have also written some points on the Islamic law of contract which they think necessary for the readers (who are not exposed to the Islamic law of contract) to understand better on the Islamic law of contract as well as for a better insight on the relevant legal points involved therein

    Pro-Environmental Behaviours among Frontliner Employees in Oil and Gas Industry: Does Environmental Work Culture Really Matters?

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    Abstract. This study investigates the employee perceptions of organizational environmental initiatives and their impact on pro-pro-environmental behaviors and frequency of involvement in upstream oil and gas companies in Malaysia, such as the Production Arrangement Contractor and Service Provider Company. The study also examines a new area where environmental work culture acts as a moderator. Analyzed using SmartPLS, our findings demonstrate that supervisory support for environmental initiatives and environmental training has a positive effect on employee perception of organizational support for pro-pro-environmental behaviors. In contrast, the organization's rewards for pro-environmental behaviors do not have a significant impact on it. Following this, the employees' perceptions of organizational support for pro-environmental behaviors positively affect employee engagement in pro-environmental behaviors in both forms of employees' frequency of involvement and employees' innovative pro-environmental behaviors. The findings discovered that environmental work culture moderates the relationship of the effect of the organization's support practices on employee perception of organizational support for pro-environmental behaviors. This study is one of the first attempts to investigate the relationship between the pro-environmental behaviors within the upstream firms in the oil and gas industry. The findings are useful for practitioners in terms of exerting pro-environmental behaviors and facilitating employees' pro-environmental behaviors in the upstream oil and gas management sector.      Keywords:  Employee perceptions, pro-environmental behaviors, organizational support, work cultur

    Determinants of patients' satisfaction and trust toward healthcare service environment in general practice clinics

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    This study aimed to examine the healthcare service environment, patients' experience, and responses toward healthcare services in private general practice (GP) clinics. Self-administered questionnaires were used for collecting data from 367 respondents with prior experience in visiting the general practice clinics in Malaysia. SmartPLS statistical tool was used to test the underlying hypotheses. The results revealed that ambiance, service delivery, interior decor, and cleanliness had a significant influence on patients' trust and satisfaction while the exterior design is neither associated with satisfaction nor trust. Patients' satisfaction and trust had a higher significant effect on their repatronage intention, willingness to pay for a premium healthcare service, and engagement in word-of-mouth for healthcare services. In practice, both the service delivery and ambiance features of the healthcare services environment might be optimized by GP clinics. This research provides significant insights from the patients' perspective toward the GP clinics' healthcare services environment

    Bangladesh and SAARC Countries: Bilateral Trade and Flaring of Economic Cooperation

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    The primary purpose of this study is to observe the economic andinternational trade relationships between Bangladesh and SAARCcountries during the Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2020-2021. Thisresearch uses panel data to examine the relationship betweenthe nature and direction of exports and economic growth.The researcher found that economic cooperation with SAARCcountries impacted economic growth, but there was insufficientexport adaptation. The study also showed that economic relationshave strengthened in recent epochs, and bilateral trade hasincreased compared to previous years with SAARC countries.The obtained results also showed that Bangladesh has sufferedfrom a long-standing trade imbalance with India and is in agood position with Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives,Nepal, and Pakistan. Our findings are beneficial for internationaltrade stakeholders and suggest that steps should be taken toincrease exports to reduce the trade deficit. Concern authoritiesshould be more aware of the expansion of trade facilitation andinfrastructure development.JEL Classification: F5, F18, F23, F50, M1


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    The most recent COVID-19 pandemic has posed a risk to the world economy that has never been seen before. Therefore, the welcoming attitude of the residents in tourist destinations has become a concern for post-COVID-19 tourism recovery. There seem to be many issues concerning the interactions of hosts and tourists as Covid-19 fear exists. Thus, this study aims to examine the role of place attachment and host tourists' attractions on the welcoming attitude of the residents in Langkawi, Malaysia. The researchers conducted a quantitative method and cross-sectional approach in this study. Researchers distributed 600 questionnaires to the respondents in Langkawi, Malaysia, and 461 usable questionnaires were returned and proceeded for further analysis. This study used structural equation modelling to use Smart PLS version 3 software. In structural equation modelling, the measurement and structural model of the study were reported. The study found that place attachment and host tourists interaction play a significant role in maximizing residents' welcoming attitude. The practitioners and academicians will be benefited from the outcome study while exploring tourism recovery strategies and post-Covid tourist arrival

    The greatest good for the greatest number of people: an Islamic philosophical analysis

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    The western ethical philosophy provides that if any decision brings the greatest good for the greatest number of people, then the decision is acceptable although a small number of people might be affected by the decision. This is also known as democratic rule of making decision based on majority opinions. There are similar principles in Islam known as ‘al-maslahah al-mursalah’ which means ‘for public interest’. It means that if any decision is taken by a business leader or by an authority for the interest of employees or the public then that decision is acceptable in Islamic jurisprudence. Islam accepts a decision if it is beneficial for the society. There is another principle in Islam which is known as ‘Istihsan’ which means ‘judicial preference’. Muslim scholars use this concept to prefer one decision over another on public interest ground. However, it is noteworthy that as mankind, we are the vicegrants (Khalifa) of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’alaa) on earth as well as representatives of the general masses of the society. So, whatever decision which is formulated, it should be for the benefit of people and at the same time for the satisfaction and contentment of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’alaa). The objective of this paper is to critically analyze the possibility of harmonizing the western philosophy ‘the greatest good for the greatest number of people’ with the Islamic jurisprudential principles ‘al-maslahah al-mursalah’ and ‘al-Istihsan’. Qualitative research approach was employed in this study to critically analyze the above mentioned jurisprudential principles

    Arrest and police remand issue of top Jamaat leaders in Bangladesh: under the guise of hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims

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    Bangladesh is a country which is located at the Southern part of the globe, Southern side of India and on the bank of the Bay-of-Bengal. It was formerly a part of Pakistan but Bangladesh is now an independent country. On 16 December 1971, Bangladesh became separated after nine months of a bloody liberation/civil war with Pakistan. The main objective of the liberation was to obtain independence so as the development of the country can be fully implemented in all aspects, as far as possible, in order to meet the needs of people who have been long ignored by the former masters. But the objectives of indepence were not that easily fulfilled because in 1972 and after numerous democratic parties were established in Bangladesh, but they still could not work together peacefully as joint partners for the development of the country. The political party leaders still have the mentality of their former masters which they have unconsciously inherited in terms of jealousy and feeling of distrust amongst themselves subsequently developing into open hostility and bloody fighting among themselves on minor differences of political ideology and policy. This paper focuses on the current scenario of social-political situation in Bangladesh

    Human rights violation and political persecution in Bangladesh: the current scenery

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    Bangladesh emerged as an independent country in the South Asia in 1971 after being separated from Pakistan. In 1971 it was a very poor country. The general people had a hope and dream that the political parties will develop the country and will eradicate poverty gradually, will provide jobs to the 50% unemployed people, will educate the 60% illiterate people; but their holy hope and dream have not been fulfilled due to frequent hostile political culture, beating, killing among the political party members, no patriotism among the political leaders, massive corruption, unnecessary frequent strike, unnecessary opposition to the government policy etc. This paper has narrated the past and current social and political situation in Bangladesh briefly with the help of data collected from newspapers and statements given by intellectuals and political leaders. Descriptive and analytical research methodology has been applied in this paper to narrate the situation

    Human Rights Violation and Political Persecution in Bangladesh: The Current Scenery

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    Bangladesh emerged as an independent country in the South Asia in 1971 after being separated from Pakistan. In 1971 it was a very poor country. The general people had a hope and dream that the political parties will develop the country and will eradicate poverty gradually, will provide jobs to the 50% unemployed people, will educate the 60% illiterate people; but their holy hope and dream have not been fulfilled due to frequent hostile political culture, beating, killing among the political party members, no patriotism among the political leaders, massive corruption, unnecessary frequent strike, unnecessary opposition to the government policy etc. This paper has narrated the past and current social and political situation in Bangladesh briefly with the help of data collected from newspapers and statements given by intellectuals and political leaders. Descriptive and analytical research methodology has been applied in this paper to narrate the situation