346 research outputs found

    Camera Calibration through Geometric Constraints from Rotation and Projection Matrices

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    The process of camera calibration involves estimating the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, which are essential for accurately performing tasks such as 3D reconstruction, object tracking and augmented reality. In this work, we propose a novel constraints-based loss for measuring the intrinsic (focal length: (fx,fy)(f_x, f_y) and principal point: (px,py)(p_x, p_y)) and extrinsic (baseline: (bb), disparity: (dd), translation: (tx,ty,tz)(t_x, t_y, t_z), and rotation specifically pitch: (θp)(\theta_p)) camera parameters. Our novel constraints are based on geometric properties inherent in the camera model, including the anatomy of the projection matrix (vanishing points, image of world origin, axis planes) and the orthonormality of the rotation matrix. Thus we proposed a novel Unsupervised Geometric Constraint Loss (UGCL) via a multitask learning framework. Our methodology is a hybrid approach that employs the learning power of a neural network to estimate the desired parameters along with the underlying mathematical properties inherent in the camera projection matrix. This distinctive approach not only enhances the interpretability of the model but also facilitates a more informed learning process. Additionally, we introduce a new CVGL Camera Calibration dataset, featuring over 900 configurations of camera parameters, incorporating 63,600 image pairs that closely mirror real-world conditions. By training and testing on both synthetic and real-world datasets, our proposed approach demonstrates improvements across all parameters when compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) benchmarks. The code and the updated dataset can be found here: https://github.com/CVLABLUMS/CVGL-Camera-Calibratio

    Lembaga tahfizh Al-Qur’an dalam sejarah pendidikan Islam

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    This paper studies a number of questions about the Quran recitation, including the background that encouraged the birth of the Quran recitation activities in the history of Islamic education, since when it emerged and how the history of the development of educational institutions. The research was conducted by library research method by reading a number of historical books on the development of Islamic education during the time of Rasulullahah PBUH until the current development. From the results of the study it was concluded that first, the emergence of the activities of the Tahfizh al Quran was motivated by oral traditions which were more dominant in the Arabs during the time of the Prophet's preaching. Thus, the revelations that came down and were taught by the Prophet were memorized more. Secondly, the memorizing of al Quran appears with the start of the Islamic preaching by the Messenger of Allah. Under the direct guidance of the Messenger, the Companions who were dominated by ahlush shuffah memorized the Quran and make their readings. In further developments, as a special educational material, the tahfizh al Quran grew even more when the function of the mosque as a community education institution was greater and with the emergence of kuttab during the Umayyad era. Third, the tahfizh al Quran has become a scientific tradition that continues to exist even though its institutional form has evolved from the form of mosque schools, kuttab, palace schools, madrasas to universities. AbstrakArtikel ini meneliti beberapa pertanyaan tentang tahfizh al Quran mencakup latar belakang yang mendorong lahirnya kegiatan tahfizh al Quran dalam sejarah pendidikan Islam, sejak kapan muncul dan bagaimana sejarah perkembangan lembaga pendidikannya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode riset kepustakaan dengan membaca beberapa buku sejarah perkembangan pendidikan Islam pada masa Rasulullaah saw hingga perkembangan saat ini. Dari hasil kajian disimpulkan bahwa pertama, munculnya kegiatan tahfizh al Quran dilatarbelakangi tradisi lisan yang lebih dominan pada bangsa Arab pada masa dakwah Rasulullah. Sehingga, wahyu yang turun dan diajarkan oleh Rasulullah lebih banyak dihafal. Kedua, tahfizh al Quran muncul seiring dimulainya dakwah Islam oleh Rasulullah. Di bawah bimbingan langsung Rasulullah, para shahabat yang didominasi ahlush shuffah menghafal al Quran dan memperdengarkan bacaannya. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, sebagai materi pendidikan khusus, tahfizh al Quran semakin berkembang ketika fungsi masjid sebagai lembaga pendidikan masyarakat semakin besar dan seiring munculnya kuttab pada masa Umayyah. Ketiga, tahfidz al Quran menjadi tradisi keilmuan yang tetap ada meskipun bentuk kelembagaannya mengalami perkembangan dari mulai bentuk sekolah masjid, kuttab, sekolah istana, madrasah hinga perguruan tinggi

    The Problems in Translating A Short Story "Arinillah" by Taufik Hakim in Terms of Grammar

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    The problem in this study is the problem of grammar contained in the translation of a collection of short stories Arinillah by Taufik Hakim. This study aims to determine the number of grammatical issues and the types of grammatical problems in the translated text of Arinillah's short story with the theme of love. This research is included in library research with the primary data in the form of words, sentences, and expressions contained in Arinillah's short story collection. The data obtained were then categorized according to their type and then analyzed. From the study results, it was found that there were grammatical problems at the level of phrases and sentences contained in four short stories with the theme of love. This study resulted in 63 grammatical problems in translating a collection of short stories by Taufiq Al-Hakim arinillah. The issues can be classified into several types: tarkib washfi, tarkib idhafi, atahf mathuf, taukid, simple sentences, complete sentences, and complex sentences


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    The two rings in the title compound, C11H12N2O4S, are roughly coplanar [dihedral angle = 6.77 (8)°]. Whereas the two outer methyl groups of the three meth­oxy groups are almost coplanar with the aromatic ring to which they are attached [C—C—O—C torsion angles = 8.5 (3) and −8.3 (3)°], the methyl group of the central meth­oxy substituent is not [C—C—C—C = −78.4 (3)°]. The crystal packing is stabilized by N—H⋯O hydrogen bonding

    Formulasi minuman imunomodulator dari biji kakao pilihan klon Sulawesi Barat dengan penambahan kayu manis (Cinnammomum cassia)

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    Polifenol merupakan senyawa alami yang ditemukan pada tumbuhan, salah satunya pada buah kakao. Senyawa ini memiliki kemampuan sebagai antioksidan, anti aging (anti penuaan dini), anti inflamasi dan anti diabetes. Pada biji kakao tanpa fermentasi mengandung berbagai senyawa polifenol, sekitar 60% total polifenol berupa monomer-monomer   flavanol   (epikatekin dan katekin) dan oligomer prosianidin (dimer dan dekamer) dengan konsentrasi yang bervariasi. Komponen senyawa ini mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan  yang kuat dengan sifat-sifat fisiologis yaitu menghambat aktivitas α-amilase dan  α-glukosidase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk formulasi minuman imunomodulator dari pencampuran biji kakao dan kayu manis, serta mengkarakterisasi aktivitas penghambatan α-glukosidase, polifenol dan organoleptik pada produk tersebut.  Karakterisasi minuman imunomodulator untuk kadar polifenol menggunakan metode folin ciocalteau, kadar air dan kelarutan dengan metode AOAC, metode DPPH untuk aktivitas penghambatan enzim α-glukosidase, serta analisis sensori menggunakan metode hedonic tingkat kesukaan. Formulasi terbaik pada sampel A1 (10% bubuk kayu manis) menghasilkan kadar polifenol 251.12 mg GAE/g, aktivitas penghambatan enzim α-glukosidase  794.9 ppm, kadar air 4.62% dan kelarutan 72.54%. sedangkan formulasi sampel A5 disukai konsumen dari segi rasa dan aroma. Hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya efek antiglikemik dari tanaman kayu manis (Cinnamomum cassia) yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai minuman imunomodulator bagi penderita diabetes mellitus