4 research outputs found


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    PERENCANAAN TYPE PONDASI TIANG PANCANG HOTEL RICH PALACE SURABAYA DENGAN ZONA GEMPA KUAT Oleh : Muhammad Periyadi ABSTRAK Tanah yang bersifat expansive soil dan perubahan pada zona gempa merupakan tantangan dalam merencanakan pondasi yang akan digunakan pada pelaksanaan pembangunan proyek ini. Expansive soil adalah tanah yang mempunyai kembang susut yang besar dan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kadar air, apabila musim hujan tanah akan mengembang dan akan menyusut bila musim kemarau. Perbedaan jenis tanah untuk tiap kedalaman merupakan permasalahan tersendiri dalam melakukan perhitungan kemampuan kelompok tiang pancang, untuk itu harus diketahui koefisien karakteristik tanah bila ingin mengetahui daya dukung tiang secara individu maupun kelompok. Data yang perlu disiapkan untuk analisa perbandingan type pondasi tiang pancang pada pembangunan Hotel Rich Palace yaitu data boring serta beban yang akan diterima oleh pondasi. Perencanaan kedalaman tiang pancang untuk gedung penunjang Hotel Rich Palace Surabaya ini adalah pada kedalaman 26 m dari permukaan tanah. Analisa perhitungan daya dukung pondasi tiang pancang berdasarkan data sondir dan boring, menunjukkan bahwa type pondasi tiang pancang yang efektif dan efisien adalah pondasi tiang pancang berpenampang lingkaran dengan diameter Ø40 cm dan Ø50 cm. Kata Kunci : Expansive Soil, Sondir, Boring, Daya Dukung Pondasi Tiang Pancan


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    The Baby Body Length Measurement System with Machine Learning methods and Open CV library is a system designed to make it easier for Posyandu officers to take measurements of the baby's body length, where this system will measure the baby's body length using a camera, and assisted with library image processing, namely, Open CV, and to measure the length of the baby's body using Machine Learning, namely the Linear Regression method, and the measurement data will be sent to a Web application so that the baby's mother can monitor the growth and development of her baby, The system that was built has an average error of -1,42 in the condition of the lamp with a power of 40Watt and in the light of a lamp with a power of 11Watt the average error is found with a value of -15,37 and at a distance of 64 cm the system can detect objects and measure the length of the object with an average measurement error of -10,6


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    Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis (1)Seberapa besar budaya organisasi mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawanBanjarmasin Post Group (B.Post) (2) Seberapa besar lingkungan kerja mempunyaipengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan Banjarmasin Post Group (B.Post) (2) Seberapabesar budaya organisasi dan lingkungan kerja secara bersama mempunyai pengaruhterhadap kinerja karyawan Banjarmasin Post Group (B.Post).Penelitian ini dilakukandengan metode kuantitatif serta menggunakan metode analisis dengan SPSS WindowsFor Data sebagai sebuah alat analisis data.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwadalam analisis regresi linier berganda didapatkan bahwa kedua variabel yaitu variabelbudaya organisasi, lingkungan kerja berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerjakaryawan Banjarmasin Post. Dari hasil analisis tersebut akan menghasilkan kesimpulanbahwa variabel budaya organisasi, lingkungan kerja mempengaruhi kinerja karyawandalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya sehari – hari

    Improving the Productivity of Laying Hens Through a Modern Cage Cleanliness Monitoring System that Utilizes Integrated Sensors and IoT Technology

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    Animal husbandry plays a crucial role in the Indonesian economy. One example is layer farming. The cage's environmental conditions can have an impact on the health of laying hens, including factors like temperature, humidity, and the presence of ammonia gas. This research aims to support chicken farmers in identifying and monitoring the environmental conditions surrounding their chicken coops, with the goal of enhancing the productivity of laying hens. This study is organized using a prototype development approach. The proposed system utilizes Arduino UNO as a microcontroller, ESP32 as a connecting node from hardware to software, MQ-135 sensor as an ammonia gas sensor, DHT-22 sensor as a temperature and humidity sensor, and 16x2 I2C LCD to display the collected data. WIFI connected web monitoring system built with Laravel, MySQL, and Bootstrap. An improvement to the existing system is the integration of an ammonia gas odor sensor calibrated against clean air as a reference. Testing was conducted for a continuous period of 7 days. Comparison of test results is performed with existing devices to observe the difference in measured values. The measurement result demonstrates a remarkable ability to accurately measure temperature, humidity, and ammonia levels in the air. The difference with the comparable device was about 2%.  Meanwhile, the monitoring dashboard for IoT functional monitoring operates effectively, allowing chicken farmers to efficiently analyze the cleanliness of their chicken coops. All measurement parameters are conveniently recorded in the form of tables and graphs, providing valuable information