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    Hambatan Dalam Pelaksanaan Program Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL)

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    Abstrct Problem: This study aims to examine the problems in the practice of Complete Systematic Land Registration which is a program to create a single map in Indonesia. Land registration through the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program is expected to be able to realize legal certainty and legal protection for land rights holders. However, in practice there are several obstacles in the implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration program that can affect the success of the program and compliance with regulations governing land registration and the Complete Systematic Land Registration program itself. From this description, the author wants to further examine what obstacles exist in the Complete Systematic Land Registration program. Purpose: From this description, the author would like to further examine what obstacles exist in the Complete Systematic Land Registration program. Methodolgy: The research method used is a qualitative approach and an exploratory study method using data from a literature review. Results/Findings: The results of this study that the problems that often occur when filing and Complete Systematic Land Registration include (1) the income tax budget and fees for the acquisition of land and building rights owed, (2) the problem of the rights used, (3) human resources, the problem of bare/absentee land, (4) maximum excess and abandoned land, (5) as well as the problem of announcement of physical data and juridical data. The solution to the obstacles that exist in the implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration is Strengthening quality control over each stage of Complete Systematic Land Registration, Providing work maps (base maps, land registration maps, regional maps, Government Internal Control System maps and asset data of local Governments/Business Entities State-Owned/Regional-Owned Enterprises for field officers, Punishment and whistleblowing system mechanisms, Improved data validation procedures on the Computerized Land Activities application and Complete Systematic Land Registration dashboard, Review and refinement of technical guidelines for budget implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration and quality control. Paper Type: Literature Review Keywords: complete systematic land registration, land, land registration, obstacles.Abstrak Masalah: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji problematika dalam praktik Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) yang merupakan program untuk mewujudkan peta tunggal di Indonesia. Pendaftaran tanah melalui Program PTSL diharapkan mampu mewujudkan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum bagi pemegang hak atas tanah. Namun dalam praktiknya terdapat beberapa hambatan dalam pelaksanaan program PTSL yang dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan pragram tersebut dan ketaatan terhadap peraturan yang mengatur mengenai pendaftaran tanah maupun program PTSL itu sendiri. Tujuan: Dari uraian tersebut, penulis ingin mengkaji lebih lanjut hambatan apa saja yang terdapat pada program Pendaftaran tanah sistematis Lengkap (PTSL). Metodologi: Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan metode kajian eksploratorif menggunakan data dari kajian pustaka. Temuan/Hasil Penelitian: Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa problematika yang sering terjadi saat pengajuan dan Pendaftaran Tanah Sstematis Lengkap diantaranya adalah (1) anggaran Pajak PPh dan BPHTB terhutang, (2) masalah alas hak yang digunakan, (3) sumber daya manusia, problem tanah guntai/absentee, (4) kelebihan maksimum dan tanah terlantar, (5) serta problem pengumuman data fisik dan data yuridis. Solusi dari hambatan yang ada pada pelaksanaan PTSL adalah Penguatan kendali mutu atas tiap tahapan PTSL, Pembekalan peta kerja (peta dasar, peta pendaftaran tanah, peta kawasan, peta SPIPP dan data aset Pemda/BUMN/BUMD) pada petugas lapangan, Punishment dan mekanisme whistleblowing system, Perbaikan prosedur validasi data pada aplikasi KKP dan dashboard PTSL, Reviu dan penyempurnaan juknis pelaksanaan anggaran PTSL serta kendali mutunya. Jenis penelitian: Studi Literatur Kata kunci: Tanah, Pendaftaran Tanah, Pendaftaran tanah sisematis Lengkap, Hambata