86 research outputs found

    Effect of Exercise and Caloric Restriction on Renal Dopamine d1 Receptor Function in Obese Zucker Rats

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    Obesity is a major risk factor for the development of hypertension and it is associated with hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia (type II diabetes), sodium retention and oxidative stress. However, the mechanisms involved in obesity related development of hypertension are not clearly understood. Development of hypertension can be explained in part by sodium retention resulting from impaired regulation of sodium homeostasis. Renal dopamine, acting via the renal dopamine D1 receptor (D1R), promotes the excretion of sodium and plays a vital role in the maintenance of sodium homeostasis. Impairment of D1R function is associated with hypertension in humans and animal models including Leprfa/fa Zucker (obese) rats. We have previously reported that treatment of these rats with antioxidants or insulin sensitizers reduced insulin levels and oxidative stress, restored D1R function and reduced blood pressure. Further, the redox sensitive transcription factor, nuclear factor κ B (NFκB) has been implicated in impairment of D1R function during oxidative stress. We investigated the effect of exercise on insulin levels, oxidative stress, nuclear translocation of NFκB, blood pressure, albuminuria, and D1R function. The exercise protocol involved treadmill exercise from three weeks of age for eight weeks. Exercise reduced oxidative stress, nuclear translocation of NFκB and albuminuria. However, exercise did not reduce plasma insulin levels or blood pressure. Also, selective D1R agonist (SKF38393) mediated increases in GTPγS binding and sodium excretion were impaired in obese rats compared to lean rats and exercise did not restore this defect. We concluded that, although exercise is beneficial in reducing oxidative stress and renal injury, reducing insulin levels may be required to restore D1R function in obese rats. This hypothesis is supported by our findings that three-week-old Leprfa/fa Zucker (obese) rats do not display oxidative stress, increased nuclear translocation of NFκB, or elevated blood pressure. However, they display hyperinsulinemia and impaired inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase in response to D1R agonist. Caloric restriction has been shown to attenuate hyperinsulinemia in obese rats. We hypothesized that caloric restriction in obese rats, starting from an early age, will reduce insulin levels, restore D1R function, and reduce blood pressure. Caloric restriction in obese rats reduced insulin levels by ~50%. However, it did not reduce oxidative stress, did not restore D1R function, or reduce blood pressure. Therefore, we conclude that both hyperinsulinemia and oxidative stress can independently impair renal dopamine D1 receptor function and contribute to the development of hypertension in obese rats. Simultaneously reducing both oxidative stress and hyperinsulinemia might be required to restore renal dopamine D1 receptor function and lower blood pressure.Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department o

    Factors affecting ventriculoperitoneal shunt survival in adult patients

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    Background: Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt insertion remains the mainstay of treatment for hydrocephalus despite a high rate of complications. The predictors of shunt malfunction have been studied mostly in pediatric patients. In this study, we report our 11-year experience with VP shunts in adult patients with hydrocephalus. We also assess the various factors affecting shunt survival in a developing country setting.Methods: A retrospective chart analysis was conducted for all adult patients who had undergone shunt placement between the years 2001 and 2011. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to determine the duration from shunt placement to first malfunction and log-rank (Cox-Mantel) tests were used to determine the factors affecting shunt survival.Results: A total of 227 patients aged 18-85 years (mean: 45.8 years) were included in the study. The top four etiologies of hydrocephalus included post-cranial surgery (23.3%), brain tumor or cyst (22.9%), normal pressure hydrocephalus (15%), and intracranial hemorrhage (13.7%). The overall incidence of shunt malfunction was 15.4% with the median time to first shunt failure being 120 days. Etiology of hydrocephalus (P = 0.030) had a significant association with the development of shunt malfunction. Early shunt failure was associated with age (P \u3c 0.001), duration of hospital stay (P \u3c 0.001), Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score less than 13 (P = 0.010), excision of brain tumors (P = 0.008), and placement of extra-ventricular drains (P = 0.033).Conclusions: Patients with increased age, prolonged hospital stay, GCS score of less than 13, extra-ventricular drains in situ, or excision of brain tumors were more likely to experience early shunt malfunction

    Factors affecting functional outcome after decompressive craniectomy performed for traumatic brain injury: A retrospective, cross-sectional study

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    Background: Factors affecting functional outcome after decompressive craniectomy (DC) performed for traumatic brain injury (TBI) remain poorly understood.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of all patients who underwent primary DC for TBI at our hospital between 2010 and 2014. Multivariate regression analyses were used to determine the predictors of functional outcome and overall survival.Results: A total of 98 patients with severe (n = 81, 82.6%) or moderate (n = 17, 17.4%) TBI underwent primary DC and were included in this study. The 30-day and overall mortality rates were 15.3% and 25.5%, respectively. At a median follow-up of 90 (interquartile range (IQR): 38-180) days, median Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) and Glasgow outcome scale-extended (GOSE) scores were 50 (IQR: 20-70) and 5 (IQR: 3-7), respectively. Young age and severe TBI were predictors of mortality. Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score on discharge was a strong predictor of KPS and GOSE scores.Conclusion: Primary DC afforded an acceptable functional outcome (GOSE score ≥5) in 45.9% of patients. Young age and lower GCS at presentation were associated with worse survival. GCS score on discharge was a strong predictor of functional outcome

    Intersex gender determination in classical Islamic law and modern medicine: an analysis for Integration

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    Intersexuality is a biological fact of human birth. Unlike the normal birth of human species as boys and girls, instances of babies born with ambiguous sexual denomination has been part of human procreation since time immemorial. In the context of Islam, Islamic law contains both regular laws and special provisions dealing with this genre of humans. In the process, the most perplexing issue facing classical jurists was juridical determination of intersexuality in order to decide which set of laws can apply on an intersex. Therefore, they formulated their own juridical criteria and set of indicators mainly dealing with the appearance of genitalia at birth and its function during infancy, otherwise postponing their judgments until the exhibition of secondary characteristic by such individuals. Modern medical science changed the landscape by examining not only the external genitalia but also internal sexual system and chromosomal formula to assign a particular gender to an intersex. This study after delineating the position in both fiqh and medicine argue for regulated integration between the two

    The gaps in fatwa on intersex corrective surgery: Some reflections in the context of Malaysia

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    Intersex being a birth impairment in human babies is a fact of human precreation. Opposed to normal birth of humans as males and females incidents of babies with vague gender identity have perturbed people and families as to how to socially place them within the binary system of men and women in the community. In Islam, it is more important in view of the gendered orientation of some Islamic laws and its system of social ethics. Accordingly, jurists formulated an Islamic blueprint to manage this segment. However, their main criteria to align such individuals to one of the normal genders were inadequate to assign a specific sex to all intersex. Medical science, on the other hand, proposes not only to achieve precise diagnoses of intersex conditions but also to manage them medically. Accordingly, Muslim jurists and muftis by and large celebrated this medical solution as a better remedy to resolve this juridical perplexing question. This study, however, argues that juristic stamp of approval needs to be more ethically grounded so as to avoid pitfalls inherent in this medical innovation

    Neurofibromatosis type 2 patient presenting with medulloblastoma

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    Background: Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is an autosomal dominant syndrome with a frequency of 1 in 25,000 live births and a penetrance of almost 100% by the sixth decade of life. The main tumors occurring in NF2 patients are bilateral vestibular schwannomas, other peripheral, cranial and spinal nerve schwannomas, intracranial and intraspinal meningiomas, ependymomas, and gliomas.Case description: We report the case of a 6-year-old boy who presented with a 1-month history of nausea and recurrent vomiting. Physical examination was positive for ataxic gait and left-sided facial nerve palsy. Family history was positive for NF2 in the patient\u27s father and paternal uncle. Magnetic resonance imaging brain revealed a solid enhancing lesion arising from the right cerebellar cortex, which was effacing the fourth ventricles and causing hydrocephalus. Craniotomy and excision of the lesion were performed. Histopathology report confirmed the diagnosis to be desmoplastic medulloblastoma. Based on the patients\u27 subsequent history and family history, he was diagnosed to be a case of NF2.Conclusion: This is the first case of medulloblastoma occurring in a patient with NF2 and raises the possibility of an association between medulloblastoma and NF2

    تنمية صناعة األغذية الحالل في ماليزيا رؤية تأصيلية فقهية

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    حياتو، وقدُضمنوُاهللُتعاىلُبأسبابوُ- بذاتوُالعالية- لإلنسانُحالُاستخالفوُونزولوُإىلُاألرض )إنُلكُأالُجتوعُ فيهاُوالُتعرىُوأنكُالُتظمأُفيهاُوالُتضحى(ُطوُ:118-119 ،وجعلُيفُاألرض- مبنوُوتسخَتهُ– ماُيقوت اإلنسانُوأنعاموُ)أخرجُمنهاُماءىاُومرعاىاُ(ُ)النازعات:ُ31ُ،)وقالُتعاىلُ)فلينظرُاإلنسانُإىلُطعاموُأناُصببناُ ادلاءُصباُمثُشققناُاألرضُشقاُفأنبتناُفيهاُحباُوعنباُوقضباُوزيتوناُوطلالُُوحدائقُغلباُوفاكهةُوأباُمتاعاُلكمُ وألنعامكمُ(ُ)عبسُ:ُ24-32 .ُ)وُألعليةُصناعةُالغذاءُاشتدُالتنافسُمؤخراُيفُصناعةُاألغذيةُاحلاللُسيماُبُتُ ماليزياُوبعضُالدولُاألسيويةُُكالصُتُواذلندُواليابانُفضالُعنُالدولُالعربيةُاإلسالميةُبادلشرقُالعريب. وىذهُالورقةُ تؤكدُدورُالتنميةُالتنافسيةُيفُصناعةُاألغذيةُاحلاللُمنُخاللُالضوابطُالشرعيةُاإلسالميةُيفُماليزياُخاصةُوبُتُ غَتىاُمنُدولُالعامل. الكلمات االفتتاحية: تنمية- صناعةُ– الغذاء- احلالل- فقهية Abstract: Food -is one of the fundamental human needs. We need to live our life to the best expectation. The body needs calories and a variety of nutrients including protein, fat and carbohydrates every day to grow functions and repairs. Without food the body begins to atrophy, that is why God made on earth what sustains man and his cattle. Recently there is a strong competition -in halal food –industry, particularly between Malaysia and some of its neighbours such as China, India and Japan as well as the Arab Islamic countries in the Middle East. This paper emphasizes the role of competitive development in Halal food- industry through Islamic Sharia law principles- in particular in Malaysia- and generally other countries in the world

    Ideological Dimensions of Muslim Nationalism and Democracy

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    oai:ojs2.www.ijsshe.com:article/14The term “Nationalism” can be redefined within the scope of Post-colonial discourse and often looked to be different in meaning for the readers. It requires a deep and intensive observation of the historical facts which contributed a great deal tracing origin and gauging development of the notion of ‘nationalism’ in South Asia. Nationalism in its simplest means is the similarity in culture, politics, religion, economic endeavours and social norms of the inhabitants of a particular region. The democratic era commenced in Europe with its marvellous philosophy. European enlightenment and emancipation passed through many phases. As far as Muslim Nationalism is concerned, especially in colonial setting, it is evolution of centuries old phenomenon based on Two-Nation Theory which in itself is not the product of one day. Research paper in hand throws light on the very evolution of the ideological dimensions of Muslim Nationalism resulting into the form of democracy which has ultimately been evolved in today’s socio-political framework

    A Literature Review on Islamic Estate Planning From Year 2014 to 2019

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    A systematic property planning is one of the most important processes to ensure that the accumulated property over a person\u27s lifetime can be fully utilized for goodness especially by their heirs. However, there are many problems of neglection and postponement in islamic estate distribution among the heirs nowadays, which result in difficulties in the management process. In fact, because of the unfamiliarity of the property distribution process among the heirs has caused them to ignore existing solutions. Therefore, this article aims to study the factors leading to delays in islamic estate administration and to highlight solutions to the arising issues from 107 research articles and discussions on islamic estate planning instruments from the year 2014 to 2019 to better understand this issue. This study is qualitative in nature and based on document analysis from previous literature in property management. The collected articles were analysed descriptively using Atlas ti 8 software and the total frequency of each variable was measured using Microsoft Excel 2007. This article is focusing on several variables including the frequency of articles issued on the topic, article production types, data analysis methods, approach pattern research, the gender of the authors, the rank of authors according to number of articles produced, list of journals and publication types. The initial review of this study has ascertained that there are numerous related studies done between the year 2014 to 2019 compared to the previous years. In general, this article is showing the islamic estate administration system and its laws are influencing factors apart from its relation to individual awareness in achieving better property management. In fact, each instruments; islamic inheritance, will, gift and islamic entrustment nowdays are growing rapidly in many sectors. These instruments offer good solutions in achieving effective islamic estate planning if its functions are well understood and observed. This indicates that the issue of islamic estate planning is still significant and has been extensively researched. Therefore, it is hoped that this study may provide a comprehensive overview of current issues related to islamic estate planning and provide a broader perspective to recent and future studies in addressing this issue