1 research outputs found

    Analisis Total Productive Maintenance Dengan Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness Pada Mesin Mixing Batching Di PT. Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk Boyolali

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    Problems: The machines used for the production of concrete include welding machines, concrete mixer machines, spinning machines, and mobile hopper machines. Of the machines that have experienced disturbances in the production section, are batching mixer machines. Batching mixer machines are used for mixing sand, coral and cement raw materials. Problems often occur in batching mixer machines because there are often some problems or machine damage. The batching mixer which is often damaged, the batching mixer is the end part of the batching plant machine which functions as a machine for mixing and mixing concrete raw materials. Mixer batching machines often experience downtime and breakdown of 865 minutes and breakdown of 265 minutes in 9 months from January to September 2022. Purpose: Using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method, this study aims to identify the factors that contribute to breakdowns and downtime on mixer batching machines and to assess the level of machine utilization efficiency. Methodology: This research uses descriptive analysis method through field research. Results/Findings: The cause of the high value of downtime which causes a low overall equipment effectiveness value of 82%, it is necessary to carry out operator training regarding the machine being handled, increasing the intensity of maintenance of the Batching Plant machine due to the high Batching Plant machine working hours of 90%, causing a low Performance Rate value, namely by 88% for nine months in January - September 2022, the low Performance Rate value is the main cause of the OEE value on Batching Plant machines getting an average value of 82%.Masalah: Mesin yang dipergunakan dalam memproduksi Beton tersebut yakni mesin las, mesin mixer beton, mesin spinning, dan mesin hopper mobile. Mesin batching mixer adalah yang paling berpengaruh dari semua mesin di area produksi. Mesin mixer batching digunakan untuk kegiatan penyampuran bahan baku pasir, koral, dan semen. Permasalahan sering terjadi pada mesin mixer batching karena sering terjadi beberapa kendala atau kerusakan mesin. Mixer batching yang sering terjadi kerusakan, mixer batching ialah bagian ujung dari mesin batching plant yang berguna sebagai mesin untuk mengaduk dan mencampur bahan baku beton. Pada mesin mixer batching sering mengalami downtime dan breakdown sebesar 865 menit dan breakdown sebesar 265 menit dalam 9 bulan pada bulan Januari sampai September tahun 2022. Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan guna mencari tahu berbagai faktor mesin mixer batching mogok dan mengalami downtime dan Melakukan analisis tingkat efektifitas pemakaian mesin menggunakan metode Overall Equipment Evectiveness (OEE). Metodologi: Melalui penelitian lapangan, metode analisis deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Temuan/Hasil Penelitian: Penyebab tingginya nilai downtime yang menyebabkan rendahnya nilai overall equipment effectiveness yaitu sebesar 82%, perlu dilakukan pelatihan operator perihal mesin yang ditangani, meningkatkan intensitas perawatan pada mesin Batching Plant dikarenakan jam kerja mesin Batching Plant yang tinggi sebesar 90%, meneyebabkan rendahnya nilai Performance Rate yaitu sebesar 88% selama Sembilan bulan pada bulan Januari – September 2022, rendah nya nilai Performace Rate adalah penyebab utama nilai OEE pada mesin Batching Plant mendapatkan nilai rata – rata sebesar 82%