390 research outputs found

    Fruticose lichen communities at the edge: distribution and diversity in a desert sky island on the Colorado Plateau

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    Subalpine habitats in sky islands in the Southwestern USA are currently facing largescale transformations. Lichens have widely been used as bioindicators of environmental change. On the Colorado Plateau, fruticose lichens occur in patchy, disconnected populations, including unique lichen-draped conifer sites in subalpine forests in the La Sal Mountains in southeastern Utah. Here, we document the distribution and fungal diversity within these lichen communities. We find that lichen-draped conifer sites in the La Sal Mountains are restricted to only three known, small areas in Picea englemannii forests above 3000 m above sea level, two of which have recently been impacted by wildfire. We document 30 different species of lichen-forming fungi in these communities, several which represent the first reports from the Colorado Plateau. We also characterize mycobiont haplotype diversity for the fruticose lichens Evernia divaricata, Ramalina sinensis, and multiple Usnea species. We also report a range of diverse fungi associated with these lichens, including genetic clusters representing 22 orders spanning seven classes of Ascomycetes and fewer clusters representing Basidiomycetes. Our results provide a baseline for ongoing monitoring and help to raise awareness of unique lichen communities and other biodiversity in the region

    Contrasting patterns of climatic niche divergence in Trebouxia—A alade of lichen-forming algae.

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    Lichen associations are overwhelmingly supported by carbon produced by photosynthetic algal symbionts. These algae have diversified to occupy nearly all climates and continents; however, we have a limited understanding of how their climatic niches have evolved through time. Here we extend previous work and ask whether phylogenetic signal in, and the evolution of, climatic niche, varies across climatic variables, phylogenetic scales, and among algal lineages in Trebouxia—the most common genus of lichen-forming algae. Our analyses reveal heterogeneous levels of phylogenetic signal across variables, and that contrasting models of evolution underlie the evolution of climatic niche divergence. Together these analyses demonstrate the variable processes responsible for shaping climatic tolerance in Trebouxia, and provide a framework within which to better understand potential responses to climate change associated perturbations. Such predictions reveal a disturbing trend in which the pace at which modern climate change is proceeding will vastly exceed the rate at which Trebouxia climatic niches have previously evolved

    Should we hail the Red King: evolutionary consequences of a mutualistic lifestyle in genomes of lichenized fungi

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    The Red Queen dynamic is often brought into play for antagonistic relationships. However, the coevolutionary effects of mutualistic interactions, which predict slower evolution for interacting organisms (Red King), have been investigated to a lesser extent. Lichens are a stable, mutualistic relationship of fungi and cyanobacteria and/ or algae, which originated several times independently during the evolution of fungi. Therefore, they represent a suitable system to investigate the coevolutionary effect of mutualism on the fungal genome. We measured substitution rates and selective pressure of about 2000 protein-coding genes (plus the rDNA region) in two different classes of Ascomycota, each consisting of closely related lineages of lichenized and non-lichenized fungi. Our results show that independent lichenized clades are characterized by significantly slower rates for both synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions. We hypothesize that this evolutionary pattern is connected to the lichen life cycle (longer generation time of lichenized fungi) rather than a result of different selection strengths, which is described as the main driver for the Red Kind dynamic. This first empirical evidence of slower evolution in lichens provides an important insight on how biotic cooperative interactions are able to shape the evolution of symbiotic organisms

    PLANiTS: a curated sequence reference dataset for plant ITS DNA metabarcoding

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    DNA metabarcoding combines DNA barcoding with high-throughput sequencing to identify different taxa within environmental communities. The ITS has already been proposed and widely used as universal barcode marker for plants, but a comprehensive, updated and accurate reference dataset of plant ITS sequences has not been available so far. Here, we constructed reference datasets of Viridiplantae ITS1, ITS2 and entire ITS sequences including both Chlorophyta and Streptophyta. The sequences were retrieved from NCBI, and the ITS region was extracted. The sequences underwent identity check to remove misidentified records and were clustered at 99% identity to reduce redundancy and computational effort. For this step, we developed a script called 'better clustering for QIIME' (bc4q) to ensure that the representative sequences are chosen according to the composition of the cluster at a different taxonomic level. The three datasets obtained with the bc4q script are PLANiTS1 (100\u2009224 sequences), PLANiTS2 (96\u2009771 sequences) and PLANiTS (97\u2009550 sequences), and all are pre-formatted for QIIME, being this the most used bioinformatic pipeline for metabarcoding analysis. Being curated and updated reference databases, PLANiTS1, PLANiTS2 and PLANiTS are proposed as a reliable, pivotal first step for a general standardization of plant DNA metabarcoding studies. The bc4q script is presented as a new tool useful in each research dealing with sequences clustering. Database URL: https://github.com/apallavicini/bc4q; https://github.com/apallavicini/PLANiTS

    Trebouxia lynnae sp. nov. (former Trebouxia sp. TR9): biology and biogeography of an epitome lichen symbiotic microalga

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    Two microalgal species, Trebouxia jamesii and Trebouxia sp. TR9, were detected as the main photobionts coexisting in the thalli of the lichen Ramalina farinacea. Trebouxia sp. TR9 emerged as anew taxon in lichen symbioses and was successfully isolated and propagated in in vitro culture andthoroughly investigated. Several years of research have confirmed the taxon Trebouxia sp. TR9 tobe a model/reference organism for studying mycobiont–photobiont association patterns in lichensymbioses. Trebouxia sp. TR9 is the first symbiotic, lichen-forming microalga for which an exhaustivecharacterization of cellular ultrastructure, physiological traits, genetic and genomic diversity is available.The cellular ultrastructure was studied by light, electron and confocal microscopy; physiologicaltraits were studied as responses to different abiotic stresses. The genetic diversity was previouslyanalyzed at both the nuclear and organelle levels by using chloroplast, mitochondrial, and nucleargenome data, and a multiplicity of phylogenetic analyses were carried out to study its intraspecificdiversity at a biogeographical level and its specificity association patterns with the mycobiont.Here, Trebouxia sp. TR9 is formally described by applying an integrative taxonomic approach and ispresented to science as Trebouxia lynnae, in honor of Lynn Margulis, who was the primary modernproponent for the significance of symbiosis in evolution. The complete set of analyses that werecarried out for its characterization is provided

    Environmental DNA assessment of airborne plant and fungal seasonal diversity

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding and metagenomics analyses can improve taxonomic resolution in biodiversity studies. Only recently, these techniques have been applied in aerobiology, to target bacteria, fungi and plants in airborne samples. Here, we present a nine-month aerobiological study applying eDNA metabarcoding in which we analyzed simultaneously airborne diversity and variation of fungi and plants across five locations in North and Central Italy. We correlated species composition with the ecological characteristics of the sites and the seasons. The most abundant taxa among all sites and seasons were the fungal genera Cladosporium, Alternaria, and Epicoccum and the plant genera Brassica, Corylus, Cupressus and Linum, the latter being much more variable among sites. PERMANOVA and indicator species analyses showed that the plant diversity from air samples is significantly correlated with seasons, while that of fungi varied according to the interaction between seasons and sites. The results consolidate the performance of a new eDNA metabarcoding pipeline for the simultaneous amplification and analysis of airborne plant and fungal particles. They also highlight the promising complementarity of this approach with more traditional biomonitoring frameworks and routine reports of air quality provided by environmental agencies

    Photobiont diversity in lichen symbioses from extreme environments

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    Fungal–algal relationships—both across evolutionary and ecological scales—are finely modulated by the presence of the symbionts in the environments and by the degree of selectivity and specificity that either symbiont develop reciprocally. In lichens, the green algal genus Trebouxia Puymaly is one of the most frequently recovered chlorobionts. Trebouxia species-level lineages have been recognized on the basis of their morphological and phylogenetic diversity, while their ecological preferences and distribution are still only partially unknown. We selected two cosmopolitan species complexes of lichen-forming fungi as reference models, i.e., Rhizoplaca melanophthalma and Tephromela atra, to investigate the diversity of their associated Trebouxia spp. in montane habitats across their distributional range worldwide. The greatest diversity of Trebouxia species-level lineages was recovered in the altitudinal range 1,000–2,500 m a.s.l. A total of 10 distinct Trebouxia species-level lineages were found to associate with either mycobiont, for which new photobionts are reported. One previously unrecognized Trebouxia species-level lineage was identified and is here provisionally named Trebouxia “A52.” Analyses of cell morphology and ultrastructure were performed on axenically isolated strains to fully characterize the new Trebouxia “A52” and three other previously recognized lineages, i.e., Trebouxia “A02,” T. vagua “A04,” and T. vagua “A10,” which were successfully isolated in culture during this study. The species-level diversity of Trebouxia associating with the two lichen-forming fungi in extreme habitats helps elucidate the evolutionary pathways that this lichen photobiont genus traversed to occupy varied climatic and vegetative regimes

    Cross Taxon Congruence Between Lichens and Vascular Plants in a Riparian Ecosystem

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    Despite that congruence across taxa has been proved as an effective tool to provide insights into the processes structuring the spatial distribution of taxonomic groups and is useful for conservation purposes, only a few studies on cross-taxon congruence focused on freshwater ecosystems and on the relations among vascular plants and lichens. We hypothesized here that, since vascular plants could be good surrogates of lichens in these ecosystems, it would be possible to assess the overall biodiversity of riparian habitats using plant data only. In this frame, we explored the relationship between (a) species richness and (b) community composition of plants and lichens in a wetland area located in central Italy to (i) assess whether vascular plants are good surrogates of lichens and (ii) to test the congruence of patterns of species richness and composition among plants and lichens along an ecological gradient. The general performance of plant species richness per se, as a biodiversity surrogate of lichens, had poor results. Nonetheless, the congruence in compositional patterns between lichens and vascular plants varied across habitats and was influenced by the characteristics of the vegetation. In general, we discussed how the strength of the studied relationships could be influenced by characteristics of the data (presence/absence vs. abundance), by the spatial scale, and by the features of the habitats. Overall, our data confirm that the more diverse and structurally complex the vegetation is, the more diverse are the lichen communities it hosts

    Arable plant communities as a surrogate of crop rhizosphere microbiota

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    Soil microbiota is a crucial component of agroecosystem biodiversity, enhancing plant growth and providing important services in agriculture. However, its characterization is demanding and relatively expensive. In this study, we evaluated whether arable plant communities can be used as a surrogate of bacterial and fungal communities of the rhizosphere of Elephant Garlic (Allium ampeloprasum L.), a traditional crop plant of central Italy. We sampled plant, bacterial, and fungal communities, i.e., the groups of such organisms co-existing in space and time, in 24 plots located in eight fields and four farms. At the plot level, no correlations in species richness emerged, while the composition of plant communities was correlated with that of both bacterial and fungal communities. As regards plants and bacteria, such correlation was mainly driven by similar responses to geographic and environmental factors, while fungal communities seemed to be correlated in species composition with both plants and bacteria due to biotic interactions. All the correlations in species composition were unaffected by the number of fertilizer and herbicide applications, i.e., agricultural intensity. Besides correlations, we detected a predictive relationship of plant community composition towards fungal community composition. Our results highlight the potential of arable plant communities to be used as a surrogate of crop rhizosphere microbial communities in agroecosystems
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