2 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Myofascial Release Dan Stretching Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Fasciitis Plantaris Pada Sales Promotion Girls Pengguna High Heels di Matahari Department Store Solo Square Surakarta

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    Latar Belakang : Fasciitis plantaris is a condition of inflammation that results from the occurrence of overstretch in the Fascia plantaris. Plantaris (aponeurosis) fascia is fibers fibrosus of connective tissue that is derived from the medial calcaneus tuberosity runs longitudinally to the metatarsophalangeal joint medial longitudinal arkus forming in the legs. Research Objectives : to know how the granting of Myofascial Release and Stretching against a decrease in pain Fasciitis plantaris on Sales Promotion Girls High heels user PT. Matahari Square Solo, Surakarta Research Methods : This type of research is alphabets experiment, using the approach of Quasi alphabets experiment or pseudo alphabets experiment because all variables are not all controlled by researchers with the research design is a Pre and Post test with two Group design. The research results were analyzed using the SPSS program. Test of influence by using the Wilcoxon test while the test different influences using Mann Whitney Research Results : On the existence of the Group I the influence of Myofascial Release against a decrease in pain with significant value p = 0.006 (p < 0.05). While in Group II the presence of the influence of Stretching against a decrease in pain with significant value p = 0.002 (p < 0.05). On the influence of different test between Stretching and Myofascial Release obtained the value of p = 0.007 (p < 0.05). Conclusion : There is a significant influence on the awarding of myofascial release and stretching against a decrease in pain fasciitis plantaris. There is a difference significant influence between the granting of myofascial release with stretching against a decrease in pain fasciitis plantaris. Stretching is better in lowering a patient's pain fasciitis plantaris compared with Myofascial release

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Calcaneus Spur Dekstra Di RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

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    Background: Calcaneus spur preceded by repeated injury to the plantar aponeurosis adhesions where the calcaneus. Calcaneus spur are bony protrusion on the bottom surface of the calcaneus due to calcium deposits that cause pain when walking. Objective: To determine whether ultrasound and exercise therapy can reduce tenderness and movement on the right heel, Gastroke muscle spasm, and increase the strength of the flexor muscles of the dorsal and plantar flexors. Results: After doing therapy at 6 times the results obtained, painful silence while the T6 T1 = 2 = 1, tenderness T1 = 6 while the T6 = 3, painful motion T1 = 3 while the T6 = 1. Results dorsal flexor muscle strength T1 = 4 - while the T6 = 4+, plantar flexors T1 = 4- whereas T6 = 5, Inversor T1 = 4- whereas T6 = 4+, eversor T1 = 4- whereas T6 = 5. Results M. Gastroke spasm on T1-T3 = spasm still there, T4-T6 = spasm is reduced. Results of functional ability to stand from a sitting position, pain and T6 T1 = 3 = 2, difficulty T1 = 2 and T6 = 1, the dependence T1 = 1 and T6 = 1, weeks to walk 15 meters, pain and T6 T1 = 2 = 1, difficulty T1 = 2 and T6 = 1, the dependence T1 = 1 and T2 = 1, and go up the stairs three traps, pain and T6 T1 = 2 = 1, the difficulty of T1 = 1 and T6 = 1, the dependence T1 = 1 and T6 = 1. Conclusion: Ultrasound and Therapeutic Exercise can reduce the pain still, motion and pressure, decrease muscle spasm gastroke, increase muscle strength dorsi flexion and plantar flexion and improved functional ability