62 research outputs found

    A major cellular substrate for protein kinases, annexin II, is a DNA-binding protein

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    AbstractWe have screened a human cDNA expression library in λgt11 for clones encoding Alu-binding proteins using direct binding of labeled Alu DNA to recombinant phage lysates fixed on a membrane, and isolated a clone 98% identical in sequence to the well-known substrate of protein kinases, annexin II, which was suggested earlier to play a role in transduction of mitogenic signals and DNA replication. A diagnostic property of annexins is their binding to phospholipids in the presence of calcium ions, and we have found that the interaction of proteins of human nuclear extracts with Alu subsequences is suppressed by Ca/phosphatidylserine liposomes, suggesting overlapping of Ca/phospholipid- and DNA-binding domains in annexin II

    Influence of vitamins E and C on the indices of pseudoeozinofiles fagocytosis in chickens broilers blood of cross ROSS-308

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    The purpose of the research was to clarify the effect of chicken broilers feeding in the composition of mixed fodder with Vitamins E and C on the cellular link of non-specific resistance of the organism and, in particular, the parameters of pseudoiesinophils phagocytosis in blood. The research was carried out on chickens broiler – 308 grown in the farm “Fedyuk M” in the Zolochiv district of Lviv region. The keeping of the chickens was cellular with free access to feed and water. Experiments were conducted in 4 groups of broiler chickens of 100 chicks in each according to the scheme: the control group was fed with the standard feed (SC) according to the existing norms recommended for the cross ROSS-308; the first experimental group in addition to the SC received vitamin Е 1g/10 kg of mixed fodder; the second experimental group received vitamin C 2.5 g/10 kg of mixed fodder; the third experimental groups in addition to the ration received Vitamin C 2.5 g/10 kg and Vitamin E 1 g/10 of mixed fodder. For carrying out of immunological researches in chickens blood was taken in different age periods: 27-, 34- and 41-day-old age. In the whole blood, the phagocytic activity of pseudoiesinophils (FA), phagocytic index (FI) and phagocytic number (FF) were determined. For research, the daily culture of Escherichia coli (strain VKM-125) was used. The stimulatory effect of vitamins E and C in the composition of mixed fodder for chicken broiler broilers on the indices of pseudoiesinophils phagocytosis of blood was determined. As evidenced by a significantly higher phagocytic activity, phagocytic index and phagocytic count of pseudoiselinophils in blood of chickens in the experimental groups by comparison with the control group. At the same time there was a direct correlation between phagocytic activity and phagocytic index and index in blood of chickens broiler in experimental groups. At the same time, the ability of blood pseudoiesinophils to phagocytosis of microbial cells was higher in chicken broilers, which were fed with vitamin E and C

    Research of the system of information providing for safe pharmacotherapy pregnancy in the world

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    Improvement of information provision for safe and rational use of medicines at pregnancy is a priority task for all system of healthcare in the world. The purpose of this study was to analyze and carry out a systematic analysis of information sources, databases, registries operating on the international, state, professional levels on the safe use of medicines, including duration pregnancy in the countries of the world. Summarized recommendations, directives of the World Health Organization about safety of pharmacotherapy, especially during pregnancy, and the need for improvement information provision for the appointment of drugs during pregnancy, since 50% and more pregnant women use more than 4 drugs. Systematized the main sources of information, a database of safe use of medicines during prеgnancy in Europe and the United States on professional levels, as well as specially for patients. The directions of the real word data collection were shown and made the establishment of registries of pregnant women taking medications that allow monitoring of adverse reactions during pregnancy. The modern trends on improving information provision by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also for instructions and labeling of drugs depending on the risk category of pregnancy were presented. The use of modern information sources, databases, patient registries is relevant to provision of rational use of medicines, especially for pregnant women in Ukraine

    The problems of unifying information in the patient leaflets in Ukraine during the COVID-19 pandemic and wartime

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    The information in the patient leaflets on the medicines must be unified, have a good structure and be clearly presented to the patient for prevent information asymmetry. We substantiated and worked a methodic of comparative analysis of antibiotic using for example of 74 instructions on the drug of one INN, which are registered on the markets of Ukraine, EU countries and Japan. Ways to unify information in to improve patient awareness of the correct use of drugs, especially antibiotics, are substantiated and presented. Aim – to conduct a comparative analysis of the patient leaflets for antibacterial medicines and determine the presence or absence of information asymmetry using the example of antibiotics of one INN that are registrated on the Ukrainian market or they received as a humanitarian aid from Europe in wartime, in order to establish inconsistencies in the information structure and data in the information leaflets. The objects were information leaflets for antibiotics: azithromycin, amoxiclav, amoxicillin, zinnate, cefazolin, cefatoxin. Methods were informational, comparative and content analysis. Methodology of information asymmetry analysis using the example of information leaflets for the medicine azithromycin from various manufacturers available on the market of Ukraine. As a result, significant differences were established in 3 sections: «Indications», «Peculiarities of use», suspension preparation, etc. Significant differences were found in the information leaflets for prescribing azithromycin for skin infections, which requires immediate unification in the information leaflets of data for correct prescribing by a doctor using an electronic prescription and good use for a treatment course. It was established that in the for azithromycin from one manufacturer, which is on the market of Ukraine and EU countries, significant differences in information were found in 10 sections of the information leaflets, which requires the unification of information accordingly. We have reasoned that the information leaflets should contain information that is important for the correct use of the medicine, in order to prevent potentially dangerous consequences that may arise from incorrect preparation or dosage. We grounded the information leaflets should include a section on the disposal of expired or unused medicines to harmonize with the information leaflets іn the EU countries


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    У статті наведено дані щодо динаміки змін клітинних факторів природної резистентності у крові корів-первісток в останній місяць тільності та народжених від них телят, а також за дії комплексного вітамінно-мінерального препарату «Оліговіт», що містить вітаміни A, D3, PP, E, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B8, B12, мікроелементи — Co, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn та амінокислоту метіонін. Показано, що у корів-первісток фагоцитарна активність нейтрофільних гранулоцитів крові в останній період тільності знижується, а після родів зростає. У телят, показники фагоцитозу нейтрофілів крові від народження і до 30-добового віку зростали. Парентеральне введення коровам української чорно-рябої молочної породи за 14 діб до отелення препарату «Оліговіт» спричиняло стимулювальний вплив на клітинні механізми неспецифічної резистентності їхнього організму, а також у одержаних від них телят. Зокрема, у корів-первісток дослідної групи за 1–2 доби до отелення фагоцитарна активність нейтрофілів крові та фагоцитарне число були вищими (р<0,05), ніж у контролі. У телят, народжених від корів, яким в останній місяць тільності вводили вітамінно-мінерального комплекс «Оліговіт», виявлено вірогідно вищу фагоцитарну активність нейтрофілів крові через 3 години після згодовування молозива та на 3-тю добу життя. При цьому відзначено збільшення фагоцитарного індексу нейтрофілів крові у телят на 8-му та 30-ту добу життя, а фагоцитарного числа – на 3-тю та 30-ту добу життя порівняно з вказаними показниками у телят контрольної групи (p<0,05–0,01).В статье приведены данные о динамике изменений клеточных факторов естественной резистентности в крови коров-первотелок в последний месяц стельности и рожденных от них телят, а также при действии комплексного витаминно-минерального препарата «Олиговит», содержащего витамины A, D3, PP, E, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B8, B12, микроэлементы – Co, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn и аминокислоту метионин. Показано, что у коров-первотелок фагоцитарная активность нейтрофилов крови в последний период стельности снижается, а после родов возрастает. У телят, показатели фагоцитоза нейтрофилов крови от рождения и до 30-суточного возраста увеличивались. Парентеральное введение коровам украинской черно-рябой молочной породы за 14 суток до отела препарата «Олиговит» вызывало стимулирующее влияние на клеточные механизмы неспецифической резистентности их организма, а также в полученных от них телят. В частности, у коров-первотелок опытной группы за 1–2 сутки до отела фагоцитарная активность нейтрофилов крови и фагоцитарное число были выше (р<0,05), чем в контроле. У телят, родившихся от коров, которым в последний месяц стельности вводили витаминно-минеральный комплекс «Олиговит», выявлено достоверно высшую фагоцитарную активность нейтрофилов крови через 3 часа после скармливания молозива и на 3 сутки жизни. При этом отмечено увеличение фагоцитарного индекса нейтрофилов крови у телят в 8-ом и 30-дневном возрасте, а фагоцитарного числа – на 3- и 30-ые сутки жизни по сравнению с указанными показателями у телят контрольной группы (p<0,05–0,01).The data about the dynamic changes of cell factors of natural resistance in the blood of cows firstborn in the last month of pregnancy and borned from them calves, as well as the action of complex vitamin-mineral preparation «Oligovit», which contains vitamins A, D3, PP, E, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B8, B12, minerals – Co, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn and amino acid methionine presented in the article.It is shown that in cows firstborn phagocytic activity of neutrophils in the blood in the last period of pregnancy decreases, and after giving birth — increases. In calves indexes phagocytosis of neutrophils in the blood after birth and to 30 days of life increased. The Parenteral administration cows Ukrainian black - white dairy cattle 14 days before calving preparation «Oligovit» causes stimulating effect on the cellular mechanisms of nonspecific resistance of their body, and also in calves borned them. In particular, the cows firstborn experimental group 1-2 days before calving phagocytic activity of neutrophils and phagocytic number were higher (p <0.05) than in the control. Calves born from cows, which in the last month of pregnancy were administered vitamin-mineral complex «Oligovit», revealed significantly higher phagocytic activity of neutrophils after 3 hours after feeding colostrum and on the 3rd day of life. The increase of neutrophil phagocytic index in the blood of calves on the 8th and 30th day of life, and the phagocytic number – on the 3rd and 30th day of life compared with these figures in the calves of the control group (p <0,05–0,01) was noted

    колективна монографія

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    Кримінальний процесуальний кодекс 2012 року: ідеологія та практика правозастосування: колективна монографія / за заг. ред. Ю. П. Аленіна ; відпов. за вип. І. В. Гловюк. - Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. - 1148 с