5 research outputs found

    The Influence of Habitat Management on Pod Borer Conopomorpha Cramerella and Mirid Helopeltis Antonii Attack on Cocoa

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    Habitat management of cocoa cultivation must be carried out to improve the fertility of soil, increase the biodiversity and the plant\u27s health. The objective of this study was to elucidate the effect of habitat management on the cocoa pod borer Conophomorpha cramerella and cocoa mirid Helopeltis antonii attack. The research was conducted from October 2013 to April 2014 in Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency, East Java. The research was compared cocoa plantation with habitat management and the conventionally managed cocoa plantation as a control. Habitat manipulation techniques used in this research were providing ditch and worm biopores, applying organic matter and compost tea drip irrigation. There were 24 sub blocks for each plot and 4 plants per sub block. The results showed that the habitat management was capable to increase the number of cocoa pods, stimulate an increasing in the diversity of insects, particularly the number of natural enemies, and decrease the percentage and intensity of C. cramerella and H. antonii attack

    The Influence of Environmental Factors to the Abundance of Scales (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) Population on Apple Crop

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    This research aims to assess the environmental factors that affect the abundance of scales populations on the apple crop. The study was conducted in July 2012 to January 2013. The study was conducted at two sites with different altitude. Bumiaji village's altitude is ±900 m and Tulungrejo village's altitude is ±1,515 m asl. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to determine the environmental factors that affect the abundance of scales populations on the apple crop. Based on the results of the regression analysis, air temperature and humidity affect the abundance of scales populations in Binangun while rainfall and long solar radiation have no effect. Scales population abundance of the apple crop in Binangun was influenced by air temperature and humidity one week before. Based on the results of the regression analysis, air temperature, air humidity and rainfall affect the abun dance of scales population in Tulungrejo while long solar radiation has no effect. Scales population abundance ofthe apple crop in Tulungrejo was affected by air temperature two weeks before, while humidity and rainfall were affected one week before. The higher air temperature scales, flea population level will increase. And the higherrelative humidity, scales population levels will increase

    Study of Arthropod Communities in a Virginia Tobacco Agro-Ecosystem

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    The cultivation of tobacco is one of users of agro-chemical substances such as insecticides, herbi-cides, defoliants, and fertilizers among other food crops and plants with high economical value. The use of these chemicals may bring negative effects regarding the richness and abundance of arthropods. The study of arthropod community in the Virginia tobacco ecosystem was carried out in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province, during the 2010 plantation year. It was aimed at finding the composition, structure, and dynamic of the arthropod diversity around the tobacco field. Samples were obtained by using trapping techniques (pitfall traps, yellow-pan traps, and sweep net). The number of arthropods found in Virginia tobacco field are 69, consisting of 65 species of insects (belonging to 46 families and 8 orders) and 4 species of spiders (belonging to 4 families). The majority of insects found was Hymenoptera, dominated by bees. Based on the ecological functions, the major group of arthro-pods documented was phytophagous (20 species), mostly Coleoptera and Orthoptera. Yet, the number of predators was relatively more abundant than that of the phytophagous. The number of kinds of ar-thropods commonly interacting around the field fluctuated during the growing period, while in the cultivation period the number decreased. The diversity of the species (H) and the ratio of abundance of the natural enemies and phytophagous in the field was high

    Pengaruh Pengelolaan Agroekosistem terhadap Kelimpahan Kutu Loncat Jeruk Diaphorina Citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae)

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    Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) Diaphorina citri Kuwayama is a serious problem in citrus because it transmits huanglongbing (HLB) disease. Agricultural practices without paying attention to the agroecosystem complexity often cause the agroecosystem more suitable for insect pests proliferation and less friendly to natural enemies. The research aims to study the effectiveness of agroecosystem management compared to conventional farming in the ACP control. The effects of both treatments on the diversity and abundance of ACP's natural enemies as well as the incidence and severity of HLB were also studied. Agroecosystem management consists of preventive and responsive actions. Preventive action was carried out through a polyculture system, planting refugia and legume cover crop, providing beetle banks, applying lime, applying organic and inorganic fertilizers, citrus pruning intensively, maintaining drainage ditches, and mechanical weed control. Responsive action is short-term control when the abundance of ACP reaches the action threshold. Responsive action was carried out through biological or chemical control. Meanwhile, conventional farming is a series of conventional farming and pest control techniques commonly applied by farmers. Each treatment was applied in three orchards of Siam Orange cv. Pontianak Citrus nobilis Lour var. microcarpa Hassk. The results showed that agroecosystem management was more effective in controlling the ACP population so that its abundance was lower and less fluctuated than conventional farming. ACP's natural enemies in agroecosystem management were also more diverse than conventional farming. The abundance of ACP's natural enemies and the incidence and severity of HLB in the two treatments were not significantly different

    Ketahanan Tembakal) Temanggung Terhadap Kutu Tembakau, Myzuspersicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae)

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    Resistance in Temanggung tobacco lines to tobacco aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer)The evaluation on the esistance of Temanggung obacco lines against tobacco aphid was carried out in Malang, from August 19% to March 1997. The experiments consisted of antixenosis and antibiosis resistance. The teatments wee four tobacco lines fom the original population: (1) S.2258, (2) S.2132, (3) S.l%3, (4) S.1965; four lines rom selected population: (5) S.2258/2/1/1, (6) S.2132/2/2/1/1, (7) S.1%3/3/2/1/2/1, (8) S.1%5/2/1/2/1/1; one local line: (9) Kemloko (Gober genjah); two varieties resistant and susceptible o tobacco aphid: (10) Coker 176, and (11) NC95. The treatments wee arranged in randomized block design, with three replications. The esults showed that the two lines from the selection evaluation: S.2258/2/1/1 and S.1%3/3/2/1/2/1 wee resistant to tobacco aphid. Both lines had high density of leaf trichomes, and can be used as resistant resources in plant breeding activities