5 research outputs found

    Fitoekstrasi Merkuri dari Tanah Tercemar Limbah Tambang Emas Skala Kecil dan Pengaruhnya pada Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung

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    In West Lombok, gold amalgamation tailings are commonly discharged to agricultural lands resulting in reduced maize yield in the area. Phytoremediation can represent a low-cost alternative to traditional techniques such as soil removal. This study was aimed to elucidate the potential of Lindernia crustacea (L.) F., Paspalum conjugatum L., and Cyperus kyllingia Endl., for phytoremediation of mercury-contaminated soils in conjunction with the ammonium thiosulphate to phytoextract mercury and its effect on maize growth. Each of the plant seedlings was planted in a plastic pot containing 15 kg of mercury-contaminated soil for 9 weeks. Treatments tested were three plant species), and two rates of ammonium thiosulphate application, i.e. 0 and 8 g / kg of soil. Ammonium thiosulphate was applied one week before harvesting the plants. At harvest (9 weeks) shoots and roots were analyzed for mercury concentration. The remaining soils in the pots were used to grow maize for 8 weeks. The results showed that on average, the addition of ammonium thiosulphate increased the accumulation of mercury in plant shoots and roots by 82% and 47%, respectively, compared to the media without addition of ammonium thiosulphate. In comparison to the control treatment, the average increase of dry weight of maize (shoot+root) grown on media previously remediated with three plant species with addition of ammonium thiosulphate was 40%, while that grown on media previously remediated with three plant species without addition of ammonium thiosulphate was 62%


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    A field experiment that was amied to elucidate the effects of application of Arachis pintoi biomass and farmyard manures on soil quality and cassava yield was conducted at Jatikerto Village, Kromengan District of Malang Regency. Eight treatments tested were 100% NPK inorganic fertilizer, 100 kg N Arachis pintoi/ha (PH), (3) 100 kg N chicken farmyard manure/ ha (PA), 100 kg N cow farmyard manure /ha (PS), 100 kg N goat farmyard manure /ha (PK), 100 kg N Arachis pintoi + chicken farmyard manure /ha (PH+PA), 100 kg N Arachis pintoi + cow farmyard manure /ha (PH+PS), and 100 kg N Arachis pintoi + goat farmyard manure /ha (PH + PK). Monitoring of top soil quality (0-20 cm depth) was carried out before planting and 3 months after planting. Soil samples were collected and analyzed for bulk density, porosity, aggregate stability, soil permeability, pH, organic-C, humic acid, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, cation exchange capacity, microbial population and nitrogen microbial biomass. Yield of cassava that was based on the number of tuber per plant, was measured at 6 months after planting. Results of this study showed that application of organic fertilizer in forms of green manure (Arachis pintoi biomass), and farmyard manures significantly improved soil parameters. Application of 50% NPK combined with organic manures did not significantly gave different tuber yield with that of 100% NP


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    Logam berat timbal (Pb) yang dihasilkan dari sisa hasil pembakaran tidak sempurna dapat  menimbulkan racun yang dapat mencemari tanah sehingga dapat berpengaruh terhadap tanaman  yang tumbuh  di atasnya.  Secara umum tanaman peka terhadap  lingkungan tumbuh yang tercemar  unsur logam berat dikarenakan unsur tersebut tidak dibutuhkan tanaman dan bersifat toksik.  Pengaruh meracun logam berat terhadap tanaman dapat bersifat kronis dan akut  ditentukan oleh  lama kontak, konsentrasi dan daya tahan tanaman . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan  genus tanaman hias yang mempunyai kemampuan toleransi paling tinggi terhadap cekaman logam  berat timbal (Pb). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode  Rancangan Acak kelompok (RAK) dengan  faktor pertama: macam genus tanaman hias dan faktor kedua: konsentrasi logam berat timbal (Pb).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan k emampuan toleransi dan adaptasi tanaman genus Codiaeum terhadap  paparan berbagai taraf konsen trasi logam timbal (Pb) cenderung lebih tinggi dibanding genus  Heliconia, Eichornia dan Marantha.  Rata - rata tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun per tanaman dari  empat genus tanaman hias (Codiaeum, Heliconia, Marantha dan Eichornia) menurun secara nyata  pada tar af konsentrasi 1200 mg Pb.kg - 1 Pb sementara rata - rata luas daun per tanaman menurun  secara nyata pada taraf konsentrasi 400 mg Pb.kg - 1 dibanding kontrol selama umur 5 minggu setelah  tanam.

    Strengthening the farming business and legal governance of the Ratu Nahrasiyah KWT Organization in Bendosewu Village

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    The Ratu Nahrasiyah Women's Farmers Group was recently founded, and is still run with a simple organizational structure due to a lack of insight into the law in organizing. This is an obstacle in the continuity of the organization at KWT. One of the KWT priority programs is the use of KWT members' home land by cultivating vegetables in the context of food security at the household level. The obstacle faced by most KWT members is that the vegetable plants they cultivate cannot grow optimally. The solution offered is to improve the skills of KWT members in crop production in home gardens and provide assistance regarding the law and legality of an organization to strengthen the knowledge and insight of KWT members in running the organization. The implementation method to achieve the expected solution is through training, mentoring and practical implementation for KWT members. Training and assistance in plant production includes the creation of vegetable cultivation demonstration plots. Training and assistance in managing organizations as well as understanding the legal basics of organizing. The results obtained from training on vegetable cultivation techniques in the yard for KWT Ratu Nahrasiyah members were an increase in the knowledge and skills of KWT members in vegetable production. Most of the harvest is sold within the KWT members' area so that the turnaround of small-scale businesses has been successfully implemented. The result of training and assistance in organizational governance is that KWT administrators and members have been able to prepare basic budgets/bylaws which are one of the foundations for running the organization. Increasing the active role of KWT members in organizations is very important for the sustainability of the existence of an organizatio