3 research outputs found

    The innovation of electronic technology devices on jewellery / Muhammad Shafiq Muda

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    This research discusses about the potential combinations of electronic technology device and jewellery as the new approach in producing jewellery products. A research study has been made between the two main areas which is jewellery and electronic devices. Jewellery is an expression of the human need to adorn the body and look beautiful. Many jewellery design are available in market for example the necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earring. At the same time there are a variety of electronic devices which could easily attract the consumers especially students and people who is working. An electronic device is a device widely used in helping humans to communicate and do a work. Basically, jewellery adorns the body, and has very limited in term of functionality, through the ages the function of jewelry is more for fashion and body accessories. However, researcher looking to change the way of people thinking about the jewellery we wear. In this study, researcher will discuss the advantages by using jewellery which has a combination with electronic technology devices. As a jewellery maker and designer, researcher will demonstrate a different approach to the development of electronic jewellery. Finally, by using the high technology approach as a part on jewellery, it can give the jewellery a new identity that not only limited for accessories but also features advance technology. It is important for jewellery industries to have something new development for the future in order to make sure that the jewellery industry can compete with other accessories

    Business Planning : Art Solution / Muhammad Fariz Mohad Azmi...[et al.]

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    UiTM student expecially art and design student specialist in fine metel tools . Thus, our business has been creat because to resoulve a problem to the student to get their equipment in expecially for UiTM art and design student because some time the equipment that they want to use is difficult to get in the area of Machang and the nearest place to get all the equipment is in Kota Bharu. We confident to managed and compete this business bacause our partners want to rasolve to a UiTM student. Our mission is to give the solution to a art and design student to get their equipment and give the best to our own compan

    Symbols and Metaphors: Translations from “Hikayat Inderaputera” into Painting / Mohd Shahrul Hisham Ahmad Tarmizi ...[et al.]

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    This research covers constituents of symbols and metaphors based on ‘Hikayat Inderaputera’ and it is connected to the intrinsic and extrinsic elements in visual art. The research is actually related to the view of possibilities of metaphor applied in the study of painting. ‘Hikayat Inderaputera’ can be translated into expressions, imaginations, and perceptions through painting and it also gives meaning and connection in semiotic approach. In a creative process, paintings are always related to narrative as a visual language and it is a part of structure in picture making. To understand metaphors, we need to consider semiotic as a methodology and it requires language as a structure, arguing that structuralism could equally be applied to any system of meaning making. It is actually a set of signal or codes. This research also explains how the researcher remarks and relates ‘Hikayat Inderaputera’ to previous works. In painting, artists always apply metaphors to create visual narratives while they are also being reflected writers. In addition, the researcher realized “Hikayat Inderaputera” as a way of expressions in creating symbols and metaphors. It can be translated into new possibilities of readings, visual languages, signs and can also be developed in new directions to represent other associations in images making especially in paintin