12 research outputs found

    Temperature Anisotropies and Distortions Induced by Hot Intracluster Gas on the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    The power spectrum of temperature anisotropies induced by hot intracluster gas on the cosmic background radiation is calculated. For low multipoles it remains constant while at multipoles above l>2000l>2000 it is exponentially damped. The shape of the radiation power spectrum is almost independent of the average intracluster gas density profile, gas evolution history or clusters virial radii; but the amplitude depends strongly on those parameters and could be as large as 20% that of intrinsic contribution. The exact value depends on the global properties of the cluster population and the evolution of the intracluster gas. The distortion on the Cosmic Microwave Background black body spectra varies in a similar manner. The ratio of the temperature anisotropy to the mean Comptonization parameters is shown to be almost independent of the cluster model and, in first approximation, depends only on the number density of clusters.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 3 figures; to be published in Ap

    The Search for Intergalactic Hydrogen Clouds in Voids

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    I present the results of a search for intergalactic hydrogen clouds in voids. Clouds are detected by their HI LyA absorption lines in the HST spectra of low-redshift AGN. The parameter with which the environments of clouds are characterized is the tidal field, which places a lower limit on the cloud mass-density which is dynamically stable against disruption. Galaxy redshift catalogs are used to sum the tidal fields along the lines of sight, sorting clouds according to tidal field upper, or lower limits. The analytical methodology employed is designed to detect gas clouds whose expansion following reionization is restrained by dark matter perturbations. End-products are the cloud equivalent width distribution functions (EWDF) of catalogs formed by sorting clouds according to various tidal field upper, or lower limits. Cumulative EWDFs are steep in voids (S ~ -1.5 \pm 0.2), but flatter in high tidal field zones (S ~ -0.5 \pm 0.1). Most probable cloud Doppler parameters are ~30 km/s in voids and ~60 km/s in proximity to galaxies. In voids, the cumulative line density at low EW (~ 15 mA) is ~ 500 per unit redshift. The void filling factor is found to be 0.87 <= f_v <= 0.94. The void EWDF is remarkably uniform over this volume, with a possible tendency for more massive clouds to be in void centers. The size and nature of the void cloud population suggested by this study is completely unanticipated by the results of published 3-D simulations, which predict that most clouds are in filamentary structures around galaxy concentrations, and that very few observable absorbers would lie in voids. Strategies for modeling this population are briefly discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, apjemulate style, to appear in ApJ vol. 57

    A Minihalo Model for the Lyman Limit Absorption Systems at High Redshift

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    We propose that a large fraction of the QSO Lyman limit absorption systems (LLS) observed at high redshift (z > 3) originate from gas trapped in small objects, such as minihalos, that form prior to reionization. In the absence of a strong UV flux, the gas is predominantly neutral and may form clouds with HI column density NHI > 10^18 cm^-2. Due to their high densities and high HI column densities, these clouds are not destroyed by the onset of the UV background at a later time. Thus, if not disrupted by other processes, such as mergers into larger systems or `blow away' by supernovae, they will produce LLS. We show that the observed number density of LLS at high redshifts can well be reproduced by the survived `minihalos' in hierarchical clustering models such as the standard cold dark matter model. The number density of LLS in such a population increases with z even beyond the redshifts accessible to current observations and dies off quickly at z < 2. This population is distinct from other populations because the absorbing systems have small velocity widths and a close to primordial chemical composition. The existence of such a population requires that the reionization of the universe occurs late, at z < 20.Comment: 4 pages, 1 PostScript figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 8 Dec 199

    The Low Redshift Lyman Alpha Forest in Cold Dark Matter Cosmologies

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    We study the physical origin of the low-redshift Lyman alpha forest in hydrodynamic simulations of four CDM cosmologies. Our main conclusions are insensitive to the cosmological model but depend on our assumption that the UV background declines at low redshift. We find that the expansion of the universe drives rapid evolution of dN/dz (the number of absorbers per unit z) at z > 1.7, but that at lower redshift the fading of the UV background counters the influence of expansion, leading to slow evolution. At every redshift, weaker lines come primarily from moderate fluctuations of the diffuse, unshocked IGM, and stronger lines originate in shocked or radiatively cooled gas of higher overdensity. However, the neutral hydrogen column density associated with structures of fixed overdensity drops as the universe expands, so an absorber at z = 0 is dynamically analogous to an absorber with neutral hydrogen column density 10 to 50 times higher at z = 2-3. We find no clear distinction between lines arising in "galaxy halos" and lines arising in larger scale structures; however, galaxies tend to lie near the dense regions of the IGM that produce strong Lyman alpha lines. The simulations provide a unified physical picture that accounts for the most distinctive observed properties of the low redshift Lyman alpha forest: (1) a sharp transition in the evolution of dN/dz at z ~ 1.7, (2) stronger evolution for absorbers of higher equivalent width, (3) a correlation of increasing Lyman alpha equivalent width with decreasing galaxy impact parameter, and (4) a tendency for stronger lines to arise in close proximity to galaxies while weaker lines trace more diffuse large scale structure. (Abridged)Comment: 57 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Ap

    Observational Matter Power Spectrum and the Height of the Second Acoustic Peak

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    We show that the amplitude of the second acoustic peak in the newly released BOOMERANG-98 and MAXIMA-I data is compatible with the standard primordial nucleosynthesis and with the locally broken-scale-invariant matter power spectrum suggested by recent measurements of the power spectrum in the range 2020020 - 200 Mpc. If the slope of matter density perturbations on large scales is n1n \approx 1, the Hubble constant is 0.5<h<0.750.5< h < 0.75, and r.m.s. mass fluctuations at 8 Mpc are 0.65σ80.750.65 \le \sigma_8 \le 0.75, then for a Universe approximately 14 Gyr old our best fit within the nucleosynthesis bound ΩBh2=0.019±0.0024\Omega_Bh^2= 0.019 \pm 0.0024 requires 0.3Ωm0.50.3 \le \Omega_m \le 0.5. Cluster abundances further constraint the matter density to be Ωm0.3\Omega_m \approx 0.3. The CMB data alone are not able to determine the detailed form of the matter power spectrum in the range 0.03<k<0.060.03<k<0.06 \hmpc where deviations from the scale-invariant spectrum are expected to be most significant, but they do not contradict the existence of the previously claimed peak at k0.05k\sim 0.05 \hmpc, and a depression at k0.035k\sim 0.035 \hmpc.Comment: Few typos corrected. Matches published versio

    Recovery of the Power Spectrum of Mass Fluctuations from Observations of the Lyman-alpha Forest

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    We present a method to recover the shape and amplitude of the power spectrum of mass fluctuations, P(k), from observations of the high redshift \lya forest. The method is motivated by the physical picture of the \lya forest that has emerged from hydrodynamic cosmological simulations and related semi-analytic models, which predicts a tight correlation between the \lya optical depth and the underlying matter density. We monotonically map the QSO spectrum to a Gaussian density field, measure its 3-d P(k), and normalize by evolving cosmological simulations with this P(k) until they reproduce the observed power spectrum of the QSO flux. Imposing the observed mean \lya opacity as a constraint makes the derived P(k) normalization insensitive to the choice of cosmological parameters, ionizing background spectrum, or reionization history. Thus, in contrast to estimates of P(k) from galaxy clustering, there are no uncertain "bias parameters" in the recovery of the mass power spectrum. We test the full procedure on SPH simulations of 3 cosmological models and show that it recovers their true mass power spectra on comoving scales ~1-10/h Mpc, the upper scale being set by the size of the simulation boxes. The procedure works even for noisy (S/N ~ 10), moderate resolution (~40 km/s pixels) spectra. We present an illustrative application to Q1422+231; the recovered P(k) is consistent with an \Omega=1, \sigma_8=0.5 CDM model. Application to large QSO samples should yield the power spectrum of mass fluctuations on small scales at z ~ 2-4. (Compressed)Comment: AASlatex, 40 pages w/ 16 embedded ps figures. Submitted to Ap

    Large-scale structure in the Lyman-alpha forest II: analysis of a group of ten QSOs

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    The spatial distribution of Ly-alpha forest absorption systems towards ten QSOs has been analysed to search for large-scale structure over the redshift range 2.2 < z < 3.4. The QSOs form a closely spaced group on the sky and are concentrated within a 1 deg^2 field. We have employed a technique based on the first and second moments of the transmission probability density function which is capable of identifying and assessing the significance of regions of over- or underdense Ly-alpha absorption. We find evidence for large-scale structure in the distribution of Ly-alpha forest absorption at the > 99 per cent confidence level. In individual spectra we find overdense Ly-alpha absorption on scales of up to 1200 km s^-1. There is also strong evidence for correlated absorption across line of sight pairs separated by < 3 h^-1 proper Mpc (q_0 = 0.5). For larger separations the cross-correlation signal becomes progressively less significant.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 6 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    HST STIS observations of four QSO pairs

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    We present HST STIS observations of four quasar pairs with redshifts 0.84200 km s(-1). This probably reflects the fact that the scale probed by our observations is not related to the real size of individual absorbers but rather to large scale correlation. Statistics are too small to conclude about any difference between pairs separated by either 2 or 3 arcmin. A damped Lyman-alpha system is detected at z(abs)=1.2412 toward LBQS 0019-0145A with log N(HI)similar to20.5. From the absence of ZnII absorption, we derive a metallicity relative to solar [Zn/H]< -1.75

    Extension of Lyman-alpha Complexes from HST Observations of Four Pairs of Quasars

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    We present HST observations of four pairs of quasars with 2,3 arcmin angular separation and redshift z 0.9. We apply the Nearest-Neighbor method to the sample of observed Lyman-alpha lines with rest equivalent width greater than 0.3 Angstrum. According to Monte-Carlo simulations, we detect an excess of coincidences with velocity difference smaller than 500 km/s