175 research outputs found

    Anomalous Amplitude Attenuation Method to Enhance Seismic Resolution

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    Anomalous Amplitude Attenuation (AAA) is a method to process seismic data with multilevel processing (multi step flow). AAA is indicated for identifying anomalous seismic amplitude (amplitude noise) such as: spike noise, noise and noised trace. AAA is a filter applied to the data in the frequency domain, range, both in CMP/CDP, offset or gather shot. Processing of the data depends on how the sensor (the geophone) receives seismic waves, and then set the data back into the format demultiplex (SEG-Y) and then processed according to the rules (flowchart) seismic reflection processing.This method has been applied to improve the old seismic data of an exploration company in prospecting the unseen structure in prospecting the hydrocarbon trapped within sedimentary rock subsurface

    Aceh Unique Souvenir Design

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    Special Region of Aceh as one of the westernmost regions in Indonesia has a very unique and rich cultural wealth. As an area which is the entrance of trade from the west, Acehnese culture acculturated with cultures from other countries such as Arabic, India and Malay. These cultural products are fragmented and form their own uniqueness that is developed according to customs, beliefs of the regions in Aceh. Examples such as Gayo, Leung Bata, Aceh Tamiang and others. The results of the acculturation shape the uniqueness of each region in Aceh from traditional clothing that is different from the shape, color and accessories. At the end of 2014, where Aceh experienced a tsunami that devastated Aceh. The disaster resulted in much of the infra-structure in Aceh being destroyed and lost. Cultural products, relics were destroyed by the tsunami. Over time Aceh reor-ganized itself, Aceh tried to rise, especially in terms of the economy. Designing unique accessories for Aceh certainly has its own challenges because Aceh is divided into regions that have his-torically shaped their specific characteristics. In this case, of course one must find a common thread that will connect between regions in Aceh so that the accessories that will be designed at least can be enough to be one of the unique accessories of Aceh. In addition to being able to re-identify one of Aceh's unique cultures, it can also help Aceh to revive its economy again. Key words: Souvenir, Aceh, Identity, Econom

    Interpretasi Potensi Massa Longsoran Dengan Metoda Geolistrik(Studi Kasus Daerah Gayo Lues)

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    One indication of a potential landslide area is a formation along the slip field slope. The slope is formed due to the difference between the cover layers (top soil) with a layer beneath it. The top layer is usually a layer of soil that passes the water so that it could be easily infiltrated into the slope. However, rain water infiltrated into the soil or are often not able to enter deeper into the ground because there is an impermeable layer which forms the slope area. Geoelectric resistivity method is generally used for shallow exploration, approximately to depth of 300 to 500 meter. The principle of the method is that the electrical current injected into the earth through two current electrodes, while the potential difference that occurs is measured through two potential electrodes. From the results of measurements of currents and electric potential difference can be obtained by variation of value of electrical resistivity in the layer below the measuring point. The resistivity value can show the bedding soils and on which one is the layer of slip field. From this study we expected the resistivity 2D cross section that shows the depth and dimensions of the field of slip on the slope studied so as to provide recommendations on the appropriate method of stabilizing slopes

    Sales Proses Dalam Mengindentifikasi, Memahami Dan Membuat Prioritas Bagi Nasabah Segmen Small Medium Enterprise (Sme)

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    Bank Customers have become more critical in choosing banks to transact with, in line withthe increasing needs of their businesses. On the other side, Banks are faced with a moreintense competition. In managing the banking sector, then the role of a bank's staff inindentifying, understanding and prioritizing the segment to be served is of significant issue in contributing to the growth of the banking business. In the effort of retaining and tocontinuously increase the growth of lending and funding outstanding as well as the numberof customers, the company is faced with constraints in the form of decreasing lending andfunding outstanding from day to day, due to loan payoffs arising from loan maturity, excessfund or even customers moving to other banks. In this regard, strategies in prospecting newcustomers, exploring more into the customers' potential are needed.Based on the analysis of the survey result employing the descriptive survey method, in order to make sure that the process of identification of prospective customers in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) segment by Relationship Officers (ROs) running well, focused and appeared to be truly professional in the eye of the customers, then the ROs must be equipped with a set ofstructured questions and be prepared with interview form in order to progress to the nextprospecting steps. Marketing team, i.e. ROs, in understanding and making SME customer orprospective customer priorities, need to classify SME customers or prospective customers into Porcupine, Rabbit, Rhino, Buffalo, so that the feasibility and impact (profitability) from the respected customers or prospective customers can be measured in order to contribute

    Redesigning A Trolley for The Stairs Building Based on Material Aspect

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    In Bandung, some buildings have three levels or more with no escalator and elevator for their daily needs in moving goods. One example is the Telkom University dormitory. As a resident of a building, problems are often found unconsciously and that has not been found a clear solution, for example when moving goods from the ground to the top level. The goods are referred to as suitcases, gallons, dispensers, large bags, etc. Some people will call the services of a porter or friend to help them transport goods. Because of that, a clear solution must be made for goods mobilization activities to be more effective and efficient, therefore, transportation equipment such as trolleys with good material and it can accommodate the load of goods that are usually moved in buildings without elevators is a solution for this problem. Keywords Stairs trolley, Material, Dormitory, Bandun

    Peran Etos Kerja Petani Muslim dalam USAha Meningkatkan Produksi Padi pada Lahan Irigasi Sederhana

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan cara untuk meningkatkan produksi dan pendapatan petani melalui pengelolaan dan pengelohan lahan sawah irigasi sederhana di Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi selatan. Jenis penelitian yaitu variabel kuantitatif yang digabung dengan variabel kualitatif, dengan pendekatan model PLS(Partial Least Squares),yaitu dengan peran etos kerja petani berbasis Islami(petani muslim) dapat meningkatkan produktivitas kerja petani dan akan meningkatkan produksi lahan.Hasil yang akan dicapai: Diduga produksi padi pada lahan non produktif saat sekarang(2016-2017) antara 0-3 ton/Ha/MT, dengan hasil peneltian melalui etos kerja petani diduga akan meningkatkan produksi menjadi 5 ton/ ha /musim.Hal yang sifatnya dugaan awal dianalisis dengan pendekatan hipotesis serta melakukan pengujian statistik. Kekuatan pokok yang menjadi sasaran penelitian adalah membentuk kelompok tani di lokasi sawah yang statusnya irigasi sederhana dan pada sisi lain dukungan teknik irigasi sangat menentukan, penelitian tersebut dapat diyakini akan mendorong peningkatan produksi tanaman pangan. Beberapa potensi untuk memacu kinerja petani dalam mengusahakan lahannya yang tidak produktif menjadi produktif adalah adanya, niat, akhlaq, ilmu dan pengamalan ke empat komponen dasar tersebut , merupakan kekuatan yang sangat kuat untuk melakukan Perubahan khususnya pengelolaan lahan irigasi sederhana menjadi lebih produktif, dan dari empatnya yang sangat dominan adalah perilaku akhlaq yang mulia pada para petani, karena itu sasaran utama adalah melakukan Perubahan karakter melalui motivasi religi. dan budaya

    Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 063 di Pesisir Sungai Siak Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru

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    Nutrition is an important factor in the development of human resources (HR) to form a healthy and productive human resources. The child is a human asset and future generations to consider life, particularly in terms of nutritional status, nutrition contained in various types of food is very important in maintaining the growth and development of the human body. Good nutritional status will affect the child's achievement and good concentration. This study aimed to determine the nutritional status anata relationship with student achievement 063 public elementary schools in coastal rivers Siak District of Rumbai coastal city of Pekanbaru. This research was conducted with a cross-sectional design of the 93 students. The study was conducted from April to September 2015. This study used proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data obtained by measuring the nutritional status anthropometric indicators of TB / U is then compared with the CDC chart 2000 and acquired learning achievements of the student report card. The results showed most of the nutritional status of students is normal for 74.2% and most of the learning achievement is low at 53.8%. Data analysis using Chi-square test showed no association between nutritional status and student achievement with p value = 0.771
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