47 research outputs found


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    The Circulars letter of deputy attorney of general for special crimes number: B-113/F/ Fd.1/05/2010 can be used as a reference by prosecutors in doing law enforcement against corruption with small losses, but in practice law enforcement, this circular letter is making trouble in practice. The results of this research, namely: the law enforcement against corruption with a small loss of state must pay attention to the values of justice, expediency, and legal certainty. In enforcing the law against corruption with small losses only can be stopped during an investigation by utilizing the exchequer and redress demanded. the reason corruption cases with small losses were still continued by the prosecutor to the court proceedings after enactment of circulator letter because circulator letter contrary to corruption constitution and it has no the strength or binding in legal basis. The Suggestions are addressed for law enforcement officials (police, prosecutor, and judge) in order to do the law enforcement against corruption with small losses in order consider the value of a legal basis, namely: fairness, expediency and certainty. The circular letter of deputy attorney general for special crimes number: B-1113/F/Fd.1/05/2010 in order to be taken as government consideration in formulating the new rules (Ius constituendum). Key words: Corruption, Law Enforcement, Justic

    Peningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Keagamaan TPQ Nur ‘Ilmi Desa Karangpatihan

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    Community service activities carried out by KPM Students of the Sunan Giri Ponorogo Islamic Institute which were carried out on July 3 - August 3 2023, located in Karangpatihan Village, Kec. Pulung Kab. Ponorogo has a very significant influence on the community, especially in the Karangpatihan village area, Kec. Pulung Kab. Ponorogo. Students received a very good welcome and high enthusiasm. With learning to recite the Koran as well as tutoring, the quality of religion and TPQ education for children in Karangpatihan village will improve. The supporting factors in these activities include: The community and children have a great willingness to obtain information and knowledge regarding improving the quality of Religious Education in Karangpatihan Village. The implementation of this community service uses the Asset Based Community Development ( ABCD ) method. The ABCD method is an approach to community empowerment by focusing on the assets owned by the community. The ABCD method focuses more on the content or potential and strength of a particular community, this asset does not matter how little it is in the community. ABCD assets are an invaluable resource to move towards improving live

    PENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PENDIDIKAN KEAGAMAAN TPQ NUR ‘ILMI DESA KARANGPATIHAN (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam Angkatan 2020 INSURI Ponorogo)

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    Community service activities carried out by KPM Students of the Sunan Giri Ponorogo Islamic Institute which were carried out on July 3 - August 3 2023, located in Karangpatihan Village, Kec. Pulung Kab. Ponorogo has a very significant influence on the community, especially in the Karangpatihan village area, Kec. Pulung Kab. Ponorogo. Students received a very good welcome and high enthusiasm. With learning to recite the Koran as well as tutoring, the quality of religion and TPQ education for children in Karangpatihan village will improve. The supporting factors in these activities include: The community and children have a great willingness to obtain information and knowledge regarding improving the quality of Religious Education in Karangpatihan Village. The implementation of this community service uses the Asset Based Community Development ( ABCD ) method. The ABCD method is an approach to community empowerment by focusing on the assets owned by the community. The ABCD method focuses more on the content or potential and strength of a particular community, this asset does not matter how little it is in the community. ABCD assets are an invaluable resource to move towards improving live

    Strategic Leadership For The Implementation of Three Values of Higher Education Performed by The Indonesian Defense University (IDU) In The 2015-2018 Period

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    This research will discuss about IDU’s management in strategic leadership to implement Three Values of Higher Education in the 2015-2018 period of time using qualitative method of research. The result obtained from the research show that in educational aspect, IDU has taken necessary strategic steps for IDU’s improvement. IDU manages the resources that are owned by IDU in academic aspect. IDU has done management processes according to the vision and mission during their time of leadership. In research department, the strategic leadership of IDU is not conducted optimally, especially when using and keeping the core competency.  In community service, IDU is not capable in creating an innovation for the community. It is also found in the research that the biggest challenge that IDU has is regarding human resources. Most of the lecturers teach in IDU do not have defense background in their previous education

    Fear of Missing Out dan Kasus Seks Bebas Pada Remaja di Wilayah Hukum Polres Batubara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak Fear of Missing Out (FoMo) terhadap perilaku seks bebas pada remaja di wilayah hukum Polres Batubara. FoMo adalah ketakutan dari seseorang untuk ketinggalan informasi apapun di media sosial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara, serta kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa penggunaan media sosial secara berlebihan akan menciptakan FoMo. Dampak FoMo bukan hanya diartikan sebagai menatap layar ponsel dalam waktu yang lama. Lebih dari itu, FoMo atau kecanduan dalam bermedia sosial membuat kita lupa akan batasan-batasan yang harus dijaga, sehingga terpengaruh hal negatif. Salah satunya menjadi pemicu perilaku seks bebas pada remaja. Menurut data Unit Perlindungan Anak dan Perempuan (PPA) Polres Batubara, Pada tahun 2019 silam, terjadi 93 kasus, di tahun 2020 terjadi 126 kasus, dan sejak awal Januari hingga Juni 2021 telah  terjadi  62 kasus. Penyebab seluruh kasus yang mereka tangani tidak lain adalah FoM