18 research outputs found
Peran Pemerintah dalam Mewujudkan Kota Layak Anak (KLA) di Kabupaten Siak Tahun 2011-2013
Definition of KLA is a county / city having a child rights-based development system through integration commitment and resources of the government, society, and the business thoroughly planned and sustainable in the policies, programs and activities for the fulfillment of childrens rights. In order to implement the KLA The district Siak Sri Indrapura well involve government agencies and local communities.This study uses qualitative methode. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. That is the subject of this research is 7 respondents who include, 1 Kasubag BP3AKB, 1 P2TP2A staff, one person staff KPAID Siak, 1 Public Relations Social Service, 2 PPA Kapolresta, and 1 community Siak.The results of this study indicate that the role of the agency and the community is very important in realizing the implementation of the Suitable Place for Child. KLA goal is to accelerate the fulfillment of the rights and protection of children in Indonesia .. To support the implementation of the city realize the worth of children, the role of government agencies to support and handle cases of child abuse both children as victims and as perpetrators and promote the importance of protecting and fulfilling children. While local communities to support and publicly report any violence case to the authorities in the country. So that the need for better cooperation between government agencies and the community in realizing the City of Eligible Children in Siak.Keywords: Role of Government, and the City of Eligible Children (KLA)
Upaya Pemerintah Daerah Kampar dalam Mewujudkan Prioritas Pembangunan di Bidang Pertanian Tahun 2012-2013
The background of the problem in this research is the Kampar seen from the geographical conditions has the potential land for agricultural development, it should Kampar own grand design development of the agricultural sector. Grand design is expected to encourage the development of Kampar regency which has the potential of wetland and upland area is promising, Kampar district has vast potential wetland rice fields where the vast potential in the Kampar area of 10 467 hectares. Potential dry land far greater extent than the existing wetland. Extensive dry land in Kampar regency is 197 346 ha. As an agricultural area that has the potential wetland and upland wide enough, either already or not yet in use, Kampar continually strive to cover the various needs of the community. Which became the focus of the problem in this research is how the Kampar District Government efforts to realize the development priorities in agriculture 2012-2013? and what factors inhibiting realize Kampar District Government development priorities in agriculture 2012-2013?. This type of research is a field research with qualitative approach. Pliers data collection techniques used were interviews primary data, in addition to observation and documentation as secondary data. The territories in which the research is Kampar and Stakeholders Department of Agriculture. The research findings indicate (1) upanya Kampar District Government Delivering On Agriculture Sector Development Priorities 2012-2013 through; Food Resilience improvement program, Program Increased production of agricultural / plantation, Program Improvement production of agricultural / plantation, Farmers Welfare Improvement Program, a program peningkatakn Marketing Results, program¬progam have been realized by the local government through the agriculture office Kampar Kampar, this program has been successfully implemented physical and non-physical, physical has been accomplished 100%, but non-physical claim on average this program has accomplished 75% .. (2). Factors resistor Regency of Kampar implement Priority Development in Agriculture, the natural resources are not a constraint in building in Kampar because each district has resources sufficient to manage menjai agricultural land, but that the limiting factor is the human resources and support facilities to boost agriculture in Kampar, for human resources in the field of agriculture is the generation of tau are not many young people are engaged in agriculture, while it supported agriculture seeds and fertilizer aid and the government sometimes often has been delayed until at the hands of the farmers
Kegagalan Keterwakilan Perempuan di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Kabupaten Lingga Tahun 2009
Lingga Regency is one of the young regencies in Kepulauan Riau province. After divided into autonomous regions since 2003, the regency has implemented three times Election, which in the 2004, 2009, and 2014. In the 2009, the final result comes with no women are elected as legislators in Lingga regency. It was noted that among of 20 members of the legislature who are not elected members of the legislature with the female gender. The presence of womenn in the legislature considered to be important because it can provide ideas and views that correspond to the presence of women themselves. The absence of women as legislators in Lingga regency is a form of failure of representation for women.This study look at the process (mechanism)of recruitment by political parties in Lingga regency recruit women candidates and to determine the cause of the failure of womens representation in parliament of Lingga regency. The foundation for this research is theory of political recruitment. This study using a qualitative research approach. Based on the analysis, it can be seen that the political recruitment is the estuary of the quality of the proposed candidates. Political recruitment by political parties in the Lingga regency for the candidates is closed recruitment. Closed recruitment has some disadvantage with not involving public to see and assess the ability of elite that displayed.The problem that faced by women in legislative elections in the Lingga regency are low education quality of voters, island regions, and economic factors. Accordance with these results, the failure of womens representation in the Lingga House of Representatives in 2009 due to the closed recruitment by political parties and low quality voters
Pelayanan Publik di Kecamatan Ujung Batu Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Tahun 2013 (Studi Rekomendasi Izin Mendirikan Bangunan)
The recommendation of building permit from sub-district head is requirement of the building permit in Rokan Hulu Regency. Building permit commendation of the sub-district at the Ujung Batu sub-district Office had the authority of Ujung Batu sub-district. Therefore Ujung Batu subdistrict government should provide a good service to the public in the making of building permits recommendations.This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach as a tool of analysis. This research was conducted in Ujung Batu sub-district, Rokan Hulu. This research was using interviews with key informants as information objects that aim to achieve the goal in order to get information in this research. Data used of this research is primary data and secondary data obtained through observation and interviews with key informants in this research.Service Implementation of the building permit recommendation from government officials to the citizens service users is still not good. It fairness is based on the clarity and certainty of that the service is still lacking, it is not efficient in service, is not evenly distributed in the service, and still less of an employee disciplinary for the service of building permit recommendations that resulted is not timely in service. As for some of the factors that influence the implementation process of building permit service recommendations in District Ujung Batu, namely : a) There is still a lack of support facilities to the community service activities. Equipment also needs to be adapted to the development of existing technology to facilitate and speed up the service process. b) There is still a lack of personnel service clerk technical control of the main task, so that sometimes the service becomes less effective. c) There are still of officials who are still not disciplined.Keywords: Public Service, Subdistrict, Building Permit Recommendatio
POLITIK ANGGARAN DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT DAERAH PROVINSI RIAU (Studi Kasus Pada Sekwan Sebagai Mitra Kerja Komisi I Tahun Anggaran 2020)
The purpose of the research is to find out the Budget Politics Of The Regional People'S Representative Council Of Riau Province At the Secretariat of the Council as a Working Partner of Commission I of Fiscal Year 2020. The research method used is qualitative and the data collection technique used in this study is Descriptive Qualitative. The results of this study showed in the budgeting process between the Riau Provincial Parliament, namely Commission I which is affiliated with the Secretary of the Council of one of the Regional Device Organizations of the Riau Provincial Government there are several issues where there are several interests in budgeting for Commission I and the Secretary of the Council for 2020 such as the budget in recruiting experts. The community is not very involved in the decision making, it should be input from the community into consideration for the DPRD. Some actors are very influential in making political decisions on budgets in 2020, both from the Executive and the Legislature
Demokrasi dalam Pemikiran Politik Muhammad Natsir (1945-1950)
Democracy is commonly discussed and often debated. Talk of democracy hasexisted since 2500 years ago in Greece , in the city of Athens . Many countries in theworld with democratic systems , including Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in theworld . This research will raise the idea of democracy offered by a politician andMuslim intellectuals , Muhammad Natsir . Natsir reject the spirit of modern democracybackgrounds Western secular culture . Because Natsir considers it is not in accordancewith the guidance and teachings of Islam . The purpose of this study are : First , analyzeand explain about democracy in the political thought of Muhammad Natsir (1945-1950). Second , the view expressed by Muhammad Natsir on Election (voting ) .The method used in this research is qualitative research analysis model isdescriptive. By collecting and interpreting the data and then analyze and examine itmore clearly as factors related to the phenomenon under investigation, in this caseliterature be related deepen the political thought of Muhammad Natsir on Democracy.Thus, this study also called library research. Based on the findings of this study showthat: First, democracy is an elaboration of the theistic Gods sovereignty and thesovereignty of the people. In the opinion of Natsir, Islam is not a full democracyadherents nor theocracy whole, Islam is Islam. And the question of democracy theisticstated by Muhammad Natsir is that the ideas of Islam in the state could accept the rulesof the secular (reason, intuition, experience), then Islam complete with relevation(revelation). Secondly, Based on democratic practices related to the General Electionthen Natsir view of the election should be carried out with a record of consensusagreement must be contained.Keywords : Political Thought , Democracy Theistic , Muhammad Natsir
Pengaruh Pemikran Politik Hasan Al-banna dalam Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Pasca Reformasi di Indonesia Tahun 1998-2014
Religion as worldview has contributed few main roles on world politics constellation for decades. One of them is Hasan Al Banas political thoughts, Manhaj Harokah. This research analyzes the influence of Hasan al-Bannathe founder of Ikhwanul Musliminpolitical thoughts in Indonesia. This research is aimed to describe how Indonesia through Partai Keadilan Sejahtera adopt Hasan al-Bannas thoughts on politics and governance. Formulation of Hasan al-Bannas thoughts and vision about Islam and governance that has been adopted and absorbed in Indonesia will be explained based on Political Thought Theoretical Framework. These qualitative-descriptive research framework formulates ideology, actor, value system infiltration, institution, and political movement as one theoretical unity. Which means that, Hasan al-Bannas thoughts focus on these four research concepts. The result of this research shows that Hasan al-Bannas political thoughts influence Indonesia political situation by the existence of Partai Keadilan Sejahtera as the dawah-based party. PKS is Indonesians manifesto on adopting Hasan al-Bannas thoughts. The establishment of PKS is one of two main influences on Indonesia political situation. And another one is Islam purification, getting back to quran and hadits. Some previous researcher also called PKS establishment as the rise of Jemaah Tarbiyah in Indonesia. Keywords: Hasan al-Banna, tarbiyah, dakwah, PK