205 research outputs found

    Chaos in one-dimensional lattices under intense laser fields

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    A model is investigated where a monochromatic, spatially homogeneous laser field interacts with an electron in a one-dimensional periodic lattice. The classical Hamiltonian is presented and the technique of stroboscopic maps is used to study the dynamical behavior of the model. The electron motion is found to be completely regular only for small field amplitudes, developing a larger chaotic region as the amplitude increases. The quantum counterpart of the classical Hamiltonian is derived. Exact numerical diagonalizations show the existence of universal, random-matrix fluctuations in the electronic energy bands dressed by the laser field. A detailed analysis of the classical phase space is compatible with the statistical spectral analysis of the quantum model. The application of this model to describe transport and optical absorption in semiconductor superlattices submitted to intense infrared laser radiation is proposed.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex 3.0, EPSF (6 figures), to appear in Europhys. J.

    Entanglement Complexity in Quantum Many-Body Dynamics, Thermalization and Localization

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    Entanglement is usually quantified by von Neumann entropy, but its properties are much more complex than what can be expressed with a single number. We show that the three distinct dynamical phases known as thermalization, Anderson localization, and many-body localization are marked by different patterns of the spectrum of the reduced density matrix for a state evolved after a quantum quench. While the entanglement spectrum displays Poisson statistics for the case of Anderson localization, it displays universal Wigner-Dyson statistics for both the cases of many-body localization and thermalization, albeit the universal distribution is asymptotically reached within very different time scales in these two cases. We further show that the complexity of entanglement, revealed by the possibility of disentangling the state through a Metropolis-like algorithm, is signaled by whether the entanglement spectrum level spacing is Poisson or Wigner-Dyson distributed.Comment: Minor revision

    Non-Markovian dynamics of double quantum dot charge qubits due to acoustic phonons

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    We investigate the dynamics of a double quantum dot charge qubit which is coupled to piezoelectric acoustic phonons, appropriate for GaAs heterostructures. At low temperatures, the phonon bath induces a non-Markovian dynamical behavior of the oscillations between the two charge states of the double quantum dot. Upon applying the numerically exact quasiadiabatic propagator path-integral scheme, the reduced density matrix of the charge qubit is calculated, thereby avoiding the Born-Markov approximation. This allows a systematic study of the dependence of the Q-factor on the lattice temperature, on the size of the quantum dots, as well as on the interdot coupling. We calculate the Q-factor for a recently realized experimental setup and find that it is two orders of magnitudes larger than the measured value, indicating that the decoherence due to phonons is a subordinate mechanism.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, replaced with the version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    RKKY Interaction in Disordered Graphene

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    We investigate the effects of nonmagnetic disorder on the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida (RKKY) interaction in graphene by studying numerically the Anderson model with on-site and hopping disorder on a honeycomb lattice at half filling. We evaluate the strength of the interaction as a function of the distance R between two magnetic ions, as well as their lattice positions and orientations. In the clean limit, we find that the strength of the interaction decays as 1/R^3, with its sign and oscillation amplitude showing strong anisotropy. With increasing on-site disorder, the mean amplitude decreases exponentially at distances exceeding the elastic mean free path. At smaller distances, however, the oscillation amplitude increases strongly and its sign changes on the same sublattice for all directions but the armchair direction. For random hopping disorder, no sign change is observed. No significant changes to the geometrical average values of the RKKY interaction are found at small distances, while exponential suppression is observed at distances exceeding the localization length.Comment: 4+\epsilon\ pages, 5 figure

    Periodic orbit analysis of an elastodynamic resonator using shape deformation

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    We report the first definitive experimental observation of periodic orbits (POs) in the spectral properties of an elastodynamic system. The Fourier transform of the density of flexural modes show peaks that correspond to stable and unstable POs of a clover shaped quartz plate. We change the shape of the plate and find that the peaks corresponding to the POs that hit only the unperturbed sides are unchanged proving the correspondence. However, an exact match to the length of the main POs could be made only after a small rescaling of the experimental results. Statistical analysis of the level dynamics also shows the effect of the stable POs.Comment: submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Resilient Quantum Computation in Correlated Environments: A Quantum Phase Transition Perspective

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    We analyze the problem of a quantum computer in a correlated environment protected from decoherence by QEC using a perturbative renormalization group approach. The scaling equation obtained reflects the competition between the dimension of the computer and the scaling dimension of the correlations. For an irrelevant flow, the error probability is reduced to a stochastic form for long time and/or large number of qubits; thus, the traditional derivation of the threshold theorem holds for these error models. In this way, the ``threshold theorem'' of quantum computing is rephrased as a dimensional criterion.Comment: 4.1 pages, minor correction and an improved discussion of Eqs. (4) and (14
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