13 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Permainan Scrabble Terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Teks Prosedur Siswa Kelas X, SMA Tugu Ibu, Depok, Jawa Barat

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    Peneliti ini dilakukan di kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Pada kelas eksperimen, peneliti menggunakan media scrabble sebagai media pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa  anak lebih antusias dan aktif belajar di kelas. Penggunaan media permainan scrabble dapat membantu tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran. Terdapat perbedaan rata-rata pada kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Rata-rata kelas kontrol sebesar 29,4, sedangkan kelas eksperimen sebesar 82,4. Adapun kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh sebesar 17% antara kelas yang menggunakan media permainan scrabble dan kelas yang tidak menggunakan media permainan.  Kata Kunci: permainan, scrabble, menulis, prosedur


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    Komunikasi merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia dalam menjalani kehidupannya, bahkan seorang bayi pun sudah dapat melakukan komunikasi, seperti ketika ia menangis itu bisa jadi menandakan bahwa ia sedang lapar atau tidak nyaman. Siswa masih merasa kurang percaya diri dalam berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena,penguasaan kosa kata ,tata bahasa dan pengucapan yang masih rendah. Latihan yang berkelanjutan sangat diperlukan dalam peningkatan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Adapun tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam program pengabdian  masyarakat adalah: (1) meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, (2) membantu program sekolah dalam menyiapkan generasi yang handal dalam menghadai globalisasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat adalah, tatap muka,penyuluhan dan pendampingan .serta evaluasi secara berkala. Hasil dicapai dalam program ini ,pada kemampuan kelancaran berbicara, pemilihan kosa kata dan kepercayaan diri siswa meningkat rata rata sebesar 3.3.               Kata Kunci :Kemahiran, Komunikasi bahasa Inggris, siswa SMP Abstrak Communication is one of the basic needs of human beings in living their lives, even a baby was able to communicate, as when he cried it could be a sign that he was hungry or uncomfortable. Students still feel less confident in communicating in English. This is because, the mastery of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation are still low. Ongoing training is essential in improving communication skills in English. The goals that will be achieved in community service programs are: (1) improving the ability to communicate in English, (2) assisting school programs in preparing a reliable generation in the face of globalization. Methods used in the implementation of community service is, face to face, counseling and assistance, as well as regular evaluation. The results achieved in this program, on the ability to smooth talk, the vocabulary selection and confidence of students increased an average of 3,3 increasedKey Word : Skill, English Communication, Junior high school studentÂ


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    The aim of this research is to know the influence of linguistic intelligence towards English achievement at SMA Tugu Ibu in Depok. The data for linguistic intelligence is taken from worksheet though test. Meanwhile the data for English achievement is taken from the score of English in students’ academic record which is familiar called rapor. To analyze the data, the researcher uses SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 17. Based on the result of the data analysis, it is known that coefficient correlation (r) = 0,766 and determination coefficient is 58,7%. It means that there are significant and strong influence of linguistic intelligence towards English achievement. It means that there are significant and strong influence of linguistic intelligence towards English achievement. English is influenced by linguistic intelligence for 58,7%. Meanwhile, the rest 41,3% is influenced by other factors. Futhermore, the test of hypotheses through regression analysis make the result for regression equality Y = 55,48 + 1,747 X. the result for regression equality significant test is got the score of Sig = 0,000 and tobserved = 6,307 so Sig score < 0,05 And tobserved > ttable so Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. It means that regression coefficient is significant. The conclusion is there are strong and significant influence of linguistic intelligence towards English achievement at SMA Tugu Ibu in Depok, West Java.Keywords : Linguistic Intelligence and English Achievement

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Berkomunikasi Ibu dan Anak Serta Antaranak untuk Mereduksi Bullying

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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di SDIT Bina Insani Muslim dengan melakukan seminar yang diaplikasikan dalam bentuk forum diskusi dan berbagi pengalaman bullying sebagai upaya untuk menciptakan sarana komunikasi yang efektif. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melatih para peserta kegiatan abdimas yang terdiri atas guru dan orang tua murid untuk mengenali faktor dan indikasi adanya bullying yang mungkin terjadi di sekolah. Dan memberikan pelatihan meningkatkan keterampilan berkomunikasi antar orang tua murid dan murid serta antar murid untuk mereduksi bullying. Pelaksanaan pelatihan keterampilan berkomunikasi antar teman sebaya ini merupakan langkah tepat untuk memotivasi dan memberikan informasi antibullying kepada siswa di sekolah. Dan kegiatan ini berlangsung selama dua hari dengan per harinya ada dua sesi.  Kegiatan  ini menghasilkan simpulan bahwa komunikasi yang baik antara ibu dan anak dapat menjadi salah satu cara efektif untuk mengenali pelaku dan korban bullying,  dan kedekatan guru dan murid mampu menjembatani permasalahan bullying di sekolah dengan melihat pada bagaimana sesama murid bersosialisas

    Sosialisasi Dan Pembekalan Strategi Pemasaran Produk Olahan Pisang Pada Siswa Pondok

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    Marketing strategy is very important in business processes. This process is the final process of a production. Community service activities are carried out in the rice fields of Ciputat sub-district, South Tangerang, West Java. This activity focuses on empowering orphanage students, especially in the provision of effective marketing methods, it is hoped that pondok students have an interest in entrepreneurship. The number of participants was 26 children. The activity will take place from the beginning of December 2019 until March 2020. The implementation method is used with counseling, mentoring and program evaluation. Achieved results: students can independently market products according to target sale, students know the market share, and can use online marketing.     &nbsp


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    The study was conducted with the aim of analyzing and discussing the use of language in the text of the news discourse on the liputan6.com page on the dissolution of the BSNP (National Education Standards Agency) which was published on September 3, 2021 using the framework of Theo Van Leeuwen's critical discourse analysis model. This research is qualitative research that uses descriptive methods. The data taken in this study uses content analysis. In addition, this research also refers to the study of literature in the form of journals, books and other literature so that a comprehensive and holistic discussion of the research topics raised is obtained. The results of the discussion obtained from this study are based on the category of exclusion and inclusion strategies according to Theo Van Leeuwen. Categories of exclusion strategies include pasivation, nominalization and replacement of sentence clauses while inclusion strategy categories include differentiation-inference, objectivation-abstraction, nomination-categorization, nomination-identification, determination-indetermination, assimilation-individualization and association-dissociation. With an analysis of the use of this category of exclusion and inclusion strategies, audiences can understand how the emphasis of marginalized actors, actors who are championed and power relationships on the process marginalizes or fights for these aspects

    The Tik Tok Vibe Phenomenon: A Semiotic Analysis

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    This research was conducted to find out how semiotic analysis of the phenomenon that was happening today is called the term 'Tik Tok Vibe'. The semiotic point of view used is used to construct three elements of the value contained, namely autonomy, equity and survival through primary data obtained from the content uploaded by tik tok users. This research is descriptive qualitative research. In conducting analysis of findings, researchers use semiotic analysis to dismantle the actual ideology and objectives in the text on the screens' catch from the findings. The results obtained from this study are that the content contained in the tik tok social media applications turns out to contain three elements of value that has significant impacts for netizens, namely the value of autonomy, equity value and survival value contained in the tok vibe tik phenomenon. Through this research, netizens are expected to be able to cultivate media literacy and technology in consuming content presented in order to reduce the bad influence of this social media application.Keywords: Phenomenon; tik tok vibe; semiotics.

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Berkomunikasi Ibu dan Anak Serta Antaranak untuk Mereduksi Bullying

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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di SDIT Bina Insani Muslim dengan melakukan seminar yang diaplikasikan dalam bentuk forum diskusi dan berbagi pengalaman bullying sebagai upaya untuk menciptakan sarana komunikasi yang efektif. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melatih para peserta kegiatan abdimas yang terdiri atas guru dan orang tua murid untuk mengenali faktor dan indikasi adanya bullying yang mungkin terjadi di sekolah. Dan memberikan pelatihan meningkatkan keterampilan berkomunikasi antar orang tua murid dan murid serta antar murid untuk mereduksi bullying. Pelaksanaan pelatihan keterampilan berkomunikasi antar teman sebaya ini merupakan langkah tepat untuk memotivasi dan memberikan informasi antibullying kepada siswa di sekolah. Dan kegiatan ini berlangsung selama dua hari dengan per harinya ada dua sesi. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan simpulan bahwa komunikasi yang baik antara ibu dan anak dapat menjadi salah satu cara efektif untuk mengenali pelaku dan korban bullying, dan kedekatan guru dan murid mampu menjembatani permasalahan bullying di sekolah dengan melihat pada bagaimana sesama murid bersosialisas


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    This research was conducted with the aim of finding out how the plot analysis and literary sociology of the novel titled "The Eyes of Darkness" proves the truth of the conspiracy against the emergence of artificial viruses and predictions made by author Dean Koontz on the pandemic situation of the coronavirus outbreak-19 today as depicted in the novel. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with structural approaches so that it is drawn a thorough and structured analysis. The primary data taken comes from the novel while the secondary data is obtained from a literature study conducted as a reference material to compare the existence of the two viruses, namely the Wuhan-400 virus depicted in the novel and the Corona-19 virus that occurred in the current situation. From the results of the discussion came the conclusion that there are some similarities of the symptoms caused by these two viruses although there are differences in the rate of death caused. In addition, the social situation of the people depicted in the novel also has similarities with the situation when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out. This is seen from the comparison of the economic side of society and the political turmoil that occurs.                                                                                                                                         