12 research outputs found

    The Influence of Neutral Gender Words on Translating Job Titles from English Language into Arabic Language

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    This paper aims at investigating the influence of neutral gender words on translating job titles from English  language into Arabic Language. This qualitative research includes 20 postgraduate students doing their M.A in Applied Linguistics at the Department of English Language and Literature at Mu'tah University for the academic year 2015/2016. The sample of the study was selected randomly. The researcher used two research instruments; checklist and interview. The findings of this research showed that neutral gender words influence the process of translation in which translators face difficulties when translating  them. That is, they encounter difficult problem concluding their meanings unless used in a context, text or followed by a pronoun. This research recommends that translators should consider such words' category and be aware of their usage. Also, this study recommends that further future research be conducted in this area to overcome problems in English as a foreign translation, particularly in a Jordanian context. Keywords: Neutral Gender Words, Job Titles, Translation, Postgraduate

    The Existence of Application of the New Role of Human Resources Management and its effect on the Level of Organizational Justice at the Greater Amman Municipality

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    This study aimed at investigating the existence of application of the new role of human resource management and its effect on the level of organizational justice at the Greater Amman Municipality. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire was designed depending on the previous studies and theoretical literature. A sample was chosen randomly from the employees working at the Municipality, whom count (400) employee. Results of the study showed that the level of application of the new role of human resource management was moderate, and the level of organizational justice in the Municipality was moderate also. In the other hand, results of the study showed that there was an effect of statistical significant of the application of the new role of human resource management fields (strategic dimension of human resource management, social responsibility, employees training, and quality improvement) and the organizational justice at the Greater Amman Municipality. The study recommended to promote the employees sense of the basics of organizational justice, for the importance of this variable, which has a major effect on the psychological state of workers and increases their loyalty to their sense of organizational and job security, which is reflected thus on organizational performance as a whole. Key Words: The New Role of Human Resource Management, Organizational Justice

    Predictors of breastfeeding duration among women in Kuwait: results of a prospective cohort study

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    The purposes of this paper are to report the prevalence of breastfeeding to six months among women in Kuwait and to determine the factors that are associated with the duration of breastfeeding. A cohort of 373 women recruited from maternity wards in four hospitals in Kuwait city were followed from birth to 26 weeks postpartum. The association of any and full breastfeeding duration and predictor variables were explored using multivariate Cox’s proportional hazards models. At six months, 39% of all infants were receiving some breast milk and only 2% of infants had been fully breastfed to 26 weeks. Women born in other Arab countries were less likely to discontinue breastfeeding than women born in Kuwait. Other factors positively associated with breastfeeding duration were level of maternal education, higher parity, infant being demand fed in hospital and a preference for breastfeeding on the part of the infant’s father and maternal grandmother. The introduction of a pacifier before four weeks of age and the mother intending to return to work by six months were negatively associated with duration. These findings present a number of opportunities for prolonging breastfeeding duration in Kuwait

    Social Justice as a Criterion for the Democracy of the Jordanian Constitution

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    In this study we discuss the issue of social justice as a basic human requirement in the rule of law and sovereignty. Despite its practical importance as a political principle in the various schools of thought, it remained merely a guiding idea for the legislator, It seeks to follow its guidance in drawing up the general policies of the state, without the state being obligated to intervene positively to enforce them; It was not a matter of constitutional priority and interest in the old constitutions, considering it a political par excellence whose purpose was to restrict and regulate absolute power and to determine and guarantee the missing freedom. Proceeding from the constitutional transformations that the Arab world is witnessing, especially the Kingdom of Jordan, following the revolutions of the Arab Spring, the general nature that these constitutions must establish is the goal of achieving social justice, which presupposes the recognition of people with a range of rights that preserve their human dignity as a matter of immediate implementation of these rights. However, addressing the idea of compulsion and normative democracy in Jordan’s constitution for social justice rights from this perspective appears to be a thorny idea due to the difficulty of setting limits, foundations, or standards for them, because these rights presuppose a positive intervention from the state, and it is an issue related to the financial and economic status of the state, unlike other rights that are generally assumed In general, a negative commitment from the state without incurring financial burdens. So, achieving social justice depends primarily on its material capabilities

    The Iranian Nuclear Agreement and its Regional and International

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    The study aimed at identifying the 2015 Iranian Nuclear Agreement between Iran and the P5 +1 group of world powers – the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany. It also attempts to clarify the agreement justifications, and meanwhile explores the regional and international repercussions resulting from it after the American withdrawal form it. The study also attempts to answer the following question: what are the repercussions of the Iranian nuclear agreement on the regional and international levels? The study also aims to ascertain the validity of the following hypothesis: the Iranian nuclear agreement created regional and international repercussions which led to imbalance in the Middle East which in turn harmed the regions stability. The study relied on historical and analytical approaches to test its hypothesis

    The influence of foreign aid on Jordan's foreign policy 1921-1970

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    Available from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN003925 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Accounting Measurement of Owners’ Equity and its Impact on the Going-Concern of Companies

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    Research aims at studying the accounting measurement of Owners equity and its impact on the concept of company's going - concern, "An empirical study of a sample of Jordanian public shareholding companies listed on Amman Stock exchange ." A random sample of (120) questionnaires was selected. The number of the retrieved questionnaires was 100 whereas (2) excluded and the rest (98) was valid for analysis. The descriptive analytical method was used to analyze the data of the questionnaire using SPSS. results revealed that the trends of the sample individuals were positive to wards the variables of the study variable of information quality was the most agreed upon . The study showed that there was a statistically significant relation between Owner equity and the concert of company's Going-Concern which was good but not strong. The study indicated that there was a statistically significant impact relation between the existence of afinancial reporting standard for Owners equity and of the accounting information's equity  which was medium but not strong, there was also a statistically significant impact relation between the multiplicity of accounting measurement methods and the Going-Concern of the company which was medium but not strong as well as a statically significant impact relation between the multiplicity of the accounting measurement methods of owners equity and the failure and bankruptcy of companies which was good but not strong