4 research outputs found


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    Character education is the foundation of children for their future and character education serves as the basis for self-discipline and becomes a means of controlling children when they behave. Values ​​that are not necessarily by the surrounding community. Noble values ​​can be sourced from existing local wisdom, wisdom values ​​to realize the aspirations of the nation physically and mentally. Through traditional games, it is also a form of tradition in people's lives to create an atmosphere and expression that is fun and uplifting to build children's character from an early age. Traditional games that can be categorized as good must be able to help aspects of children's development both physically and psychologically. Traditional games of attraction are sufficient to explore the physical abilities of children. When playing the game of attraction, children interact a lot with others, control emotions, cooperate, respect friends, and hone language skills. Introducing local wisdom through traditional games of Tarik-upih to children from an early age will form a person who cares and has a love for their culture. So that there will be generations with personalities and functional values ​​for the nation and state


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    Underage drug users show very large numbers, so understanding the dangers of drugs needs to be planted as early as possible. Supervision is not only done by parents at home, but also by teachers and the surrounding community. Through the method of telling children, it is expected to be able to distinguish good deeds and bad deeds so that they can be applied in daily life. The method of telling stories using illustrated storybooks that are packaged in an interesting way can be of particular concern to children. The adverse effects of drug use, for children not only will lose their future but will also lose their identity as young people who are creative and innovative, using drugs means children damage themselves, because as we all know that drug use will continually damage the nervous system the brain that will be felt throughout his life, even if the person has stopped using drugs. The method of telling stories by conveying information and knowledge to early childhood about the adverse effects of drug use is fun and will be stored in memory until adulthood so that the hopes and desires to make the younger generation will avoid drugs will be realized

    Keteladanan Guru Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Islami Siswa Di PAUD IT Bunayya Pekanbaru

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    Early childhood is a golden period which is very precise to stimulate the growth and development. The availability of teacher modeling is able to change the behavior and attitudes of people around. The method of building character is expected to build Islamic character successfully among students so that they will have personality and character as well as functional values for themselves, religion, family, society, nation and country. Teacher modeling is the most important aspect in education at school, therefore the teachers must be able to be good models for their students. The purpose of this study is to investigate the teacher modeling in building students’ Islamic character at PAUD IT Bunayya Pekanbaru. This is a qualitative research. The location of this research is at PAUD IT Bunayya on Putra Panca street Sei Mintan, Simpang Tiga subdistrict, Pekanbaru City. The subject of this study is the principal and other five teachers. The results of this study show that the teacher modeling is an effective way to build students' Islamic character, as seen that the Islamic characters has already embedded in students so they can implement the values of these characters in daily life. The efforts made by the teachers and other school staff are through modeling, habituating consistently, giving praise and motivating, evaluating performance, conducting reflection, and building good cooperation with parents