5 research outputs found

    Peranan Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula terhadap Peningkatan Serapan Hara Bibit Pepaya

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran lima jenis isolat cendawan mikoriza arbuskula dalam meningkatkan serapan hara dan biomassa dua kultivar bibit pepaya. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran, dari bulan Agustus 2001 hingga Januari 2002. Penelitian ini disusun berdasarkan rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jenis isolat cendawan mikoriza terdiri dari kontrol, Glomus etunicatum, Glomus manihotis, Gigaspora margarita, Acaulospora tuberculata dan Scutellospora heterogama, dan faktor ke dua adalah kultivar pepaya Dampit dan Sari Rona. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa derajat infeksi akar bibit pepaya pada umur dua bulan setelah inokulasi dipengaruhi oleh efek interaksiantara isolat cendawan mikoriza dan kultivar pepaya. Isolat A. tuberculata, G. etunicatum dan Gi. margarita menunjukkan derajat infeksi akar yang sangat tinggi, yaitu lebih dari 76% untuk kedua kultivar pepaya, sedangkan dua jenis isolat lainnya menunjukkan tingkat infeksi yang lebih rendah (21,33%-59,67%). Serapan hara N, P, K, dan bobot kering pupus, secara mandiri dipengaruhi oleh jenis isolat cendawan mikoriza dan kultivar pepaya. Acaulospora tuberculata dan G. etunicatum meningkatkan bobot kering total bibit berturut-turut 1.028% dan 1.632% lebih tinggi dibanding kontrol. Kultivar Sari Rona menunjukkan serapan hara N, P, K, dan bobot kering pupus lebih tinggi dibanding kultivar Dampit. Prospek aplikasi cendawan mikoriza untuk tanaman pepaya cukup baik, namun masih memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui keefektifan dalam efisiensi penggunaan pupuk. Katakunci: Carica papaya; Bibit; Mikoriza arbuskula; Serapan hara; Pertumbuhan

    Identifikasi Dan Karakterisasi Manggis Di Provinsi Bengkulu Dan Bangka-Belitung

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    . Mansyah, E., M. Jawal A.S, I. Muas, Hendri, and F. Usman. 2007. Identification and Characterization of Mangosteen at Bengkulu and Bangka-Belitung Provinces. The research was conducted by exploration at mangosteen production center at Bengkulu and Bangka-Belitung Provinces from August 2003 to August 2004. The objective of this study was to find out the variability of mangosteen at Bengkulu and Bangka-Belitung Provinces. The parameters observed were morphology and genetic characters. Morphology characters observed were qualitative and quantitative while genetic observation was conducted by using RAPD technique. The results showed that mangosteen accessions at Bengkulu and Bangka-Belitung have morphology variations. The variations were on canopy and fruit shape. The canopy could be devided into 3 forms of pyramid, elliptical, and semicircular. Fruit shape described as round, flattened, ovoid, and irregular. RAPD analysis of 8 mangosteen accessions by using 2 primers OPH-13 (CACGCCACAC) and OPN-16 (AAGCGACCTG) showed that the accessions devided into 2 main groups with genetic similarity coefficient 0.78 to 1.0. First group consist of 8 genotypes which separated into 2 different genotypes with genetic similarity coefficient of 0.90. The second group consist of 2 genotypes with genetic similarity coefficient about 0.87. In general the 8 accessions could be separated into 4 different genotypes (1) BLT-03, BKL-01, and BKL-06, (2) BLT-08, BLT-12, and BKL-09, (3) BLT-10, and (4) BKL-07. Accessions grouping based on RAPD bands were not in accordance with morphology characters. Further evaluation by molecular marker was needed to clarify the genetic variability. This results strengthened the support about the presence of genetic variability on mangosteen

    Pengaruh Posisi Sayatan Dan Penyisipan Entris Pada Batang Bawah Terhadap Keberhasilan Penyambungan Dan Kecepatan Pertumbuhan Benih Manggis

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    . Jawal, M. Anwarudin Syah, R. Poerwanto, T. Purnama, F. Usman, and I. Muas. 2007 . The effeect of Slice and Insertion Scion Position on Rootstock for Succ essful Grafting and the Growth of Mangosteen Seedling. The objective of this study was to find out the best position of slice and insertion of the scion on rootstock of mangosteen grafting. This study was conducted at nursery of Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute Solok from July 2003 to March 2005 by using factorial randomized block design with 3 replications. The first factor was the slice position of scion (on the top the node, below the node, and at the node), while the second factor was the insertion position of scion on rootstock (on the top of the node, below the node, and at the node). The parameters observed were grafting successfulness, frequency of flush, leaf number, plant height, stem diameter, and number of lateral branch. The results indicated that slice position of scion at the node increased the successfulness of grafting and growth of mangosteen grafting. Insertion position of scion at the node increased the successfulness of grafting, while insertion position of scion on the top of the node stimulated the growth of mangosteen grafting

    Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Manggis di Provinsi Bengkulu dan Bangka-Belitung

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai bulan Agustus 2003 sampai Agustus 2004 pada sentra produksi manggis di Provinsi Bengkulu dan Bangka-Belitung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui keragaman aksesi manggis di Provinsi Bengkulu dan Bangka-Belitung. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode eksplorasi. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap karakter morfologi dan genetik. Pengamatan morfologi dilakukan terhadap karakter kualitatif dan kuantitatif serta pengamatan secara genetik dilakukan menggunakan teknik RAPD pada 8 aksesi contoh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aksesi manggis di Provinsi Bengkulu dan Bangka-Belitung menunjukkan variasi morfologi dan genetik, yaitu dalam bentuk kanopi tanaman dan bentuk buah. Bentuk kanopi terdiri atas piramid, elips, dan semisirkuler, sedangkan bentuk buah terdiri atas bulat, agak gepeng, seperti jantung, dan tidak beraturan. Berdasarkan data analisis RAPD menggunakan primer OPH-13 (CACGCCACAC) dan OPN-16 (AAGCGACCTG) dari 8 aksesi diketahui bahwa manggis dari Provinsi Bengkulu dan Bangka-Belitung mempunyai koefisien kesamaan genetik antara 0,78-1,0 dan terbagi ke dalam 2 kelompok. Kelompok pertama terdiri dari 6 aksesi yang terpisah ke dalam 2 genotip yang berbeda dengan tingkat kesamaan genetik sekitar 0,90. Kelompok kedua terdiri dari 2 aksesi dengan tingkat kemiripan sebesar 0,87. Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedelapan aksesi contoh tersebut terdiri dari 4 genotip berbeda yaitu (1) BLT-03, BKL-01, dan BKL-06, (2) BLT-08, BLT-12, dan BKL-09, (3) BLT-10, dan (4) BKL-07. Pengelompokan aksesi belum mencerminkan perbedaan secara morfologi. Hasil analisis ini masih perlu dilanjutkan untuk semua aksesi dengan primer yang berbeda. Informasi hasil penelitian ini memperkuat data tentang adanya keragaman pada manggis.ABSTRACT. Mansyah, E., M. Jawal A.S, I. Muas, Hendri, and F. Usman. 2007. Identification and Characterization of Mangosteen at Bengkulu and Bangka-Belitung Provinces. The research was conducted by exploration at mangosteen production center at Bengkulu and Bangka-Belitung Provinces from August 2003 to August 2004. The objective of this study was to find out the variability of mangosteen at Bengkulu and Bangka-Belitung Provinces. The parameters observed were morphology and genetic characters. Morphology characters observed were qualitative and quantitative while genetic observation was conducted by using RAPD technique. The results showed that mangosteen accessions at Bengkulu and Bangka-Belitung have morphology variations. The variations were on canopy and fruit shape. The canopy could be devided into 3 forms of pyramid, elliptical, and semicircular. Fruit shape described as round, flattened, ovoid, and irregular. RAPD analysis of 8 mangosteen accessions by using 2 primers OPH-13 (CACGCCACAC) and OPN-16 (AAGCGACCTG) showed that the accessions devided into 2 main groups with genetic similarity coefficient 0.78 to 1.0. First group consist of 8 genotypes which separated into 2 different genotypes with genetic similarity coefficient of 0.90. The second group consist of 2 genotypes with genetic similarity coefficient about 0.87. In general the 8 accessions could be separated into 4 different genotypes (1) BLT-03, BKL-01, and BKL-06, (2) BLT-08, BLT-12, and BKL-09, (3) BLT-10, and (4) BKL-07. Accessions grouping based on RAPD bands were not in accordance with morphology characters. Further evaluation by molecular marker was needed to clarify the genetic variability. This results strengthened the support about the presence of genetic variability on mangosteen