4 research outputs found

    The Influence of Loosepart Media in Enhancing Early Childhood Creativity

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    It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on society, especially in early childhood. Government policies to study from home increase stress both among parents and students. Teachers must design fun learning for children to attract children's interest in learning from home. This study provides an overview of the influence of loose part materials on children's creativity to provide an overview to educators and parents to utilize loose part materials in the surrounding environment. This research is qualitative descriptive research with the subjects in this study were children aged 4-7 years. Meanwhile, the sources of information or informants can be teachers and parents. Data collection in the field using observation, interviews,  and documentation. The analysis technique used is a data reduction technique to focus attention and select the data needed in research, presentation of data, and withdrawal of conclusions. The results show that loose part media has a tremendous influence on the development of children's creativity. Children can explore and experiment with loose parts to form works according to their imagination

    The Role of Parents in Stimulating Early Children's Language Development Through Smartphone Use

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    Language is a relatively essential means of communication to pay attention to and develop in early childhood, starting from children who have not yet learned the sounds of language, the vocabulary of letters and phrases, to assembling simple sentences. In this case, parents, teachers, and the surrounding community are responsible for children's language development through digital media, one of which is media use. This study aims to describe the role of caregivers in stimulating children's language development through smartphone media. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative, through primary data as a source of research data originating from related parties obtained from respondents; this study uses a questionnaire data collection technique with two closed answers (yes/no) and is equipped with open questions obtained online through the Google forms platform. The data analysis technique is an interactive model carried out through three stages: data reduction, presentation, and verification. The results of this study explain that the use of wise parental supervision will be more effective and effective in increasing the stimulation of children's language development because parents control every child's activity at home. It can be seen from the duration of use. In early childhood, it reaches 47% in the range of 2-3 hours per day, and the application often used by children is YouTube as a way for children to gain mastery of language both orally and in writing. The study results show that caregivers' role in stimulating children's language development is crucial; this can be proven by children who think broadly and are skilled at communicating

    The Introduction to Islamic Characters through Children's Karawitan at KB Among Putro Jangkang Sleman

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    Indonesia's diverse culture is unique to each region, especially Javanese culture. Javanese society that is thick in its character becomes an ancestral heritage that must be preserved. The large number of young people who are not interested in Javanese culture, it is very important to preserve it starting with introducing karawitan in early childhood. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with the research subjects of KB Among Putro Jangkang Sleman students aged 3-6 years. The results of the study showed that karawitan can introduce Islamic characters to children by collaborating with various school stakeholders such as heads, teachers and parents of guardians of students. The character is introduced through a dolanan song and sung along with a gamelan instrument. The child easily understands the song and the meaning contained in the song.

    Handling Children with Special Needs Through Motor Activities

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    The teacher can identify any child with a disability or special need. This is quite difficult for the teacher when the child is disturbed. Children will have difficulty learning, experience delays in doing tasks or activities, and have difficulty adjusting to the surrounding environment. The purpose of this study is to describe the efforts made by teachers in dealing with children with special needs in Al-Kindi Kindergarten. This type of research is qualitative with analytical techniques using an interactive engineering model. In this study, data analysis has been carried out simultaneously with the data collection process in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The object of this study was four children and four accompanying teachers. The results showed that the efforts made by teachers in dealing with children with special needs gave good results, including giving more attention to children, providing special classes for children, adding special activities for children, and providing special checks (assessments). From this study, it can be concluded that the efforts made by the teacher are effective in dealing with children with special needs who experience concentration disorders and are deaf