2 research outputs found

    Mengurai Hadis Tahnik dan Gerakan Anti Vaksin

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    Yogyakarta pada bulan Juli 2017 gempar dengan berita adanya beberapa sekolah berbasis agama yang menolak vaksinasi pada program imunisasi MR (Measles Rubbela) yang menjadi program pemerintah. Gerakan anti vaksin memang telah lama ada baik di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Beberapa dari mereka menggunakan argumen teologis unntuk menolak vaksinasi. Hadits tahnik di gunakan sebagai salah satu alasan utama bahwa Islam sudah mengajarkan metode imunisasi paling unggul karena berdasarkan petunjuk nabi yang berasal dari wahyu Tuhan, sehingga program imunisasi yang dilakukan pemerintah di anggap sudah tidak diperlukan lagi. Paper ini meguraikan bagaimana sebenarnya pemahaman hadits tahnik ini dari sisi ilmu hadits, ilmu biologi, otentisitasnya, dan relevansinya dalam polemik anti vaksin di Indonesia


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    Implementation of practical work in biology laboratory needs supporting media including laboratory equipments and materials. In genetics and molecular biology, the routine materials are mostly molecular resources, which are produced by certain company. To get the materials, we must order and pay for a relative high price.These molecular resources in biology laboratory is not only beneficial for practical activity, but also useful for research activity in related fields.This research works as an application of methods applied in laboratory to result in a product that is valuable in practical works, i.e. the pGEM plasmids. The methods that were employed involved the transformation of E. coli with pGEM plasmid, blue-white screening by using X-gal, and plasmid isolation by alkaline lysis method. The transformation results showed a relative low efficiency at 1,2 x 103cfu/µg DNA. The electrophoresis in 0.8% agarose gel demonstrated that the plasmid DNA was successfully isolated with some thin bands at position 3000-4000bp, despite of a large chromosomal DNA and some smear RNA were still observed. The DNA obtained is pure enough, characterized by the ratio of A260/280 at the range of 1,8-2,0