1,483 research outputs found

    A Welfare Analysis of Spectrum Allocation Policies

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    Analysis of spectrum allocation policies in the economics literature focuses on competitive bidding for wireless licenses. Auctions generating high bids, as in Germany and the UK, are identified as "successful," while those producing lower receipts, as in Switzerland and the Netherlands, are deemed "fiascoes." Yet, even full and costless extraction of license rents does not map directly to social welfare, because spectrum policies creating rents impose social costs. For example, rules favoring monopoly market structure predictably increase license values, but reduce welfare. This paper attempts to shift analytical focus to the relationship between spectrum policy (including license auctions) and efficiency in output markets. In cross-country comparisons of performance metrics in mobile telephone service markets, empirical estimates suggest that countries that auction licenses do not achieve lower prices or higher levels of output than other nations. Rather, countries allocating greater bandwidth to licensed operators and achieving more competitive market structures realize demonstrable social welfare benefits. These gains generally dominate efficiencies associated with license sales. Policies to increase auction revenues, such as reservation prices and subsidies for weak bidders, should be evaluated in this light.

    La compresi?n lectora a trav?s del uso de las tecnolog?as de la informaci?n

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    105 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa presente investigaci?n la comprensi?n lectora a trav?s del uso de las tecnolog?as de la informaci?n y la comunicaci?n trabaja la comprensi?n lectora a trav?s del uso de las tecnolog?as de la informaci?n y la comunicaci?n, esta tiene como objetivo mejorar los niveles de comprensi?n lectora a trav?s del uso de las Tic en los estudiantes de grado S?ptimo de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Agropecuaria Mariano Melendro de la Ciudad de Ibagu?. Para ello la poblaci?n tomada fueron los estudiantes de grado s?ptimo del a?o en curso y la muestra se dio por medio de tres (3) distribuciones. Se utiliz? una metodolog?a de enfoque mixto compuesto por las estrategias cualitativas tales como observaciones y rejillas, a nivel cuantitativo se aplicaron, sistematizaron y graficaron resultados de los instrumentos aplicados. El tipo de dise?o metodol?gico fue experimental. Los instrumentos empleados fueron: una encuesta, mediante la cual se indag? sobre el acceso, uso y conectividad que tienen los estudiantes en relaci?n a las tic. Tambi?n se realiz? una prueba diagn?stica que permiti? establecer las principales dificultades que poseen los estudiantes en relaci?n a la comprensi?n lectora, seguido a esto se determin? los niveles de comprensi?n lectora en los que se encontraban. Posterior a esto, se desarroll? una estrategia did?ctica que consisti? en el dise?o y aplicaci?n de cinco (5) gu?as did?cticas tanto digitales y f?sicas en donde se abordaron tem?ticas diferentes. Al finalizar este proceso se aplic? la prueba final escrita en donde se evalu? los niveles de comprensi?n lectora; esto permiti? evidenciar si realmente se mejoraron los niveles de comprensi?n lectora en estos estudiantes objeto de la muestra. Como resultados se hall? que la aplicaci?n de las gu?as did?cticas virtuales mejor? el nivel de comprensi?n lectora en comparaci?n a los dem?s grupos. De lo cual se puede concluir que el uso de las tic en ambientes educativos favorecen el desarrollo de competencias siempre y cuando se cuente con la intervenci?n del docente.The present research work tic understand reading comprehension through the use of information and communications technology, it aims to improve reading comprehension levels through the use of ICT in the seventh grade students of the institution Technical Agricultural Education Mariano Melendro City Ibague. For this population it was taken seventh graders this year and the sample is given by three (3) distributions. A methodology of mixed approach composed of qualitative observations and strategies such as grids, quantitatively were applied, systematized and graphed results of the instruments used. The type of study design was experimental. The instruments used were: a survey, in which questions were asked about the access, use and connectivity that students have in relation to ICT. A diagnostic test that allowed establishing the main difficulties students have in relation to reading comprehension followed this reading comprehension levels where determined were also performed. Following this, a teaching strategy that included the design and implementation of five (5) both digital and physical tutorials where they addressed different topics developed. After this process the final written test in which the levels of reading comprehension was evaluated was applied; This really allowed to watch whether reading comprehension levels were enhanced in these students being sampled. As a result it was found that the application of virtual tutorials improved reading comprehension level compared to the other groups. From which we can conclude that the use of ICT in educational settings favor the development of skills as long as they count with the participation of teachers. Keywords: Students, Information Technology and Communication (ICT), textual interpretation, teaching guides, teacher


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    This article analyses the immigrant-native wage differentials in Spain, which only recently has become a host country. The paper exploits the Earnings Structure Survey 2006, which is the first nationally representative sample of both foreign and Spanish employees. Using the Machado-Mata econometric procedure, wage differentials between locals and foreigners are decomposed into the gap related to characteristics and the one due to different returns on endowments (i.e., discrimination). We find that, in absolute terms, the latter component grows across wage distribution, reflecting the existence of a kind of glass ceiling consistent with the evidence of over-education found by previous research.Immigration, Wage differentials, Spain, Quantile regression

    What Really Matters in Spectrum Allocation Design

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    Since initiated in the U.S. in July 1994, auctions have replaced "beauty contests" in the assignment of wireless licenses in many countries. Economists have been involved in constructing the competitive bidding mechanisms chosen, and have devoted considerable analysis to the problems involved. Generally, auction methods have been evaluated according to the receipts generated; social gains resulting from the displacement of activity-distorting taxes has motivated the welfare analysis. Yet, policies widely advocated by economists to intensify license bidding , such as reservation prices or bidding credits for "weak"' bidders , may impose deadweight losses that dominate revenue raising efficiencies. Yet, retail market effects are largely excluded from cost-benefit calculations of rules to assign licenses. This paper reviews a number of case studies suggesting that economic analysis is most usefully focused on consumer welfare in wireless service markets, the outputs resulting from license use. Econometric evidence from mobile phone markets in twenty-nine countries suggests that auctions do not lower prices or increase usage, while liberalization, increased spectrum allocations and more competitive markets -- produces such pro-consumer results. We use simulations to compare the net social benefits of liberalization against policies suggested in the auction literature to enhance license bids. We argue that increases in bandwidth and competitiveness produce consumer benefits that generally dominate social gains from rent extraction via wireless license auctions.

    Caracterizaci?n del ?rea de educaci?n religiosa en tres instituciones educativas de Ibagu?

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    142 p. Recurso Electr?nicoExisten debates acad?micos que giran alrededor de la importancia de incluir las herramientas de la Tecnolog?a y la Comunicaci?n en el ?mbito educativo, ya que esto promueve el mejoramiento y fortalecimiento del proceso educativo. La mejora en la aprehensi?n de los aprendizajes y trae m?ltiples ventajas en la incorporaci?n en el aula; especialmente en la transformaci?n de la evaluaci?n educativa debido a incorporaci?n de una gran cantidad de herramientas que permiten transformar las din?micas y las pr?cticas en el aula, con el fin de preparar a la poblaci?n para asumir la globalizaci?n de esta sociedad. Con la realizaci?n de este ejercicio de investigaci?n, se espera evidenciar una transformaci?n en el concepto y la forma como se concibe la evaluaci?n educativa dentro del aula; con la implementaci?n de algunas herramientas que permitan a los docentes innovar sus pr?cticas, generando la reflexi?n y la autoevaluaci?n de la pr?ctica docente en torno a las concepciones de evaluaci?n, escuela moderna, nuevas pr?cticas e incorporaci?n de TIC en el aula. As? mismo, el ?rea de educaci?n religiosa se orienta al desarrollo integral del estudiante en forma individual y colectiva. En este orden de ideas, se puede hallar ciertos interrogantes, que desde las categor?as de estudio identifican la presente investigaci?n: ? ?Qu? opini?n tienen los docentes y estudiantes frente al ?rea de Educaci?n religiosa? ? ?Qu? instrumentos ofrecen las Tecnolog?as de la Informaci?n y la Comunicaci?n para recoger el sentir y las percepciones de docentes y estudiantes frente al ?rea de Educaci?n Religiosa? ? ?Qu? aportes significativos puede hacer esta investigaci?n a la evaluaci?n educativa, al sistema de Educaci?n B?sica y media, a la Universidad del Tolima y a las TIC en la educaci?n? Con el prop?sito de atender estos interrogantes, esta investigaci?n har? un abordaje del tema de la siguiente manera: La primera parte hace referencia a los aportes de te?ricos y acad?micos acerca de las categor?as de estudio; mencionando alguna normatividad, teor?as y avances de las mismas; se iniciar? con la evaluaci?n educativa; luego se refiere a la incorporaci?n de TIC en los procesos de educaci?n y de evaluaci?n educativa en este caso se concentrar? en la creaci?n de herramientas TIC para mejorar el proceso y finalmente, se conceptualizar? el ?rea de educaci?n religiosa y c?mo se ha llevado su proceso de evaluaci?n. En la segunda parte, se encontrar? con el dise?o metodol?gico de la investigaci?n: una descripci?n del tipo de investigaci?n empelada, de la muestra que se tom?, de los instrumentos que se emplearon para identificar el sentir y la percepci?n de los docentes y estudiantes frente a lo que significa del uso de las TIC en la evaluaci?n del ?rea de educaci?n religiosa y su relaci?n directa con la formaci?n personal (desde el punto de vista de estudiantes) y su entorno laboral (desde el punto de vista de docente) de mencionada incorporaci?n de TIC. En la tercera parte, se analizan los datos obtenidos en la recolecci?n de datos, las observaciones realizadas, lo que direcciona el documento a realizar el an?lisis de la informaci?n triangulando la informaci?n de los hallazgos, los conceptos y propuesta acad?mica; finalmente se dan una conclusiones y se termina con una serie de recomendaciones de posibles estudios que pueden partir de esta investigaci?n. Palabras claves: Tecnolog?as de la Informaci?n y la Comunicaci?n, Evaluaci?n educativa, Educaci?n religiosa escolar.There are academic debates that goes around the importance of including ICT tools in the educational context, the enrichment of the process, the improvement in the apprehension of learning and the advantages that its incorporation brings into the classroom, emphasizing the transformation of evaluation concept, due to the provision of tools that allows to transform pedagogical and didactic models in order to prepare population assuming the globalization challenges brings to society. Therefore, with educational evaluation, it is possible to appreciate, estimate and judge the value of something or someone, as well as to know the development of those involved in the process. The information obtained in this evaluation allows to sustain decisions and adjustments for achieve the goals, promoting the teacher?s reflection regarding some conceptions of education, school, pedagogical models, knowledge, teaching, learning ..., for identifying if the teaching methods, used make the knowledge and change possible. Likewise, religious education at school is a part of the subjects that underlie educational processes of Colombian institutions; based on integral development as individuals and as collective. Following these ideas, to expose from the categories that identify the present project, questions arise, such as: ? Which is the teachers and students? opinion regarding the pedagogy of religious education at school? ? Which instrument can be designed out of the ICTs that manages to collect the teachers and students? feelings and expressions about religious education at school? ? What are the significant contributions that this research can make to educational evaluation, to university of Tolima, to research and ICTs? In order to give a response to these questions, this research will address the issue as follows: First, make a theoretical conceptualization of concepts and postulates of different authors about the importance of incorporating ICTs in educational processes. Then it refers to the academic contributions on educational evaluation and creation of tools supported by new technologies to improve the pedagogical process in a reliable, creative, and practical way as is evidenced by blogger, used as a research tool and as an ICT tool for the development of this project. Third, the research methodology is developed with surveys to identify the feelings and perceptions of teachers and students regarding what religious education at school has meant from teaching-learning for personal training (from the point of view of students) and their work environment (from the point of view of the teacher) through the incorporation of ICTs to assess religious education. Finally, the data obtained during the investigation is going to be analyzed and the information of the findings, texts and proposal for the recommendations and conclusions of the field work will be compared with the evaluation of the religious education at school by evaluating the designed instrument (blogger), used in this investigation. Keywords: ICT, Educational evaluation, School religious education

    Multiagent System Applied to the Modeling and Simulation of Pedestrian Traffic in Counterflow

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    An agent-based model to simulate a pedestrian crowd in a corridor is presented. Pedestrian crowd models are valuable tools to gain insight into the behavior of human crowds in both, everyday and crisis situations. The main contribution of this work is the definition of a pedestrian crowd model by applying ideas from the field of the kinetic theory of living systems on the one hand, and ideas from the field of computational agents on the other hand. Such combination supported a quantitative characterization of the performance of our agents, a neglected issue in agent-based models, through well-known kinetic parameters. Fundamental diagrams of flow and activity are presented for both, groups of homogeneous pedestrians, and groups of heterogeneous pedestrians in terms of their willingness to reach their goals.Agent-Based Modeling, Pedestrian Crowd, Activity Measurement

    El decreto 1290 y la transformaci?n de las pr?cticas evaluativas, un estudio de caso

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    269 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoLa evaluaci?n del aprendizaje se constituye en la herramienta m?s valiosa para mejorar los procesos de ense?anza y de aprendizaje, principalmente si ?sta se realiza bajo un enfoque formativo como el que plantean las ?ltimas tendencias de la evaluaci?n y la normatividad vigente. El presente trabajo tiene como prop?sito describir la incidencia del Decreto 1290 del 2009 en la transformaci?n de las pr?cticas evaluativas en la b?sica secundaria de la Escuela Normal Superior de Piedecuesta. El estudio en menci?n, est? concebido con un enfoque mixto, un alcance descriptivo y un corte transversal. Abarca tres fases: diagn?stico de las pr?cticas evaluativas actuales a trav?s de t?cnicas como la encuesta y la entrevista; an?lisis de la informaci?n y del grado de pertinencia existente entre la unidad de estudio, el Modelo Pedag?gico y el Sistema Institucional de Evaluaci?n; y por ?ltimo, socializaci?n de ?reas de mejora y recomendaciones pertinentes para la resignificaci?n del proceso evaluativo. La muestra de las unidades de estudio participantes est? compuesta por 296 estudiantes y 30 docentes. La interpretaci?n y el an?lisis del corpus se efect?an mediante el programa de Microsoft Excel. Los resultados permiten afirmar que si bien se han registrado algunos avances considerados muy positivos, existen factores de tipo te?rico pr?ctico y contextual que obstaculizan la implementaci?n de este tipo de evaluaci?n en el aula.ABSTRACT. Evaluation of learning becomes the most valuable tool for improving teaching and learning, especially if it is done under a formative approach posed as the latest trends in the evaluation and current regulations. This paper aims to describe the incidence of 1290 Decree of 2009 in changing assessment practices in high school at Normal School in Piedecuesta. The study in question, is designed with a mixed approach, a descriptive and a cross section range. It takes three phases: analysis of the current assessment practices through techniques such as survey and interview ; analysis of information and the degree of relevance between the unit of study, the pedagogical model and the Institutional Evaluation System ; and finally , socialization of areas to improve and recommendations for the redefinition of the evaluation process . The sample units of study participants is conformed by 296 students and 30 teachers. The interpretation and analysis of the corpus are made by using Microsoft Excel program. The results confirm that while some progress are considered very positive, there are some theorethical-practical and contextual factors which do not allow to implement this type of classroom assessment.INTRODUCCI?N 21 1. EL PROBLEMA DE INVESTIGACI?N 24 1.1 JUSTIFICACI?N 28 1.2 OBJETIVOS 29 1.2.1 Objetivo General 29 1.2.2 Objetivos Espec?ficos 29 2. MARCO TE?RICO 29 2.1 ANTECEDENTES INVESTIGATIVOS 29 2.1.1 Fuentes de campo 29 2.1.2 Fuentes documentales 32 2.2 BASES TE?RICAS 37 2.2.1 Principios y concepciones sobre evaluaci?n 37 Conceptos y definiciones de evaluaci?n 37 Historia de la evaluaci?n educativa 45 Definici?n y conceptos de evaluaci?n educativa 46 Principios inherentes a la evaluaci?n educativa 50 Elementos de la evaluaci?n educativa 51 Paradigmas o enfoques de la evaluaci?n. 49 Tipos y funciones de la evaluaci?n educativa. 57 T?cnicas e instrumentos en evaluaci?n educativa. 58 2.2.2 Desarrollo hist?rico de la evaluaci?n 59 Contexto mundial. 59 Desarrollo hist?rico y fundamentaci?n legal de la evaluaci?n en Colombia. 62 2.2.3 Modelos pedag?gicos y evaluaci?n. 74 Los modelos pedag?gicos seg?n Rafael Fl?rez. 77 Los Modelos Did?cticos de Rafael Porl?n. 83 Los M?todos Pedag?gicos de Louis Not. 90 Modelo Pedag?gico y Evaluaci?n en la Escuela Normal Superior de Piedecuesta. 95 3. METODOLOG?A DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 97 3.1 DISE?O DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 97 3.2 CONTEXTUALIZACI?N DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 99 3.3 POBLACI?N Y MUESTRA 98 3.4 INSTRUMENTOS UTILIZADOS 103 3.4.1 Entrevista 104 3.4.2 Encuesta 104 3.5 TRATAMIENTO Y AN?LISIS DE DATOS 105 3.5.1 Instrumentos cuantitativos 103 3.5.2 Instrumentos cualitativos 106 4. AN?LISIS E INTERPRETACI?N DE RESULTADOS 106 4.1 INVESTIGACI?N CUANTITATIVA 106 4.1.1 Diagn?stico del estado actual de las pr?cticas evaluativas en la B?sica Secundaria de la Escuela Normal Superior de Piedecuesta. 107 Descripci?n de los resultados del cuestionario aplicado a docentes. 107 Descripci?n de los resultados del cuestionario aplicado a estudiantes. 138 4.2 INVESTIGACI?N CUALITATIVA 169 4.3 TRIANGULACI?N DE DATOS: COMPARACI?N DE RESULTADOS INVESTIGACI?N CUANTITATIVA E INVESTIGACI?N CUALITATIVA. 176 5. CONCLUSIONES 200 RECOMENDACIONES 204 PERSPECTIVAS Y NUEVAS L?NEAS DE INVESTIGACI?N 206 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGR?FICAS 204 ANEXOS 21

    ?Factores asociados al tiempo de atenci?n de pacientes con diagn?stico de infarto agudo de miocardio con elevaci?n del ST sometidos a terapia de reperfusi?n en dos instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud con unidad de hemodinamia, en la ciudad de Ibagu? durante el periodo 2016-2017?

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    112 p. Recurso Electr?nicoIntroducci?n: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la principal causa de muerte a nivel mundial y su manejo se orienta al diagn?stico precoz e instauraci?n temprana de la terapia de reperfusi?n farmacol?gica y mec?nica, principalmente en los pacientes con IAMSEST en quienes se demostr? beneficio en la supervivencia a trav?s de medidas que transforman la organizaci?n del sistema de salud con ?nfasis en la atenci?n prehospitalaria y disponibilidad 24/7 del equipo de hemodinamia. Objetivo: Analizar los factores asociados al tiempo de atenci?n de pacientes con IAMCEST sometidos a terapia de reperfusi?n en dos instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud con unidad de hemodinamia, en la ciudad de Ibagu? de 2016-2017. Metodolog?a: Se realiz? un estudio anal?tico, corte longitudinal retrospectivo de tiempo al evento. La poblaci?n fueron 2755 instituciones. Utilizando un formato propio de recolecci?n se seleccionaron 126 casos y se analizaron sus condiciones sociodemogr?ficas y cl?nicas. Para el an?lisis de los tiempos puerta-EKG, puerta-aguja y puerta-bal?n, fueron incluidos 49 casos que ingresaron a trav?s del servicio de urgencias. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 63 a?os. El 71.4% fueron hombres y 26.8% mujeres. 92.9% resid?a en el ?rea urbana, los municipios de remisi?n con mayor proporci?n de pacientes fueron Espinal y Honda. La mayor?a pertenec?an al r?gimen contributivo (50.8%). 12.7% de los pacientes ten?an antecedente de enfermedad coronaria. Las comorbilidades analizadas fueron HTA (59.5%), dislipidemia (32.5), DM- 2 (21.4%) y ERC (2.4%). Ning?n paciente recibi? atenci?n prehospitalaria. El 53,1% se le realizo arteriograf?a coronaria, el 46,9% recibi? tanto terapia farmacol?gica como mec?nica. La mediana del tiempo puerta valoraci?n m?dica inicial fue 30 minutos, solo en el 35% de los casos se realiz? el electrocardiograma en menor de 10 minutos. Todos los pacientes recibieron terapia antiisquemica y se realizo toma de biomarcadores. La mediana del tiempo puerta aguja fue de 72 minutos, los menores de 60 a?os, hombres y los afiliados al r?gimen contributivo recibieron terapia m?s tempranamente. La mediana del tiempo puerta bal?n fue de 26 horas, los mayores de 60 a?os y la poblaci?n hipertensa fue reperfundida en menor tiempo. Las dos terapias de reperfusion se realizaron de manera m?s temprana cuando la unidad de hemodinamia se encontraba disponible. Conclusiones: Si bien es necesario que se realicen m?s estudios al respecto para conocer las estad?sticas de atenci?n de IAMCEST en Latinoam?rica, los datos reportados fueron similares a otras tendencias encontradas para esta poblaci?n. El 80% de los pacientes consult? a?n en per?odo de ventana para trombolisis. La edad, presentaci?n cl?nica del dolor y sexo influyeron en el tiempo de consulta. La meta del tiempo puerta ? EKG menor a 10 minutos fue cumplida en el 35% de los casos, se encontr? relaci?n entre este tiempo y el sexo, edad y clasificaci?n de triage. El 39% de los pacientes recibi? fibrin?lisis en un per?odo menor a 60 minutos y solo el 6,1% de los pacientes fue llevado a ICP en un tiempo de 90 minutos. Estas dos variables presentaron un mejor comportamiento cuando se encontraba disponible la unidad de hemodinamia en la instituci?n. Palabras clave: Infarto de miocardio con elevaci?n de ST, intervenci?n coronaria percut?nea, trombolisis, tiempo de atenci?n.Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the first cause of death worldwide. As a result, the ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) management has been directed to the early diagnosis and coronary reperfusion, undergoing either pharmaceutical (door to needle time less than 60 minutes) or mechanical treatments (door to balloon time less than 90 minutes). In addition, the development of chest pain intensive care units, pre- hospital strategies and 24/7 hemodynamic services available showed the improvement in surveillance and prognosis in this group. Objective: Analyse the factors related to the time from symptom onset to coronary reperfusion in patients with diagnosis of STEMI who were attended in two clinical centres with hemodynamic services in Ibague, between 2016-2017. Methods: A Longitudinal retrospective study of analysis of Time-to-Event data was conducted. From 2016 to 2017 a total of 2755 cardiac catheterism were realized. Using an own collecting instrument, 126 patients were chosen with the diagnosis of STEMI furthermore, their sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were analysed. Door-to- ECG, door-to-needle and door-to-balloon times were measured only in 49 patients who were first attended in the emergency service of the clinical centres. Results: The average age was 63 years old. 71,4% of patients were male and 26,8% were female. 92,9% of patients lived in urban area. The clinical centres of major patient transference were Espinal and Honda. The comorbidities studied were previous coronary disease (12.7%), hypercholesterolemia (32.5%), DM-2 (21.4%) and chronic renal disease (2.4%). There was not a pre-hospital system stablished. 46,9% of patients received both pharmacological and mechanical therapy while 53,1% only underwent mechanical reperfusion. The mean door to first medical contact time was 30 minutes. In 35% of cases an ECG was performed in the first 10 minutes. All patients were given anti-ischemic therapy and were blooded for biochemical samples. Door to needle mean time was 72 minutes and door to balloon was 26 hours. Conclusions: Our results were similar to the ones reported in other Latin-American populations, however it is necessary to perform more investigations about the topic. 80% of patients attended the ER within thrombolysis time window. The variables like age, clinical manifestations and sex were related with the time from symptoms onset to consult. In only 35% of the cases the goal door-to-ECG time less than 10 minutes was achieved, this time was related with sex, age and triage classification. Door-to-needle time less than 30 minutes was reached in 39% of patients and door-to-balloon time less than 90 minutes was successful in 6,1% of cases. There were minor delays during day-time, when hemodynamic service was available. Keywords: ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, coronary percutaneous intervention, thrombolysis, reperfusion time