18 research outputs found

    The effect of the application of complex and mixed fertilizers on wheat yield and soil fertility

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    Crop productivity and soil fertility of arable lands largely depends on the applied fertilizer, including their composition, dosage and way of application. In the paper, a comparison of the fertilization values of different composite fertilizers was performed. The complex composite and different mixed fertilizers with fillers (lime and zeolite) were used in two experiments on two types of soil, Pseudogley and Cambisol. The grown crops were wheat and corn. The results showed no significant differences between applied fertilizers in terms of crop yield and nutrient uptake. Use of lime and zeolite as filler didn't result in increase of the fertilization effect of the applied fertilizers. The way of distribution of composite fertilizers influenced on the overall fertilization effect. Manual application of mixed fertilizers had better fertilization effect in comparison to mechanical spread, while use of complex fertilizers mechanically had better effect in comparison to blended mixed fertilizers

    Soil acidification as a limiting factor to agricultural production in the municipality of Ljubovija

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    The process of soil acidification means, above all, a reduction of soil solution pH. It can be the result of slow, years-long natural process or considerably accelerated due to a combination of natural processes and anthropogenic influences. Acidification is a very important factor in the permanent degradation of the fertility of soil, as the most important and hardly renewable natural resource. Studies on soil susceptibility to the process of acidification were carried out in the Municipality of Ljubovija, using three methods. Defining of the degree of soil susceptibility to the process of acidification allows timely activities aimed at the reduction of overall soil acidity. Management of agricultural land, in isolated areas, must be focused on a balanced use of fertilizers and agrotechnical measures, using proper planting /crops to achieve the optimum use of resources and sustainable soil fertility

    Macronutrient contents in the leaves and fruits of red raspberry as affected by liming in an extremely acid soil

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    The study evaluates the effect of liming materials application in combination with NPK fertilizer and borax on macronutrient contents (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg)), in an extremely acid soil and raspberry leaves and fruits during a two-year period. Liming increased soil pH, N mineral content, P, Ca and Mg soil content, while K content either increased (dolomite and borax application), or decreased (lime application). The N and P contents in raspberry leaves after liming increased significantly, but P content remained below the optimal values. Some treatments with lime caused a decrease in K content in leaves, while dolomite and borax application increased K content. Initially optimal Ca content in leaves increased significantly in the treatments with lime, but decreased after dolomite application. The Mg content in leaves increased after dolomite and borax application, but mainly remained below optimal values. Liming either did not alter or only slightly altered macronutrient contents in raspberry fruits


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    Remote sensing is a convenient method for plant monitoring by employing vegetation variables which is changed dynamically in time and space. Furthermore, in the last few decades the number and quality of information that can be derived from remotely sensed images is rapidly increased. The widespread usage of information from satellite-born sensors provides a new tool for studying the biophysical properties of vegetation by mapping vegetation resources and changes that arise over extended periods of time. The European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-2 mission, as a part of the European Global Monitoring for Environment (GMES) initiative, is a polar-orbiting, superspectral high resolution imaging mission that envisaged flying a pair of satellites; the first planned to launch in 2013. The Sentinel-2 mission combine a large swath, frequent revisit and systematic acquisition of high-spatial resolution land surfaces imagery with a large number of spectral bands; that will provide accurate and easily accessible data for the environmental management. The most important impact of Sentinel-2 for plant monitoring is expected to be the improved plant parameters: Fraction of Vegetation Cover (FVC), Leaf Area Index (LAI), Leaf Chlorophyll Content (Cab), Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) and Leaf Water Content (Cw); by incorporating three new spectral bands in the red-edge region, which are centered at 705, 740 and 783 nm. The goal is to improve site-specific plant management by the retrieving different plant parameters as an input for management measures aimed to nondestructive monitoring of plant development and the detection of many environmental stresses, which can limit plant productivity

    Izazovi klasifikacije koluvijalnih krečnjačkih zemljišta Velikog polja – podnožje planine Vukan

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    UVOD i CILjEVI: U okviru klasifikacije zemljišta u genetskim klasifikacionim sistemima se nekada javljaju dileme kome tipu zemljišta pripadaju neke zemljišne jedinice, jer ne postoje direktno utvrđeni kvantitativni pokazatelji koji razgraničavaju pojedine zemljišne jedinice ili pojedine pedogenetske procese, i utvrđuju hijerarhiju među njima za potrebe klasifikacije. U okviru šire studije, u podnožju krečnjačkog masiva planine Vukan, na potesu Veliko polje, otvoreno je 42 zemljišna profila. Karbonatna skeletna zemljišta na jedrim krečnjacima sa izraženim humusno-akumulativnim horizontom su identifikovana na oko 40% područja, odnosno na 15 otvorenih profila. MATERIJAL i METOD: Istraživanja su obuhvatala otvaranje profila zemljišta do 90 cm dubine, odnosno do dubine matične stene, detaljan opis zemljišta na terenu, kao i uzimanje uzoraka zemljišta u narušenom i nenarušenom stanju za laboratorisjke analize, kao i klasifikaciju zemljišta prema domaćem i međunarodnom sistemu (WRB) klasifikacije. REZULTATI i ZAKLjUČCI: Zemljišta su klasifikovana kao koluvijalni kalkomelanosoli. Koluvijalni kalkomelanosoli su identifikovani na nadmorskoj visini od svega 185–210 m, što je neuobičajeno za ovaj tip zemljišta. Iz istog razloga i njegove ostale fizičko-hemijske osobine odstupaju od do sada opisanih koluvijalnih kalkomelanosola. Teren pod kalkomelanosolima se koristi kao ekstenzivni pašnjak, dominantan nagib terena je 2–5%, a skeletnost površine iznosi 10–80% u zavisnosti od profila. Građa većine ispitivanih profila je A – R. Boja humusnoakumulativnog horizonta je veoma tamna braon i veoma tamna braon siva, nešto svetlija od tipičnih crnica. Koluvijalni kalkomelanosoli se odlikuju dubinom 40–70 cm, a sadržaj skeleta se povećava sa dubinom. Veličina skeleta je 2–200 mm, a oblik je nepravilan – uglast. Struktura zemljišta je umereno izražena, dominantna veličina zrnastih agregata je 1–5 mm. Veoma visok sadržaj kalcijum-karbonata u supstratu, 90–99% u 12 profila ukazuje na jedre krečnjake. Skelet je po dubini zemljišnog profila i karbonatan i beskarbonatan, što ukazuje na koluvijalne procese u prošlosti. Intenzivno hemijsko raspadanje ovog skeleta je dovelo čak i do pojave pseudomicelarnog potpovršinskog horizonta koji se nalazi iznad matične stene u dva profila, kao i do pojave karbonatnosti zemljišne mase u horizontima, što nije tipično za kalkomelanosole. Zemljišta nisu klasifikovana kao rendzine, jer postojeća nacionalna klasifikacija ne prepoznaje rendzine na jedrim krečnjacima, već samo na mekim krečnjacima. Takođe, zemljišta nisu klasifikovana ni kao karbonatni koluvijumi jer nisu nastala taloženjem podukata raspadanja mekih karbonatnih stena. Zemljišta su dakle prema nacionalnoj klasifikaciji koluvijlni kalkomelanosoli, organo-mineralni, i u odnosu na tipične kalkomelanosole odlikuju se većom dubinom soluma, prisutnošću kalcijum-karbonata u zemljišnoj masi, skeletnošću, krupnijim strukturnim agregatima, i dosta nižim sadržajem humusa. Većina ispitivanih profila pripada Leptic Rendzic Phaeozems (Colluvic) prema WRB sistemu klasifikacije

    Classification and spatial distribution of soils in the foot and toe slopes of mountain Vukan, East-Central Serbia

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    This study describes and classifies the soils of the foot and toe slopes of the Vukan Mountain, Central Serbia, the contact point of two distinct geomorphological units, with a focus on their spatial distribution and their main soil-forming processes. The Vukan Mountain is formed of Jurassic limestones and dolomites, whereas the foot and toe slopes are of fluviatile-colluvial origin. A total of 42 soil profiles were examined. Soil profile locations were determined with respect to elevation differences, accounting for a set of six profiles for every 5-m elevation increase between 175 and 210 m a.s.l. The area is characterized by the dominance of chernic and mollic topsoil horizons and the major part of the area is covered with Phaeozems. Five Reference Soil Groups were found in a very small area. Eleven soil profiles are Chemic Phaeozems, five are Cambic Phaeozems, and twelve are Rendzic Phaeozems. The central part of the study area is characterized by the accumulation of secondary carbonates and Chernozems were identified. The northern part of the study area is covered with Fluvisols, Calcisols, and Leptic Rendzic Phaeozems, whereas Chernic and Cambic Phaeozems and Eutric Cambisols cover the western part of the study area. The differences in the CaCO3 content in the gravels, the differences in the gravel content, and the different lateral and vertical distribution of CaCO3 are strong evidence of surface processes that occurred in the past. The presence of different geological layers and buried horizons suggests fluviatile processes. The spatial distribution of soils is related mainly to parent material occurrence, and colluvial and alluvial processes that occurred in the past. The soil map created in GIS has Reference Soil Group as central unit following Rule 1 for map legend creation, except in the case of Phaeozems, which are present as Phaeozems (Leptic) and Phaeozems (other) following Rule 5. This soil survey with approximately one soil profile per 4 ha has indicated considerable soil heterogeneity in the study area. Detailed surveys are therefore recommended for areas with pronounced heterogeneity of soil-forming factors

    Karakteristike rendzina u Srbiji i njihova klasifikacija prema WRB sistemu

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    According to the Serbian official soil classification system, Rendzina is a soil type with an A-AC-C-R profile, developed on parent rock containing more than 20% of calcareous material (except soils with an A-R profile on hard pure limestone or dolomite). Previous investigations have shown that 29 Rendzina soil profiles from Serbia belong to the reference soil groups (RSGs) of Leptosols, Regosols and Phaeozems according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB 2015). The present study addresses the correlations among three WRB RSGs in terms of soil texture, mean weight diameter (MWD), total N content, and humus fractional composition using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The objective is to better understand the mutual relationship between the classification soil units used in Serbia and the international WRB system. The results show that PCA cannot unequivocally distinguish between these three RSGs. Leptosols and Regosols are highly incoherent groups while the group of Phaeozems is highly coherent, leading to the conclusion that the physical and chemical properties of the soil profiles of Phaoeozems are specific. It is obvious that soil depth and color, which are the overriding factors in the differentiation of Rendzina soils into three WRB RSGs, had no significant effect on these properties. The results further show that soil properties such as texture, MWD, humus fractional composition, etc. cannot be used to correlate Rendzina soils from Serbia with WRB. Instead, careful correlation of individual soil profiles is needed based on quantitative soil data analysis as required by WRB.Prema zvaničnoj klasifikaciji zemljišta Srbije prema Škoriću i saradnicima, rendzina je tip zemljišta građe profila A-AC-C-R, čiji matični supstrati sadrže više od 20% karbonata (izuzev zemljišta građe profila A-R, obrazovanih na čistim tvrdim krečnjacima i dolomitima). Prethodna istraživanja su pokazala da 29 profila rendzine sa područja Srbije, prema međunarodnoj WRB klasifikaciji zemljišta iz 2015. godine, pripadaju referentnim grupama zemljišta (RSG): leptosola, faozema i regosola. U ovom radu je testiran međusobni odnos izdvojenih WRB RSG prema teksturi, prosečnom masenom prečniku (MWD), sadržaju ukupnog N i frakcionom sastavu humusa, metodom analize glavnih komponenti (PCA), a sve s ciljem boljeg razumevanja međusobnog odnosa klasifikacionih jedinica domaćeg i međunarodnog WRB sistema za klasifikaciju zemljišta. Rezultati su pokazali da PCA ne može na nedvosmislen način da razlikuje ove tri referentne grupe zemljišta. Pri tome su RSG leptosola i regosola veoma nekoherentne, dok je RSG faozema izrazito koherentna što ostavlja prostora za zaključak o specifičnosti fizičkih i hemijskih osobina rendzina koje pripadaju faozemima. Očito je da dubina i boja zemljišta, koje su bile presudne za diferenciranje zemljišta tipa rendzina na tri WRB RSG, nisu imale značajan uticaj na osobine ispitivane u ovom radu. Rezultati su nadalje pokazali da podatke o osobinama zemljišta kao što su tekstura, MWD, frakcioni sastav humusa, itd., nije moguće koristiti za korelaciju zemljišta tipa rendzina u Srbiji sa WRB sistemom klasifikacije, već je neophodna pažljiva klasifikacija svakog pojedinačnog profila zemljišta bazirana isključivo na kvantitativnim podacima koje je WRB sistem predvideo svojim zahtevima

    Methods for the assessment of background limits of Cd and Cr in the soil of Moravički district

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    This paper presents different approaches to background limits assessment of Cr and Cd content in the soil of the Moravički district. The investigated elements have right-skewed asymmetrical distribution, with high dispersion, especially Cr. By using graphical methods (cumulative curve - CDF and boxplot ) the obtained background limits of the natural contents were Cd 1.40 mg kg-1 and Cr 230 mg kg-1. Natural and log-transformed data were used for empirical methods, and significantly higher values were obtained than in the natural simulation. The background limits obtained by empirical methods were different. The maps show that the largest part of the territory has a relatively low concentration of investigated elements, whose values are the most similar to the background limits calculated by [Median+2MAD] methods and below. In parts of the territory with an increased content the most suitable computational methods are [Mean ± 2SD] and boxplot - calculation of the upper threshold. Background limits are given for certain homogenous geochemical wholes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TP 037006: Proučavanje uticaja kvaliteta zemljišta i voda za navodnjavanje na efikasniju proizvodnju poljoprivrednih kultura i očuvanje životne sredine

    Methods for Assessment of Background Limit of Ni and Cr in Soils of Eastern Serbia

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    The primary objective of the present study was to point out different approaches to background limits assessment. The content of selected trace elements is relatively low, and elements have right-skewed asymmetrical distribution, with high dispersion. Background for Cr and Ni (60 mg kg -1) which are obtained by graphical methods cumulative probability plot (CDF) and box-plot are similar. Natural and log-transform data are used for empirical methods. Results from antilogarithmic values are signifi cantly higher than from natural ones. Background limits obtained by empirical methods are different. Maps show that the largest part of territory has a relatively low concentration of investigated elements, whose background limits calculated by [Median+2MAD] methods are the most suitable. On the part of area with elevated element content, where the natural origin of elements had previously been proven, background limits are determined with the box-plot metho

    Design and implementation of WebGIS technologies in evaluation of erosion intensity in the municipality of NIS (Serbia)

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    This paper studies the estimated losses of soil by water erosion in the municipality of Nis ( Serbia). The assessment of losses is determined by USLE method integrated with GIS technology, which provides a simple and fast processing capabilities and data analysis. This study showed that the average intensity of erosion in the municipality of Nis is 8.48 t ha(-1) year(-1), which puts the municipality in the class of moderately threatened by erosion. The applied methods provide easy determination of sites which are potentially exposed to erosion and provide a starting point for erosion conservation practices. The paper presents the possibility of displaying the final results via interactive map using WebGIS technology, which provides a visual representation of the geometric and attribute data stored within spatially oriented databases