709 research outputs found

    Instanton Floer homology and the Alexander polynomial

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    The instanton Floer homology of a knot in the three-sphere is a vector space with a canonical mod 2 grading. It carries a distinguished endomorphism of even degree,arising from the 2-dimensional homology class represented by a Seifert surface. The Floer homology decomposes as a direct sum of the generalized eigenspaces of this endomorphism. We show that the Euler characteristics of these generalized eigenspaces are the coefficients of the Alexander polynomial of the knot. Among other applications, we deduce that instanton homology detects fibered knots.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures. Revised version, correcting errors concerning mod 2 gradings in the skein sequenc

    Index theory of the de Rham complex on manifolds with periodic ends

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    We study the de Rham complex on a smooth manifold with a periodic end modeled on an infinite cyclic cover X' \to X. The completion of this complex in exponentially weighted L^2-norms is Fredholm for all but finitely many exceptional weights determined by the eigenvalues of the covering translation map H_*(X') \to H_*(X'). We calculate the index of this weighted de Rham complex for all weights away from the exceptional ones

    Gauge theory and Rasmussen's invariant

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    A previous paper of the authors' contained an error in the proof of a key claim, that Rasmussen's knot-invariant s(K) is equal to its gauge-theory counterpart. The original paper is included here together with a corrigendum, indicating which parts still stand and which do not. In particular, the gauge-theory counterpart of s(K) is not additive for connected sums.Comment: This version bundles the original submission with a 1-page corrigendum, indicating the error. The new version of the corrigendum points out that the invariant is not additive for connected sums. 23 pages, 3 figure
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