9 research outputs found

    Preliminary report on the research of the JU Institute of Archeology and the AGH UST Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering at the Dajaniya and Tuwaneh sites in Jordan – seasons 2018-2019

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    W artykule publikowane są wyniki badań ekspedycji Instytutu Archeologii UJ i Wydziału Geodezji Górniczej i Inżynierii Środowiska AGH w południowo-zachodniej Jordanii na stanowiskach Dajaniya (Ma’an Husseiniyeh) i Tuwaneh (Tafila Hessa) z lat 2018-2019.. Badania miały na celu wykonanie szczegółowych planów stanowisk oraz zadokumentowanie stanu zachowania pozostałości architektonicznych z użyciem fotogrametrii (z wysięgnika oraz latawca) oraz skaningu laserowego. Ponadto zarejestrowano również wkopy rabunkowe na obu stanowiskach. Przeprowadzono również prospekcję powierzchniową zbierając materiał ceramiczny oraz pojedyncze zabytki metalowe, która w przypadku Tuwaneh objęła centralną część stanowiska (w okolicach tzw. karawanseraju) oraz część wkopów rabunkowych i ich hałd. W 2019 roku wykonano również badania wykopaliskowe w obrębie trzech wykopów sondażowych w Tuwaneh na terenie starożytnych termhe article presents the preliminary results of research conducted by the expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Jagiellonian University and the Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering of the AGH University of Science and Technology in the south-western Jordan at Dajaniya (Ma’an Husseiniyeh) and Tuwaneh (Tafila Hessa) sites in 2018-2019. The main aim of the research was to create plans for both sites and document the state of preservation of architectural remains using photogrammetry (both pole- and kite-based) as well as terrestrial laser scanning. Additionally, robber pits were recorded at both sites. A surface prospection was also conducted, collecting ceramic and metal artifacts, which, in the case of Tuwaneh, covered the central part of the site (the area around the so-called caravanserai) and part of the robber trenches and their waste piles. In 2019, three trial trenches were also excavated in the vicinity of the ancient baths at Tuwane

    Land Surface Subsidence Due to Mining-Induced Tremors in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland)—Case Study

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    Seismic phenomena threaten land-based buildings, structures, and infrastructure and can transform land topography. There are two basic types of seismic phenomena, namely, tectonic and anthropogenic, which differ mainly in epicenter depth, surface impact range, and magnitude (energy). This article shows how a land surface was changed by a series of seven rock mass tremors of magnitude ML = 2.3–2.6 in March–May 2017. Their immediate cause was the “momentary” acceleration of void clamping, which was activated by local and short-term seismic phenomena caused by human activity. The induced seismic events resulted from the geological structure of the rock mass, which in the specific region of examination was classified as being highly prone to mining tremors. The authors focused on describing vertical surface displacements in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin in the south of Poland. The surface deformations were identified using DInSAR technology, which allows quasi-continuous monitoring of large areas of land surface. The present research used freely available data from the Copernicus Program and seismic data from the European Plate Observing System

    Assessment and Duration of the Surface Subsidence after the End of Mining Operations

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    The change in the European Union’s policy related to the energy transformation of Europe and the departure from fossil energy resources may contribute to the accelerated closure of many coal mines. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of surface subsidence after the end of underground mining and the related suitability of post-mining areas for the re-use of the so-called problem of the reclamation of post-mining areas. In the case of areas suitable for re-use, it is necessary to determine the value of the final subsidence. It is also important to specify the time after which mining influences will no longer have a significant impact on the surface infrastructure and the environment. Analyses of the observed subsidence after the end of the mining operation indicate that this process may last from several months to several dozens or even several hundreds of years. It depends on the individual characteristics of the mining area, including the depth of exploitation, mining system, the behavior of the surrounding rock mass, etc. The article presents an in-depth analysis of residual subsidence and its duration using the proprietary forecasting method and the Gauss–Markov algorithm based on the example of the German Lohberg mine (Ruhr District), whose mining activity was completed in January 2006

    The local changes of the displacement vectors in time over the mining excavation

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących poziomych przemieszczeń szeregu gęsto rozmieszczonych punktów w rejonie podziemnej eksploatacji górniczej pokładu węgla kamiennego. Geometrię układu pomiarowego stanowił prostoliniowy odcinek 49 punktów zastabilizowanych w interwale co jeden metr. Analizą objęto całkowite wektory poziomego przemieszczenia punktów dla wybranych stanów frontu eksploatacyjnego w stosunku do miejsca położenia sieci obserwacyjnej. Przeprowadzone badania umożliwiły śledzenie rozwoju procesu przemieszczania się powierzchni terenu w ujęciu lokalnym w warunkach przechodzącego frontu eksploatacyjnego, dając możliwość wykrycia nieregularnych wartości wskaźnika w rejonie zaburzeń budowy geologicznej górotworu.The paper presents the results of research on horizontal displacements of a number of densely distributed points in the area of underground mining exploitation of a coal seam. The geometry of the measurement system was a straight line segment of 49 points, stabilized at intervals of one meter. The analysis concerned the total vectors of horizontal displacement of points for the selected states of face advances in relation to the location of the observation line. The conducted research enabled tracking the development of the process of surface movement locally, under conditions of the advancing longwall panel excavation, giving the possibility of detecting irregular values of the indicator in the area of disturbances in the geological structure of the rock mass

    Assessment and Duration of the Surface Subsidence after the End of Mining Operations

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    The change in the European Union’s policy related to the energy transformation of Europe and the departure from fossil energy resources may contribute to the accelerated closure of many coal mines. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of surface subsidence after the end of underground mining and the related suitability of post-mining areas for the re-use of the so-called problem of the reclamation of post-mining areas. In the case of areas suitable for re-use, it is necessary to determine the value of the final subsidence. It is also important to specify the time after which mining influences will no longer have a significant impact on the surface infrastructure and the environment. Analyses of the observed subsidence after the end of the mining operation indicate that this process may last from several months to several dozens or even several hundreds of years. It depends on the individual characteristics of the mining area, including the depth of exploitation, mining system, the behavior of the surrounding rock mass, etc. The article presents an in-depth analysis of residual subsidence and its duration using the proprietary forecasting method and the Gauss–Markov algorithm based on the example of the German Lohberg mine (Ruhr District), whose mining activity was completed in January 2006

    UAV Applications for Determination of Land Deformations Caused by Underground Mining

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    This article presents a case study that demonstrates the applicability of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetric data to land surface deformation monitoring in areas affected by underground mining. The results presented include data from two objects located in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin in Poland. The limits of coordinate and displacement accuracy are determined by comparing UAV-derived photogrammetric products to reference data. Vertical displacements are determined based on differences between digital surface models created using UAV imagery from several measurement series. Interpretation problems related to vegetation growth on the terrain surface that significantly affect vertical displacement error are pointed out. Horizontal displacements are determined based on points of observation lines established in the field for monitoring purposes, as well as based on scattered situational details. The use of this type of processing is limited by the need for unambiguous situational details with clear contours. Such details are easy to find in urbanized areas but difficult to find in fields and meadows. In addition, various types of discontinuous deformations are detected and their development over time is presented. The results are compared to forecasted land deformations. As a result of the data processing, it has been estimated that the accuracy of the determination of XY coordinates and the horizontal displacements (RMS) in best case scenario is on the level of 1.5–2 GSD, and about 2–3 GSD for heights and subsidence

    Results of "Archaeological Study of Dajaniya & Tuwaneh" (ArTu:DTu) 2018 survey of Dajaniya (Ma’an-Husseiniyeh), Southern Jordan

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    Between 3 and 6 November 2018 our team conducted an archaeological survey at Dajaniya, Ma’an-Husseiniyeh district, Southern Jordan. The primary goal of the work was to document the architectural remains and to verify dating of the site. Documentation work was completed using laser scanning and close-range photogrammetry. In order to verify the dating, a surface prospection was carried out. Additionally, a virtual tour of the site was created using a spherical camera