25 research outputs found

    On the integrability of subalgebroids

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    Let G be a Lie groupoid with Lie algebroid g. It is known that, unlike in the case of Lie groups, not every subalgebroid of g can be integrated by a subgroupoid of G. In this paper we study conditions on the invariant foliation defined by a given subalgebroid under which such an integration is possible. We also consider the problem of integrability by closed subgroupoids, and we give conditions under which the closure of a subgroupoid is again a subgroupoid

    Multiplicative bijections between algebras of differentiable functions

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    We show that any multiplicative bijection between the algebras of differentiable functions, defined on differentiable manifolds of positive dimension, is an algebra isomorphism, given by composition with a unique diffeomorphism

    On the developability of subalgebroids

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    In this paper, the Almeida-Molino obstruction to developability of transversely complete foliations is extended to Lie groupoids

    On the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie-Rinehart algebra

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    We review the extent to which the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie-Rinehart algebra resembles a Hopf algebra, and refer to this structure as a Rinehart bialgebra. We then prove a Cartier-Milnor-Moore type theorem for such Rinehart bialgebras

    Stacky Lie groups

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    Presentations of smooth symmetry groups of differentiable stacks are studied within the framework of the weak 2-category of Lie groupoids, smooth principal bibundles, and smooth biequivariant maps. It is shown that principality of bibundles is a categorical property which is sufficient and necessary for the existence of products. Stacky Lie groups are defined as group objects in this weak 2-category. Introducing a graphic notation, it is shown that for every stacky Lie monoid there is a natural morphism, called the preinverse, which is a Morita equivalence if and only if the monoid is a stacky Lie group. As example we describe explicitly the stacky Lie group structure of the irrational Kronecker foliation of the torus.Comment: 40 pages; definition of group objects in higher categories added; coherence relations for groups in 2-categories given (section 4

    Quantized reduction as a tensor product

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    Symplectic reduction is reinterpreted as the composition of arrows in the category of integrable Poisson manifolds, whose arrows are isomorphism classes of dual pairs, with symplectic groupoids as units. Morita equivalence of Poisson manifolds amounts to isomorphism of objects in this category. This description paves the way for the quantization of the classical reduction procedure, which is based on the formal analogy between dual pairs of Poisson manifolds and Hilbert bimodules over C*-algebras, as well as with correspondences between von Neumann algebras. Further analogies are drawn with categories of groupoids (of algebraic, measured, Lie, and symplectic type). In all cases, the arrows are isomorphism classes of appropriate bimodules, and their composition may be seen as a tensor product. Hence in suitable categories reduction is simply composition of arrows, and Morita equivalence is isomorphism of objects.Comment: 44 pages, categorical interpretation adde