61 research outputs found

    Selekcija crne zove (Sambucus nigra L.) i ocena upotrebljivosti plodova kao bioloŔki vredne hrane

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    To carry out domestication, five genotypes (B1, B2, R, VG and RK) were isolated from natural populations by selection of black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.). The most prominent biological-technological characteristics were studied during fruit flowering and ripening. Flowering proceeded in the period from mid-April to the 1st decade of June, while ripening lasted from the 1st decade of August to the 1st decade of October. The largest inflorescences were found in genotype R (14.32 cm in diameter). The highest number of berries per inflorescence (on average, 280), the largest berry (on average, 0.21 g), and the best fruit quality (17.19% dry matter, 11.50% sugars, 35 mg vitamin C, and 2.58 g/l total colored matter) were all demonstrated by genotype VG. In all isolated genotypes fruit demonstrated biologically high quality, which makes it a good raw material desirable for diverse forms of processing. Its high yield level, pronounced resistance to disease agents and pests, as well as adaptability to adverse conditions are a recommendation for organic-based production.Selekijom crne zove (Sambucus nigra L.) iz prirodnih populacija izdvojeno je 5 genotipova (B1, B2, R, VG i RK), u cilju njihve domestifikacije. Kod izdvojenih genotipova proučene su najvažnije bioloÅ”ko-tehnoloÅ”ke osobine i vreme cvetanja zrenja ploda. Cvetanje se odvijalo u periodu polovine aprila-I dekade juna, a zrenje od I dekade avgusta do I dekade oktobra. Najkrupnije cvasti nađene su kod genotipa R (sa prečnikom od 14,32cm). NajviÅ”e bobica po cvasti (prosečno 280), najkrupnija bobica (prosečno 0,21g) i najbolji kvalitet ploda (sa 17,19% suve materije 11,5% Å”ećera, 35mg vitamina c i 2,58 g/l ukupnih bojenih materija) ispoljio je genotip VG. Kod svih izdvojenih genotipova plod je ispoljio bioloÅ”ki visok kvalitet, Å”to ga preporučuje kao dobru sirovinu za različite vidove prerade. Njihova dobra rodnost, izražena otpornost prema prouzrokovaču bolesti i Å”tetočina, kao i adaptivnost na loÅ”ije uslove, preporučuje ih za gajenje po principu organske proizvodnje.

    Selection of black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) and evaluation of its fruits usability as biologically valuable food

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    To carry out domestication, five genotypes (B1, B2, R, VG and RK) were isolated from natural populations by selection of black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.). The most prominent biological-technological characteristics were studied during fruit flowering and ripening. Flowering proceeded in the period from mid-April to the 1st decade of June, while ripening lasted from the 1st decade of August to the 1st decade of October. The largest inflorescences were found in genotype R (14.32 cm in diameter). The highest number of berries per inflorescence (on average, 280), the largest berry (on average, 0.21 g), and the best fruit quality (17.19% dry matter, 11.50% sugars, 35 mg vitamin C, and 2.58 g/l total colored matter) were all demonstrated by genotype VG. In all isolated genotypes fruit demonstrated biologically high quality, which makes it a good raw material desirable for diverse forms of processing. Its high yield level, pronounced resistance to disease agents and pests, as well as adaptability to adverse conditions are a recommendation for organic-based production

    Proučavanje genetičkih resursa jabuke (Malus sp.) multivarijacionom analizom

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    A wide range of apple cultivars representing Malus sp. germplasm were collected from southern part of Serbia, where this specie has been in cultivation for a long time. Data for twelve traits were collected for 18 cultivars for three consecutive years. Cultivars differed in phenology, fruit weight, yield and chemical composition were evaluated. Correlations were identified among phenological and compositional traits. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to study correlation among variables in set of apple cultivars evaluated and to interpret relationships among genotypes as a tool for germplasm characterization. Dulabija, intended for table consumption, and Stambolka, suitable for the processing, were identified as promising. Because of the large diversity identified, data should be collected for additional local apple cultivars.Veliki broj autohtonih sorti jabuke (Malus sp.) sakupljen je u regionu južne Srbije, sa teritorije gde se ova vrsta godinama gaji. Kod 18 autohtonih sorti koje su se međusobno razlikovale u fenologiji, masi ploda, prinosu i hemijskom sastavu proučavano je 12 osobina tokom tri godine. Korelacije su utvrđene između fenoloÅ”kih i hemijskih osobina. Multivarijaciona analiza je primenjena kako bi se izučile korelacije između osobina kod svih sorti jabuke i objasnili odnosi između genotipova kao metod za karakterizaciju germplazme. Između svih proučavanih sorti, najperspektivnije su Đulabija, koja je namenjena za stonu upotrebu, i Stambolka, pogodna za preradu. Zbog velikog diverziteta, preporučuje se nastavak proučavanja ostalih autohtonih sorti

    Genetički parametri prinosa i morfoloŔkih osobina ploda i koŔtice kod kajsije

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    Yield, fruit and stone weight and dimensions were studied in 24 apricot cultivars over a four-year period, to determine components of variability, heritability and genetic and phenotypic correlations. The analysis of the components of total variance evidenced that genetic differences between cultivars determined to the highest percentage the variability of fruit height and stone weight and dimensions, whereas the variation of yield, and fruit weight, breadth and thickness was predominantly determined by ecological factors. The values of heritability coefficients, in a broader sense, were found to be relatively high for fruit and stone weight and dimensions (88-93%), and medium for yield (48%). It was established by correlation analysis that all genetic and phenotypic coefficients of correlation between fruit and stone weight and dimensions were positive and statistically very significant. Yield was in a very significant, positive genetic correlation with a majority of studied characters except for fruit breadth. However, the phenotypic coefficients of correlation between those properties were not statistically significant.Tokom četiri godine, kod 24 sorte kajsije, utvrđeni su prinos, masa i dimenzije (visina, Å”irina i debljina) ploda i koÅ”tice. Rezultati analize varijanse su pokazali da je varijabilnost svih proučavanih osobina bila veoma značajno uslovljena i genetičkim i ekoloÅ”kim faktorima, kao i njihovom interakcijom. Analizom komponenti ukupne varijabilnosti ustanovljeno je da su genetičke razlike među sortama u najvećem procentu uslovile varijabilnost mase koÅ”tice (S2g=47%), visine ploda (S2g=45%), visine koÅ”tice (S2g=55%), Å”irine koÅ”tice (S2g=62%) i debljine koÅ”tice (S2g=54%), dok je variranje prinosa (S2y=70%), mase ploda (S2y=44%), Å”irine ploda (S2y=43%) i debljine ploda (S2y=49%) bilo u najvećem procentu uslovljeno ekoloÅ”kim faktorima. Vrednosti koeficijenata heritabilnosti u Å”irem smislu bile su relativno visoke za masu i dimenzije ploda i koÅ”tice (h2=88,5Ā­93,0%), a srednja za prinos (h2=48,3%). Korelacionom analizom ustanovljeno je da su svi koeficijenti genetičke i fenotipske korelacije, između mase i dimenzija ploda i koÅ”tice, bili pozitivni i statistički veoma značajni. Prinos je bio u veoma značajnoj, pozitivnoj, genetičkoj korelaciji sa većinom proučavanih osobina, osim sa Å”irinom koÅ”tice. Međutim fenotipski koeficijenti korelacije između ovih osobina nisu bili statistički značajni

    Indigenous fruit species as a significant resource for sustainable development

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    Sustainable agriculture means increasing yields and profits without degrading the natural resources which are the most important for agricultural production. The aim is to meet the peopleā€™s needs for food and improve the quality of life while preserving the environment. Among hundreds of forest species, particular attention is drawn to the wild relatives of cultivated fruit trees, so called indigenous fruit trees, whose regular collection, production and use can affect all aspects of agricultural economy. The natural habitats of the Republic of Serbia include 15 families and 26 genera with 100 species of wild fruit trees. The primary use of the indigenous fruits is for human consumption (either fresh or processed). A number of wild relatives of cultivated fruit trees could be used in the future as rootstocks for fruit production, or for large-scale production, either organic or conventional. In addition, indigenous fruit species are carriers of genes for resistance to economically important diseases and pests, and they can be used in breeding of fruit trees and grapevines. Wild species of fruit trees are used as planting materials for afforestation and erosion prevention, some for timber production, as well as some decorative forms in landscape architecture, while some species are important bee pastures

    BioloŔke osobine sorti treŔanja u beogradskom području

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    During the period 2003-2005. traits of ten sweet cherry cultivars at the Experimental estate "Radmilovac" of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade were studied. The purpose of these studies was the choice of the best cultivars for commercial growing. For commercial growing in region of Belgrade cvs. Souvenir des Charmes as early cultivars, Čarna and Starking Hardy Giant as mid-late cultivars and Lapins and Bing as late cultivars can be recommended.U periodu od 2003. do 2005. godine na Oglednom dobru "Radmilovac" Poljoprivrednog fakulteta iz Beograda proučavane su osobine deset sorti treÅ”anja različitog vremena zrenja. Cilj ovih istraživanja je izbor najboljih sorti za gajenje u komercijalnoj proizvodnji. Za proizvodne zasade treÅ”nje u beogradskom području mogu se preporučiti: od ranih sorti Suvenir, od srednje poznih Čarna i Starking hardi džajent, a od poznih sorti Lapins i Bing

    Biological properties of quince cultivars in Belgrade area

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    U periodu od dve godine (2003-2004) na području beogradskog Podunavlja proučavano je devet sorti dunje: Morava, Reaā€™s Mammoth, Asenica, Hemus, Vranjska, Bereczki, Portugalska, Trijumf, uporedo sa sortom Leskovačka, koja je uzeta kao standard. Proučavane su sledeće osobine: vreme zrenja, rodnost, kao i važnije fizičke i hemijske osobine ploda. Najbolje osobine pokazala je sorta Trijumf i ona se može preporučiti za komercijalno gajenje u beogradskom Podunavlju.Nine quince cultivars were studied during two-year period (2003 - 2004). The aim of the study was to choose the best cultivars for growing in Belgrade area. Investigations included the time of maturation, productivity, as well as more important physical and chemical fruit properties. Cultivar ā€™Leskovačkaā€™ was the standard as the most grown quince cultivar in Serbia. Average time of maturation of studied cultivars was from 5 October (ā€™Moravaā€™) to 17 October (Trijumfā€™). Three cultivars ā€“ ā€™Trijumfā€™, ā€™Portugalskaā€™ and ā€™Vranjskaā€™ had higher yield compared to standard. All cultivars, except ā€™Brzeckiā€™ had larger fruit than standard. Overall, the best properties were shown by cultivars ā€™Trijumfā€™ and it can be recommended for commercial growing in the Belgrade region

    PomoloŔke osobine novointrodukovanih sorti jagode

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    The paper presents the results of studying six new introduced strawberry cultivars of very early and early ripening time during the period of 2001.-2002. Investigations included: ripening time, as well as important physical, chemical and organoleptic fruit properties. Based on studied parameters and comparation with standard cultivars (Čačanska rana), for commercial growing in grocansko-smederevsko fruit growing area cultivars Madelein, Selena, Eris and Cortina can be recommended.Rad prikazuje rezultate proučavanja Å”est novointrodukovanih sorti jagode vrlo ranog i ranog vremena zrenja u periodu 2001.-2002. godina. Istraživanja su obuhvatila vreme zrenja, kao i važnije fizičke, hemijske i organoleptičke osobine ploda. Na osnovu proučavanih parametara i poređenja sa standardnom sortom (Čačanska rana), za komercijalno gajenje u gročansko-smederevskom području mogu se preporučiti sorte: Madelein, Selena, Eris i Kortina

    Osobine industrijskih sorti breskve u beogradskom rejonu

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    Properties of 15 introduced clingstone peach cultivars in comparison with standard (Redhaven) at the Experimental estate 'Radmilovac' of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade during the period of 1996 - 2003 were studied. The purpose of these studies is the choice of the best cultivars for commercial growing. The ripening time of all cultivars ranges from 14 days before to 39 days after Redhaven. Cropping of the majority of cultivars is either at the same level or better then standard. The medium large fruit, with the mass of about 120 g, is dominant. The contents of soluble solids, total sugars and total acids ranged from 10.98 to 14.08%, 7.51 -11.98% and 0.38 - 0.63% respectively. The best performance (excellent cropping and high fruit quality) exhibited cvs Shasta, Villa Adriatica, Villa Doria and Villa Giulia.U periodu od 1996. do 2003. godine, na Oglednom dobru "Radmilovac" Poljoprivrednog fakulteta iz Beograda proučavane su osobine 15 introdukovanih industrijskih sorti breskve u poređenju sa standardom (Redhaven). Cilj ovih istraživanja je izbor najboljih sorti za gajenje u komercijalnoj proizvodnji. Sve ispitivane sorte sazrevaju u rasponu od 14 dana prc do 39 dana posle Redhaven-a. Kod većine sorti rodnost je na nivou, ili bolja od standarda. Dominira srednje krupan plod, mase oko 120 g. Sadržaj suve materije se kretao u rasponu od 10,89 do 14,08%, ukupnih Å”ećera od 7,51-11,98% a ukupnih kiselina od 0,38 - 0,63%. Najbolje osobine (odličnu rodnost i visok kvalitet ploda) su ispoljile sorte: Villa Adriatica, Villa Doria i Villa Giulia

    BioloŔko-proizvodne osobine ranih sorti kajsije

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    The paper presents five-years results of studying ten early ripening apricot cultivars in conditions of Belgrade fruit growing area. Investigations included time of flowering and harvest maturity, cropping, and most important physical, chemical and organoleptic fruit properties. Best results showed cv Harcot, which can be recommended for production plantings. As dessert cultivars for local markets can be recommended Senetate and Kisinevkij rannij, and as cultivars for processing FrĆ¼he Kittse, Stark Early Orange and hybrid No 5-8-8. .U radu su prikazani petogodiÅ”nji rezultati proučavanja deset sorti kajsije ranog vremena sazrevanja u uslovima beogradskog voćarskog područja. Istraživanja su obuhvatala vreme cvetanja i zrenja, rodnost, kao i najvažnije fizičke, Kemijske i organoleptičke osobine plodova. Najbolje rezultate pokazala je sorta harkot, koja se može preporučiti za gajenje u proizvodnim zasadima. Kao stone sorte za lokalna tržiÅ”ta mogu se preporučiti senetate i kiÅ”injevska rana, a kao sorte za preradu rana iz Kitce, stark erli orindž i hibrid No 5-8-8.
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