3 research outputs found

    Solvatohromizam N-aril-fenilacetamida

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    Amide derivates are biologically active compounds and they are widely used in all spheres of life. Therefore, it is very important to know their physical-chemical properties. In this work the influence of characteristics and nature of the solvent on the absorption spectra of N-aryl-phenylacetamide was investigated, in order to obtain information about their solvatochromic properties. The spectra of the compounds were recorded in 15 solvents, with different properties, in the wavelength range from 200 to 400 nm. The effect of the solvents on the absorption spectra of N-aryl-phenylacetamide was analyzed by using Kamlet-Taft's solvatochromic model. Also, in order to obtain detailed information on the type and dominance of the interactions that occur between the compound and the surrounding medium, correlations were made with absorption maxima and Hansen's solvent parameters. In addition to the effect of solvent, the impact of the chemical structure on the spectral behavior of tested amide derivatives was analyzed.Derivati amida su bioloÅ”ki aktivna jedinjenja i imaju Å”iroku primenu u svim sferama života. Zbog toga je veoma važno poznavati njihova fizičko-hemijska svojstva. U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj osobina i prirode rastvarača na apsorpcione spektre N-aril-fenilacetamida radi dobijanja informacija o njihovim solvatohromnim svojstvima. Spektri ispitivanih jedinjenja su snimljeni u 15 rastvarača različitih osobina, u opsegu talasnih dužina od 200 do 400 nm. Uticaj rastvarača na apsorpcione spektre N-aril-fenilacetamida analiziran je pomoću Kamlet-Taft-ovog solvatohromnog modela. Takođe, radi dobijanja detaljnijih informacija o vrsti i dominantnosti interakcija koje se javljaju između jedinjenja i okolnog medijuma, urađene su korelacije apsorpcionih maksimuma sa Hansen-ovim parametrima rastvarača. Pored uticaja rastvarača analiziran je i uticaj hemijske strukture na spektralno ponaÅ”anje ispitivanih derivata amida

    Synthesis, solvent interactions and computational study of monocarbohydrazones

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    Carbohydrazones are compounds that are increasingly studied due to their wide potential biological activity. Monocarbohydrazones (mCHs), as one of the carbohydrazone derivatives, so far have been poorly investigated. For a more detailed study, in this paper, eighteen compounds of monocarbohydrazones (eight known and ten newly synthesized derivatives) were synthesized and characterized using NMR and IR spectroscopy. As carbohydrazones show E/Z isomerization caused by the presence of the imino group, some of the synthesized mCHs are in the form of a mixture of these two isomers. The effects of specific and nonspecific solvent-solute interactions on the UV absorption maxima shifts were evaluated using linear free energy relationships principles, i.e., using Kamlet-Taft's and Catalan's models. For more information about interactions between dissolved substance and the surrounding medium, correlations have been made with Hansen's solubility parameters. The influence of the structure on the spectral behavior of the compounds tested was interpreted using Hammett's equation. Experimentally obtained physicochemical properties of mCHs were compared to and confirmed with computational methods that included TD-DFT calculations and MP2 geometry optimizations. Graphic abstrac