44 research outputs found

    Open Attribute: The world's simplest open attribution tool

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    A suite of tools that makes it ridiculously simple for anyone to copy and paste the correct attribution for any CC licensed work. These tools will query the metadata around a CC-licensed object and exit in a properly formatted attribution that users can copy and paste wherever they need to. Citation generators already exist for lots of academic bibliographic formats and many different settings. By building on those tools to produce attributions, we¿re creating a clean solution to a messy problem.Un conjunto de herramientas que hace que sea ridículamente simple para cualquiera copiar y pegar la atribución correcta para cualquier trabajo bajo licencia CC. Estas herramientas consultan los metadatos de un objeto con licencia CC y generan una atribución con el formato correcto que los usuarios pueden copiar y pegar siempre que lo necesiten. Generadores de citas académicos existen ya en muchos formatos bibliográfico y entornos diferentes. Al construir sobre las herramientas para producir atribuciones, estamos creando una solución limpia a un problema complicado.Un conjunt d'eines que fa que sigui ridículament simple per a qualsevol copiar i enganxar l'atribució correcta per a qualsevol treball sota llicència CC. Aquestes eines consulten les metadades d'un objecte amb llicència CC i generen una atribució amb el format correcte que els usuaris poden copiar i enganxar sempre que ho necessitin. Generadors de cites acadèmics existeixen ja en molts formats bibliogràfic i entorns diferents. En construir sobre les eines per produir atribucions, estem creant una solució neta a un problema complicat

    Evaluating the End-User Experience of Private Browsing Mode

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    Nowadays, all major web browsers have a private browsing mode. However, the mode's benefits and limitations are not particularly understood. Through the use of survey studies, prior work has found that most users are either unaware of private browsing or do not use it. Further, those who do use private browsing generally have misconceptions about what protection it provides. However, prior work has not investigated \emph{why} users misunderstand the benefits and limitations of private browsing. In this work, we do so by designing and conducting a three-part study: (1) an analytical approach combining cognitive walkthrough and heuristic evaluation to inspect the user interface of private mode in different browsers; (2) a qualitative, interview-based study to explore users' mental models of private browsing and its security goals; (3) a participatory design study to investigate why existing browser disclosures, the in-browser explanations of private browsing mode, do not communicate the security goals of private browsing to users. Participants critiqued the browser disclosures of three web browsers: Brave, Firefox, and Google Chrome, and then designed new ones. We find that the user interface of private mode in different web browsers violates several well-established design guidelines and heuristics. Further, most participants had incorrect mental models of private browsing, influencing their understanding and usage of private mode. Additionally, we find that existing browser disclosures are not only vague, but also misleading. None of the three studied browser disclosures communicates or explains the primary security goal of private browsing. Drawing from the results of our user study, we extract a set of design recommendations that we encourage browser designers to validate, in order to design more effective and informative browser disclosures related to private mode

    Temporary techno-social gatherings? A (hacked) discussion about open practices

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    This paper is rooted in an experimental inquiry of issue-oriented temporary techno-social gatherings or TTGs, which are typically referred to as hackathons, workshops or pop-ups and employ rapid design and development practices to tackle technical challenges while engaging with social issues. Based on a collaboration between three digital practitioners (a producer, a researcher and a designer), qualitative and creative data was gathered across five different kinds of TTG events in London and in Tartu which were held in partnership with large institutions, including Art:Work at Tate Exchange within Tate Modern, the Mozilla Festival at Ravensbourne College and the 2017 Association of Internet Researchers conference hosted in Tartu. By analysing data using an open and discursive approach manifested in both text and visual formats, we reflect on the dynamic and generative characteristics of TTG gatherings while also arriving at our own conclusions as situated researchers and practitioners who are ourselves engaged in increasingly messy webs where new worlds of theory and practice are built

    [multi’vocal]: reflections on engaging everyday people in the development of a collective non-binary synthesized voice

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    The growing field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) takes a step out from conventional screenbased interactions, creating new scenarios, in which voice synthesis and voice recognition become important elements. Such voices are commonly created through concatenative or parametric synthesis methods, which access large voice corpora, pre-recorded by a single professional voice actor. These designed voices arguably propagate representations of gender binary identities. In this paper we present our project, [multi’vocal], which aims to challenge the current gender binary representations in synthesized voices. More specifically we explore if it is possible to create a non-binary synthesized voice through engaging everyday people of diverse backgrounds in giving voice to a collective synthesized voice of all genders, ages and accents

    Internet Health Report 2019

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    This annual report is a call to action to recognize the things that are having an impact on the internet today, and to embrace the notion that we as humans can change how we make money, govern societies, and interact with one another online. We invite you to participate in setting an agenda for how we can work together to create an internet that truly puts people first. This book is neither a country-level index nor a doomsday clock. Our intention is to show that while the worldwide consequences of getting things wrong with the internet could be huge – for peace and security, for political and individual freedoms, for human equality – the problems are never so great that nothing can be done. More people than you imagine are working to make the internet healthier by applying their skills, creativity, and personal bravery to business, technology, activism, policy and regulation, education, and community development. This annual report is a call to action to recognize the things that are having an impact on the internet today, and to embrace the notion that we as humans can change how we make money, govern societies, and interact with one another online. We invite you to participate in setting an agenda for how we can work together to create an internet that truly puts people first. This book is neither a country-level index nor a doomsday clock. Our intention is to show that while the worldwide consequences of getting things wrong with the internet could be huge – for peace and security, for political and individual freedoms, for human equality – the problems are never so great that nothing can be done. More people than you imagine are working to make the internet healthier by applying their skills, creativity, and personal bravery to business, technology, activism, policy and regulation, education, and community development

    Internet Health Report 2019

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    This annual report is a call to action to recognize the things that are having an impact on the internet today, and to embrace the notion that we as humans can change how we make money, govern societies, and interact with one another online. We invite you to participate in setting an agenda for how we can work together to create an internet that truly puts people first. This book is neither a country-level index nor a doomsday clock. Our intention is to show that while the worldwide consequences of getting things wrong with the internet could be huge – for peace and security, for political and individual freedoms, for human equality – the problems are never so great that nothing can be done. More people than you imagine are working to make the internet healthier by applying their skills, creativity, and personal bravery to business, technology, activism, policy and regulation, education, and community development. This annual report is a call to action to recognize the things that are having an impact on the internet today, and to embrace the notion that we as humans can change how we make money, govern societies, and interact with one another online. We invite you to participate in setting an agenda for how we can work together to create an internet that truly puts people first. This book is neither a country-level index nor a doomsday clock. Our intention is to show that while the worldwide consequences of getting things wrong with the internet could be huge – for peace and security, for political and individual freedoms, for human equality – the problems are never so great that nothing can be done. More people than you imagine are working to make the internet healthier by applying their skills, creativity, and personal bravery to business, technology, activism, policy and regulation, education, and community development

    Tracing compilation by abstract interpretation

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    Tracing just-in-time compilation is a popular compilation schema for the efficient implementation of dynamic languages, which is commonly used for JavaScript, Python, and PHP. It relies on two key ideas. First, it monitors the execution of the program to detect so-called hot paths, i.e., the most frequently executed paths. Then, it uses some store information available at runtime to optimize hot paths. The result is a residual program where the optimized hot paths are guarded by sufficient conditions ensuring the equivalence of the optimized path and the original program. The residual program is persistently mutated during its execution, e.g., to add new optimized paths or to merge existing paths. Tracing compilation is thus fundamentally different than traditional static compilation. Nevertheless, despite the remarkable practical success of tracing compilation, very little is known about its theoretical foundations. We formalize tracing compilation of programs using abstract interpretation. The monitoring (viz., hot path detection) phase corresponds to an abstraction of the trace semantics that captures the most frequent occurrences of sequences of program points together with an abstraction of their corresponding stores, e.g., a type environment. The optimization (viz., residual program generation) phase corresponds to a transform of the original program that preserves its trace semantics up to a given observation as modeled by some abstraction. We provide a generic framework to express dynamic optimizations and to prove them correct. We instantiate it to prove the correctness of dynamic type specialization. We show that our framework is more general than a recent model of tracing compilation introduced in POPL 2011 by Guo and Palsberg (based on operational bisimulations). In our model we can naturally express hot path reentrance and common optimizations like dead-store elimination, which are either excluded or unsound in Guo and Palsberg's framework

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    Mozilla Accessibility on Unix/Linux Web Accessibility (A11y) has been developed in recent years. Till recent days, no web browser on Unix/Linux has A11y support. This means the powerful Unix and the free Linux operating system is unusable by the disabled. People who had a computer, but could not afford $500 for Microsoft Windows, were unable to use his computer. This was the problem we were trying to address by adding A11y support into Mozilla on Unix/Linux. Mozilla was chosen because it’s the most important open source cross-platform web browser and the dominant web browser on Unix/Linux. Although Mozilla is designed to be cross-platform, A11y support is platform-specific. This paper addresses how we solved the problem of architecting A11y support for Mozilla on Unix/Linux