15 research outputs found

    Resistance management and structural-rheological properties of the suspended liquid complex fertilizers based on activated ground phosphate rock

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    At flotation Belarusian phosphate, along with high-quality flotation concentrate, the high-stable suspension with good structural and rheological properties formed in dewatering process of the fine fractions. The results of obtaining of different brands suspended liquid complex fertilizes with a broad content of useful substances on the basis of phosphate slurry and monoammonium phosphate, potash and nitrogen fertilizers are presented. The ways ofregulating the physicochemical and structural and rheological properties of their suspensions are investigated

    Phosphate rock: methods of preparing and application

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    The results of research for improving physical-chemical and agrochemical properties of phosphate flour, obtained by phosphate various deposits enrichment, by increasing its grinding fineness, as well as mechanical activation in the presence of various physiologically active substances, also through its partial activation incomplete stoichiometry norm of the hydrochloric and nitric acids are represented

    A comparative clinical study of the effectiveness of computer cognitive training in patients with post-stroke cognitive impairments without dementia

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    Introduction. A complex of computer neuropsychological programs was developed at KrasSMU, which in several pilot studies has shown effectiveness in cognitive training for patients with vascular cognitive impairments (VCI). Objectives. The aim of the present study was to compare changes in cognitive status in those patients with post-stroke VCI who worked with neuropsychological computer programs, with those changes experienced by a group of similar patients who played entertaining computer games. Methods. Patients in the early recovery period after a hemispheric stroke with VCI without dementia (N=26, age 40-67) were randomized into three groups. All patients underwent conventional treatment in a rehabilitation hospital. Patients in the intervention group had ten daily 40-minute training sessions with neuropsychological computer programs. Participants in the active control group played entertaining computer games, and kept an identical regimen. Patients in the passive control group received only conventional treatment. Cognitive, neurological, affective, and functional states were assessed before and after the training periods. Results. Significant improvements were observed in the intervention group as compared to the passive control group on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA, p=0.0004), the Clock Drawing Test (CDT, p=0.001), and the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB, p=0.01). Differences between the groups of patients playing neuropsychological and entertaining games were statistically insignificant (Mann-Whitney U test, p>0.05), although in the intervention group there were improvements on every cognitive scale after the training period (Wilcoxon matched pairs test, p<0.05), while in the active control group, enhancements were evident only on some cognitive scales (p<0.05). No changes were observed in the passive control group


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    The introduction of triethanolamine into conversion of potassium chloride and calcium sulfate was found to promote the formation of potassium sulfate on a reaction: 2KCl + CaSO4∙2H2O → K2SO4 + CaCl2 + 2H2O, while in a water media this process consists of two stages. On the first stage syngenite is formed, while on the second stage К2SO4·CaSO4·H2O is decomposed with a formation of potassium sulfate as follows: 2KCl + 2CaSO4∙2H2O→ K2SO4·CaSO4·H2O + CaCl2 + H2O, K2SO4·CaSO4·H2O → K2SO4 + CaSO4 + H2O. The optimal conditions of realization of reaction (1) in presence a triethanolamine are found. For this process to be fulfilled, the 60% concentration of triethanolamine is necessary, with the norm of КС1 flow of 140-160% from stoichiometry and a 3 h of agitation at the rotation speed of 350 turns/min. At these conditions the content of К2SO4 in the prepared product is 91–93 % and the utilization factor of potassium ion is 90–92%. В результате исследований установлено, что присутствие при конверсии хлорида калия и сульфата кальция триэтаноламина способствует образованию сульфата калия по реакции: 2KCl + CaSO4∙2H2O → K2SO4 + CaCl2 + 2H2O, тогда как в водной среде этот процесс осуществляется в две стадии: с образованием на первой сингенита и разложением К2SO4·CaSO4·H2O на второй стадии до сульфата калия по схеме: 2KCl + 2CaSO4∙2H2O → K2SO4·CaSO4·H2O + CaCl2 + H2O, K2SO4·CaSO4·H2O → K2SO4 + CaSO4 + H2O. Определены оптимальные условия проведения реакции (1) в присутствии триэтаноламина. Для успешного осуществления данного процесса необходимо использовать 60%-ную концентрацию триэтаноламина при норме расхода КС1 140– 160% от стехиометрии в течение 3 ч перемешивания и частоте вращения мешалки 350 об/мин. При выполнении этих условий содержание К2SO4 в готовом продукте составляет 91–93%, а степень использования иона калия – 90–92%.


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    The influence of inorganic electrolytes on foam-forming properties and structure of the adsorptive layer of surfactants solutions at the solution-air interface has been investigated. It has been shown that introduction of inorganic electrolytes into the foam system is equivalent to the increase of foaming agent oleophilicity. Ways to regulate the foaming of surfactants in salt media using oleophilic organic compounds solubilization method, creation of compositions based on surface active homologues, combination cationic and anionic type surfactants, changes in the composition of the solvent medium are considered. Исследовано влияние неорганических электролитов на пенообразующие свойства и состав адсорбционного слоя растворов поверхностно-активных веществ (ПАВ) на границе раздела раствор–воздух. Показано, что введение неорганических электролитов в пенную систему равноценно повышению олеофильности пенообразователя. Рассмотрены пути регулирования пенообразования поверхностно-активных веществ в солевых средах с использованием метода солюбилизации олеофильных органических соединений, создания композиций на основе поверхностно-активных гомологов, сочетания ПАВ катионного и анионного типов, изменения состава растворяющей среды.

    Применение неионогенных ПАВ в смесис солями многовалентных металлов при флотации сильвинитовых руд

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    It has been suggested to apply a mixture of non-ionic surfactants and salts of multivalent metals, forming hydrated protective covers on the surface of the clay particles that prevents adsorption of cationic collector on them, for sylvinite ore flotation.Для флотационного обогащения сильвинитовых руд предложено применять смесь органических неионогенных соединений с солями многовалентных металлов, образующих на поверхности глинистых частиц защитные гидратированные оболочки, препятствующие адсорбции на них катионного собирателя

    Флотационное обогащение калийных руд

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    The studies on the development of flotation enrichment technology for potash ores (sylvinite, kainit-halite, carnallite-kainit-halite) were conducted. Optimal flotation conditions: salt composition, density and pH of the dispersion medium, collector of the useful component, auxiliary reagents-frothers, hydrophobisators, depressors for obtaining highly enriched potassium-containing concentrate have been developed for each ore. On the example of sylvinite ore enriched by direct flotation in ore-saturated solutions with a density of 1235 kg/m3, it was shown that the use of a combination of frothers (pine oil, polyethylene glycol) and apolar reagents (liquid paraffins, industrial oil) as part of a complex collector based on higher aliphatic amines (C16 –C18) provides an increase in the extraction of potassium chloride to the concentrate with high quality of the latter. For kainite-halite ore enriched by direct flotation in the saturated aqueous solution of magnesium chloride with a density of 1284 kg/m3 and pH 6–7, lower aliphatic amines (C10 –C12) in combination with amyl alcohol or caprylic acid are effective as a collector of kainite. Carnallite-kainite-halite ore is enriched by reverse flotation in aqueous solutions of magnesium chloride with a density of 1285–1295 kg/m 3 and pH 3–4 using the halite collector of the hydrochloric acid salt of alkylmorpholine.Проведены исследования по разработке технологий флотационного обогащения калийных руд: сильвинитовой, каинит-галитовой, карналлит-каинит-галитовой. Для каждой руды разработаны оптимальные условия флотации: солевой состав, плотность и рН дисперсионной среды, собиратель полезного компонента, вспомогательные реагенты – вспениватели, гидрофобизаторы, депрессоры, для получения высокообогащенного калийсодержащего концентрата. На сильвинитовой руде, обогащаемой методом прямой флотации в насыщенных по руде растворах с плотностью 1235 кг/м3, показано, что использование комбинации вспенивателей (сосновое масло, полиэтиленгликоль) и аполярных реагентов (жидкие парафины, индустриальное масло) в составе комплексного собирателя на основе высших алифатических аминов (С16 –С18) обеспечивает повышение извлечения хлорида калия в концентрат при высоком его качестве. Каинит-галитовая руда обогащается методом прямой флотации в водном насыщенном растворе хлорида магния с плотностью 1284 кг/м3 и рН 6–7 с использованием в качестве собирателя каинита алифатических аминов С10 –С12 в сочетании с амииловым спиртом или каприловой кислотой. При обогащении карналлит-каинит-галитовой руды обогащение проводится методом обратной флотации в водных растворах хлорида магния с плотностью 1285–1295 кг/м3 и рН 3–4 с использованием солянокислой соли алкилморфолина в качестве собирателя галита

    Формирование и разрушение пен при флотации фосфоритовых руд

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    Phosphate rock flotation has been studied using various surfactant mixtures, based mainly on carboxylic acids and their soaps. It has been shown that addition of aliphatic or terpene alcohols to carboxylic soaps, increases the surface activity of solutions and regulates the flotation (three-phase) foam properties. The application of this mixture for the cleaner flotation allows to obtain a concentrate containing 27-28 % of P2O5 and 90-94 % recovery of phosphate minerals from washed ore in the finished product.Изучен процесс флотации фосфоритов с использованием смесей различных ПАВ. Основным компонентом смеси являются карбоновые кислоты и их мыла. Показано, что добавление к карбоновым мылам спиртов алифатического или терпенового ряда повышает поверхностную активность растворов и регулирует свойства флотационной (трехфазной) пены. Применение этой смеси в операциях по перечистке чернового концентрата позволяет получить концентрат с содержанием Р2О5 27-28 % при извлечении фосфатных минералов в готовый продукт 90-94 % от мытой руды

    Resistance management and structural-rheological properties of the suspended liquid complex fertilizers based on activated ground phosphate rock

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    At flotation Belarusian phosphate, along with high-quality flotation concentrate, the high-stable suspension with good structural and rheological properties formed in dewatering process of the fine fractions. The results of obtaining of different brands suspended liquid complex fertilizes with a broad content of useful substances on the basis of phosphate slurry and monoammonium phosphate, potash and nitrogen fertilizers are presented. The ways ofregulating the physicochemical and structural and rheological properties of their suspensions are investigated