3 research outputs found

    Полемологічна парадигма осмислення суті гібридної війни

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    The article is devoted to the methodological problems and manipulative mechanisms of hybrid warfare, analyzed in the collective monograph "Hybrid War: in verbo et in praxi". Due to the appeal to the polemical approach, its authors have managed to systematize and generalize the theory of war and peace, analyze the modern Western concepts of war, to indicate the specifics of the Russian viewpoint on the concept of hybrid war, to evaluate the importance of information and manipulation technologies for hybrid wars, to analyze a number of geopolitical and socio-cultural aspects of modern hybrid wars. Polemology examines the universal features of armed conflicts, their role in time and space, cycles, and classification. Hybrid warfare involves the use of existing military assets, regular and irregular, including weapons of mass destruction, as well as information, psychological and advocacy wars with the use of emerging communications and media technologies. According to the classical approach, the state is the sole subject of hostilities, but today its role has changed dramatically under the influence of other political and economic, supranational and transboundary factors. To study wars and armed conflicts from a polemical point of view, this means the need to focus on social changes in all areas of human life, including political, economic, and technological factors that influence war as a social phenomenon.Стаття присвячена методологічним проблемам і маніпулятивним механізмам гібридної війни, проаналізованих у колективній монографії «Гібридна війна: in verbo et in praxi». Завдяки зверненню до полемологічного підходу її авторам вдалося систематизувати та узагальнити теорії війни і миру, проаналізувати сучасні західні концепції війни, позначити специфіку російського погляду на концепцію гібридної війни, оцінити значимість інформаційних і маніпуляційних технологій для гібридних воєн, проаналізувати низку геополітичних і соціокультурних аспектів сучасних гібридних воєн. Полемологія вивчає універсальні риси збройних конфліктів, їх роль у часі і просторі, цикли, інтенсивність, масштаб і причинно-наслідкові зв'язки та їхню класифікацію. Гібридні війни припускають використання наявних військових засобів, регулярних та нерегулярних, включаючи зброю масового знищення, а також інформацію, психологічну та пропагандистську війну з використанням новітніх комунікаційних і медійних технологій. Відповідно до класичного підходу, держава є єдиним суб’єктом військових дій, але сьогодні її роль різко змінилася під впливом інших політичних і економічних наднаціональних і транскордонних факторів. Для вивчення війн і збройних конфліктів з полемологічної точки зору необхідно зосередитися на соціальних змінах у всіх сферах людського життя, включаючи політичні, економічні, технологічні чинники, які впливають на війну як соціальний феномен

    Insight into Glyproline Peptides’ Activity through the Modulation of the Inflammatory and Neurosignaling Genetic Response Following Cerebral Ischemia–Reperfusion

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    Glyprolines are Gly-Pro (GP)- or Pro-Gly (PG)-containing biogenic peptides. These peptides can act as neutrophil chemoattractants, or atheroprotective, anticoagulant, and neuroprotective agents. The Pro-Gly-Pro (PGP) tripeptide is an active factor of resistance to the biodegradation of peptide drugs. The synthetic Semax peptide, which includes Met-Glu-His-Phe (MEHF) fragments of adrenocorticotropic hormone and the C-terminal tripeptide PGP, serves as a neuroprotective drug for the treatment of ischemic stroke. Previously, we revealed that Semax mostly prevented the disruption of the gene expression pattern 24 h after a transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) in a rat brain model. The genes of this pattern were grouped into an inflammatory cluster (IC) and a neurotransmitter cluster (NC). Here, using real-time RT-PCR, the effect of other PGP-containing peptides, PGP and Pro-Gly-Pro-Leu (PGPL), on the expression of a number of genes in the IC and NC was studied 24 h after tMCAO. Both the PGP and PGPL peptides showed Semax-unlike effects, predominantly without changing gene expression 24 h after tMCAO. Moreover, there were IC genes (iL1b, iL6, and Socs3) for PGP, as well as IC (iL6, Ccl3, Socs3, and Fos) and NC genes (Cplx2, Neurod6, and Ptk2b) for PGPL, that significantly changed in expression levels after peptide administration compared to Semax treatment under tMCAO conditions. Furthermore, gene enrichment analysis was carried out, and a regulatory gene network was constructed. Thus, the spectra of the common and unique effects of the PGP, PGPL, and Semax peptides under ischemia–reperfusion were distinguished

    Genome-Wide RNA-Sequencing Reveals Massive Circular RNA Expression Changes of the Neurotransmission Genes in the Rat Brain after Ischemia–Reperfusion

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    Ischemic brain stroke is one of the most serious and socially significant diseases. In addition to messenger RNAs (mRNAs), encoding protein, the study of regulatory RNAs in ischemic has exceptional importance for the development of new strategies for neuroprotection. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) have a closed structure, predominantly brain-specific expression, and remain highly promising targets of research. They can interact with microRNAs (miRNAs), diminish their activity and thereby inhibit miRNA-mediated repression of mRNA. Genome-wide RNA-Seq analysis of the subcortical structures of the rat brain containing an ischemic damage focus and penumbra area revealed 395 circRNAs changed their expression significantly at 24 h after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion model (tMCAO) conditions. Furthermore, functional annotation revealed their association with neuroactive signaling pathways. It was found that about a third of the differentially expressed circRNAs (DECs) originate from genes whose mRNA levels also changed at 24 h after tMCAO. The other DECs originate from genes encoding non-regulated mRNAs under tMCAO conditions. In addition, bioinformatic analysis predicted a circRNA–miRNA–mRNA network which was associated with the neurotransmission signaling regulation. Our results show that such circRNAs can persist as potential miRNA sponges for the protection of mRNAs of neurotransmitter genes. The results expanded our views about the neurotransmission regulation in the rat brain after ischemia–reperfusion with circRNA action