219 research outputs found

    Evidence Of Acquisition Of The Reading Skill Related To Comprehension Of The Narrative Passages: Data From The International Literacy Study Pilot Testing In Zimbabwe

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    A journal article.This article reports on the evidence gathered when a selected group of form two (junior secondary) students. in seven Harare and Mashonaland East schools took a reading literacy test in a pilot study that was carried out from September to November, 1989. Only results pertaining to the students’ performance on the narrative passages of that test are reported here. On the whole, students performed well but we note a pattern where performance was best for questions on the literal level of understanding; weaker on the interpretative and evaluative type questions and weakest on the open-ended type questions. Thus, we have made our recommendations based on this performance in reading literacy

    Reading Literacy At Junior Secondary School Level In Zimbabwe

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    An Introductory Book Chapter of An Award Winning Book.Zimbabwe completed a reading literacy research study at the Junior Secondary School Certificate (JC) level in December, 1992. This study was coordinated and partly sponsored by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). Thirty other countries took part in the same research study at the same grade levels.Sponsored by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)

    The utilisation of the continuum of care for treatment of persons with a substance use disorder : service providers’ and service users’ experiences and perceptions

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    In South Africa, substance use, abuse and dependency is twice the world norm. To address this trend, the continuum of care guides legislative prescriptions for the treatment of a substance use disorder. This study aimed to address the lack of a description of the utilisation thereof in literature and recent research findings. A qualitative approach was followed and purposive sampling was employed to collect data from both service providers and users of services. Tesch’s framework for qualitative data analysis (Creswell, 2014:218) was used to identify themes, sub-themes and categories, while the data was compared with existing literature on the identified themes. The trustworthiness of the findings was enhanced by the verification of the data through aspects of credibility/authenticity, transformability, dependability and conformability (Schurink, Fouché and de Vos, 2011:397). Informed consent, confidentiality , non-compensation, debriefing of participants, and the management of information were considered to ensure ethical practice.Social WorkM.A.(S.S.

    A hybrid framework for assessing the cost of road traffic crashes in South Africa

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    Abstract in English, Tsonga and ZuluMitlumbo ya mifambafambo ya le magondzweni i xin’wana xa miringeto (risks) yo biha ku tlula hinkwayo ya swifambo swa le gondzweni emisaveni hinkwayo, leswi yimelaka xiphiqo lexikulu xa swohanyaswin’we-ikhonomi ngopfu-ngopfu eka matiko lama ya ha hluvukaka tanihi Afrika-Dzonga. Ku va ku nyikiwa masungulo yo tiya ya xiikhonomi eka swiboho swa mbekiso ku tirhana na ntlhontlho lowu, i swa nkoka swinene ku hlela ndhurho wa mitlumbo leyi. Mipimanyeto leyi yi tirha tanihi nxopaxopo wa swinghenisiwa swa mbuyelo wa ndhurheriwo ku endlela ku kuma mphakelo wa switirhisiwa wo tirha kahle eka ku nghenelela eka ku tirhana na mitlhontlho leyi vangiwaka hi mitlumbano ya le magondzweni. Tiko ra Afrika-Dzonga a ri nga ri ku pfuxeteni ka mahungu ya mipimanyeto ya midurho ya mitlumbano ya le magondzweni nkarhi na nkarhi, naswona leyi a yi endliwa a yi tirhisa maendlelo lamo soriwa ngopfu yo languta nkoka wa vanhu (human capital). Hikwalaho, mipimanyeto leyi nga kona a yi nga ta va leyi tshembekaka eka ku kunguhata na ku pimaniseka na mipimanyeto ya matiko man’wana. Hi le ka ku landzelela vundzhaku lebyi laha dyondzo leyi yi nga tumbuluka na ku kombisa matirhiselo ya rimba ra ntirho wo katsa (hybrid) ku kambela ndhurho wa mitlumbo ya swifambo swa le magondzweni eAfrika-Dzonga. Rimba leri ri tirhisa endlelo ro kongomisa eka nkoka wa vanhu na ku pfumela ku hakela (willingness-to-pay), eka dyondzo yi ri yin’we. Mipimanyeto ya midurho ya nkoka wa vanhu ya laveka ku va yi pfuna eka ku kunguhata leswaku yi tlakusa swinenenene swihumesiwa swa rixaka, loko hala tlhelo mipimanyeto yo pfumela ku hakela yona yi ri yona yi fanelaka swinene eka ku pfuneta minghenelelo yo tlakusa nhlayiseko wa vanhu hi ku hunguta ku vaviseka na ku fa. Endlelo ro pfumela ku hakela ri tirhisa maendlelo ya swo ka swi nga ri swa makete (contingent valuation) na ya maendlelo yo langa (preference). Khwexinere yo valanga leyi a yi ri na maendlelo yo ka ya nga ri ya swa makete na swilangiwa leswi a swi boxiwile, yi tirhisiwile hi magoza mambirhi ku sampula vaanguri va 273 eka ntirho wa swo tleketla. Eka mhaka ya endlelo ro kongomisa eka nkoka wa vanhu, mipimanyeto ya ndhurho eka xiviko xa 2016 xa Cost of Crashes in South Africa yi hundzuluxiwile hi ku katsa inifulexini, ku tirhisiwa mpimo wa 2017 wa 5.3% ku kuma mipimanyeto ya ndhurho ya 2017. Dyondzo leyi yi paluxile leswaku endlelo ro kongomisa eka nkoka wa vanhu ri kayiveta ku vona ndhurho wa mitlumbo ya le magondzweni. Dyondzo leyi yi hoxa xandla eka ntsengo wa vutivi hi ku tirhisa endlelo ro languta nkoka wa vanhu na endlelo ro pfumela ku hakela eka dyondzo yi ri yin’we ku kombisa ntirhiseko wa endlelo leri ra nkatso (hybrid)/nhlanganiso eka xiyimo xa Afrika-Dzonga. Ndzavisiso wa nkarhi lowu taka wu fanele ku engeta dyondzo leyi hi sampulu leyi humaka eka swifundzakulu hinkwaswo swa nkaye swa Afrika-Dzonga, leswaku mipimanyeto ya ndhurho yi yimela vanhu va tiko hinkwaro.Road traffic crashes are one of the worst risks of road mobility worldwide, representing a huge socio-economic problem particularly in developing countries such as South Africa. In order to provide a sound economic basis for investment decisions to address this challenge, it is critical to assess the cost of these crashes. These estimates serve cost-benefit analysis inputs to facilitate a more efficient resources allocation for interventions to address the challenge posed by road crashes. South Africa has not been updating crash cost estimates on a regular basis, and those that were conducted used the much criticised human capital approach. Therefore, the available estimates could not be relied upon for planning purposes and comparison with the estimates of other countries. It is against this background that this study developed and illustrated the application of a hybrid framework for assessing the cost of road traffic crashes in South Africa. The framework uses the human capital approach and the willingness-to-pay approach in one study. Human capital approach cost estimates are needed to inform planning to maximize the national output, while the willingness-to-pay estimates are more suitable when the main concern is to inform interventions to increase social welfare by reducing injuries and fatalities. The willingness-to-pay approach uses the contingent valuation and the stated preference methods. A survey questionnaire with contingent valuation and stated preference questions was administered in two phases to a sample of 273 respondents within the transport industry. For the human capital approach, the cost estimates in the 2016 Cost of Crashes in South Africa report were adjusted for inflation using the 2017 rate of 5.3% to obtain 2017 cost estimates. This study revealed that the human capital approach underestimates the cost of road crashes. The study contributes to the body of knowledge by using the human capital approach and the willingness-to-pay approach in one study to illustrate the applicability of this hybrid/ combination within the South African context. Future research needs to replicate this study on a sample drawn from all nine provinces of South Africa, so that the cost estimates are representative of the country’s population.Ukuphazamiseka komgwaqo kungenye yezingozi ezimbi kakhulu zokuhamba komgwaqo emhlabeni jikelele, ezimele inkinga enkulu yenhlalo nezomnotho ikakhulukazi emazweni asathuthuka njengeNingizimu Afrika. Ukuze unikeze isisekelo sezomnotho esizwakalayo ezinqumeni zokutshala izimali ukubhekana nale nselele, kubalulekile ukuhlola izindleko zalezi zingozi. Lezi zilinganiso zisebenza njengeziphakamiso zokuhlaziywa kwezindleko zokuhlomula ukuze kube lula ukunikezwa kwezinsiza ezenzelwe ukuxazulula inselele ebangelwa ukuphazamiseka komgwaqo. INingizimu Afrika ayizange ibuyekeze ukulinganisa izindleko zezingozi njalo, futhi lezo ezenziwa zisebenzise indlela enkulu yokugxeka ukusebenzisa abantu. Ngakho-ke, izilinganiso ezitholakalayo azikwazanga ukuthenjelwa kuzona ngezinjongo zokuhlela nokuqhathaniswa nezilinganiso zamanye amazwe. Lokhu kuphikisana nalesi sigaba ukuthi lolu cwaningo lusungulwe futhi luboniswe ukusetshenziswa kohlaka oluxubile lokuhlola izindleko zokuphazamiseka komgwaqo eNingizimu Afrika. Uhlaka lusebenzisa indlela yokusebenzisa abantu kanye nendlela yokuzimisela-ukukhokha ocwaningweni olulodwa. Ukulinganiselwa kwezindleko zokusebenzisa abantu kuyadingeka ukuze kwaziswe ukuhlela ukwandisa umkhiqizo kazwelonke, kanti ukulinganiselwa kokuzimisela-ukukhokhela kukulungele kakhulu ukwazisa ukungenelela ukwandisa inhlalakahle yomphakathi ngokunciphisa ukulimala nokubulawa kwabantu. Indlela yokuzimisela-ukukhokha isebenzisa ukuhlaziywa kwesilinganiso kanye nezindlela okukhethwa ngazo. Imibuzo yokuhlola ngokuhlaziywa kwesilinganiso kanye nemibuzo ekhethwe ngayo yenziwa ngezigaba ezimbili embonakalisweni yabaphendulile abangama-273 embonini yezokuthutha. Ngokwendlela yokusebenzisa abantu, izindleko ezilinganiselwa ku-2016 Izindleko Zokushayisana eNingizimu Afrika kubikwa ukuthi zalungiselwa ukwenyuka kwamandla emali, kusetshenziswa isilinganiso sango-2017 esingu-5.3% ukuthola izindleko zango-2017. Lolu cwaningo luveze ukuthi indlela yokusebenzisa abantu ithatha kancane izindleko zokuphazamiseka komgwaqo. Ucwaningo lunomthelela emzimbeni wolwazi ngokusebenzisa indlela yokusebenzisa abantu kanye nendlela yokuzimisela-ukukhokha ocwaningweni olulodwa ukukhombisa ukufaneleka kwalesi sivumelwano / inhlanganisela ngaphakathi komongo waseNingizimu Afrika. Ucwaningo lwesikhathi esizayo ludinga ukuphindaphinda lolu cwaningo embonakalisweni othathwe kuzo zonke izifundazwe eziyisishiyagalolunye zaseNingizimu Afrika, ukuze ukulinganiswa kwezindleko kummele abantu bezweBusiness ManagementD. Phil. (Management Studies

    An intervention programme to improve the self-concept and attitudes of prospective mathematics teachers

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    This study attempted to design and implement an intervention programme to improve the self-concepts and attitudes of prospective primary school teachers. The possible effects of the programme were researched by means of a combined quantitative and qualitative approach. A questionnaire to determine the effectiveness of the programme was also designed. Important findings of this study are that: (a) the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient indicated a 0,9 reliability of the designed questionnaire; (b) the average self-concepts of prospective teachers improved after the intervention programme was implemented, though not significantly and (c) the self-concepts of prospective teachers not majoring in Mathematics also improved after the intervention, though not significantly. A focus group interview was conducted to improve the intervention programme. On the basis of the responses of the participants in the focus group interview as well as of the quantitative study and of the literature reviewed, an improved version of the intervention programme was designed. According to the research, the programme should include: cooperative learning; everyday life contexts; manipulatives; hands-on activities, encouraging the asking of questions; a positive relationship between lecturer and student; writing assignments before doing a new topic; content relevance; a positive communication of assessment; games; various approaches to solving problems; understandable language; gender sensitivity and positive role modeling. The intervention programme implemented in this study was tested over a period of three months; hence the recommendation in this research for the replication thereof over a longer period. The study further recommends that since the study was conducted in one college of education only, there is a need for it to be conducted in a number of colleges, in order to elicit a broader and more representative picture of the impact of the intervention programme. The findings of this study advocate the need to combine both quantitative and qualitative research in studies: the results of the quantitative research did not conclusively indicate a positive impact of the intervention programme. However, the qualitative research saw respondents expressing improved confidence and attitudes.Psychology of EducationD. Ed. (Psychology of Education

    Peran Marketing Event dan Marketing Field Trip pada Departemen Marketing di Summarecon Digital Center (SDC) - Scientia Square Park (SQP)

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    PT Summarecon Agung Tbk. didirikan oleh Bapak Soetjipto Nagaria bersama rekan-rekannya pada tahun 1975. PT Lestari Mahadibya merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan dari PT Summarecon Agung Tbk yang bergerak dalam bidang properti, serta dapat dikatakan sebagai salah satu pengembang terbesar di wilayah Gading Serpong. Praktik kerja magang penulis dilaksanakan pada salah satu properti PT Lestari Mahadibya yaitu Summarecon Digital Center (SDC) dan Scientia Squarae Park (SQP). Selama menjalankan praktik kerja magang, penulis memiliki tugas untuk membantu aktivitas Marketing Event dan Marketing Field Trip, serta menjadi Customer Service. Dalam melaksanakan tugas praktik kerja magang sebagai Marketing Intern pada Departemen Marketing, pastinya terdapat kendala yang dihadapi penulis. Kendala yang dihadapi selama proses magang antara lain adalah banyaknya pihak yang terlibat dalam pekerjaan dan menghadapi pertanyaan customer. Oleh karena itu, solusi dari kendala yang dihadapi penulis adalah membangun hubungan dengan cara berbaur di lingkungan kantor dan mengkonfirmasi jawaban dari pertanyaan customer terlebih dahulu untuk meminimalisir kesalahan informasi dan menjaga hubungan yang baik dengan customer

    Factors related to mathematics achievement of secondary school pupils

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    This study investigated the relationships between diverse variables and secondary school pupils' Mathematics achievement. It also dealt with the relative contribution of each variable to Mathematics achievement and the significance of differences in Mathematics achievements when pupils' gender and home background as well as teachers' experience, gender, education, in-service education, homework assignment and testing frequency are taken into account. A questionnaire was administered on 163 standard 8 pupils. I The most important findings of this study were: {1) There was a significant relationship between pupil variables and Mathematics achievement. (2) Pupil variables, particularly self-concept, contributed significantly towards the variance in Mathematics achievement. (3) Pupils who wrote tests often (more than once per term) achieved significantly less than students who wrote tests less oftenPsychology of EducationM. Ed. (Psychology of Education

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi E-Library Modul User Berbasis Web PT ELO Digital Office Indonesia

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    PT. ELO Digital Office Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Enterprise Content Management System, yang berfokus pada pengarsipan berkas secara digital. PT. ELO Digital Office Indonesia mendapatkan proyek dari client untuk merancang dan membangun website e-Library. Tujuan dari rancang bangun website e-Library adalah untuk membantu user melihat ketersediaan buku dan melakukan peminjaman buku secara digital yang dapat diakses dimana saja tanpa harus mendatangi perpustakaan. Mockup atau prototype website dibuat menggunakan aplikasi JustInMind. Rancang bangun website ini dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework CodeIgniter dan database server menggunakan SQL Server yang diakses menggunakan Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18. Website e-Library dibangun dengan harapan dapat mempermudah user dalam melihat daftar buku yang tersedia dan melakukan peminjaman buku dimana saja secara online. Website e-Library yang dibuat untuk PT. ELO Digital Office Indonesia selesai dirancang dan dibangun sesuai spesifikasi yang tertera pada dokumen user requirement (confidential) yang diberikan pada saat awal pembangunan website e-Library. Dengan adanya website e-Library yang telah selesai dirancang dan dibangun ini dapat memberikan beberapa keuntungan dari sisi user seperti membantu user meminjam buku dan mengetahui ketersediaan buku tanpa harus mendatangi perpustakaannya secara langsung

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Smartwatch Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting

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    Berkembangnya pasar smartwatch selama beberapa tahun terakhir serta penerimaan smartwatch di pasar konsumen telah menjadi topik penting bagi peneliti dan perancang. Dengan banyaknya jenis smartwatch yang sudah diapasarkan beserta banyaknya kriteria yang ada pada smartwatch dan kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai smartwatch, banyak hal yang harus dipertimbangkan sebelum membeli smartwatch seperti membandingkan setiap kriteria yang ada dan alternatif lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan merancang dan membangun sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan smartwatch menggunakan metode simple additive weighting (SAW) untuk membantu user dalam menentukan smartwatch yang sesuai berdasarkan kriteria preferensi yang ada. Sistem dievaluasi menggunakan End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) dan mendapatkan hasil akhir sebanyak 82% yang menyatakan user sangat setuju bahwasanya sistem dapat memuaskan user yang terdiri dari content, accuracy, format, ease of use dan timeliness

    An exploration of police brutality at the Johannesburg Central Police Station

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    The primary goal for this study was to explore the various causes of police brutality in Johannesburg Central Police Station and investigate the different factors that contribute to police brutality in the City of Johannesburg (CoJ). The exploration involved determining the nature and extent of the problem of police brutality, identification of factors that contribute to police brutality, investigate measures that can be taken to prevent police brutality, identification of best practice from the literature consulted and make recommendations based on the findings for the best practices that can be used to prevent police brutality. South African Police Service (SAPS) conducted interviews on the problem of police brutality from middle managers within the Johannesburg central police station. Literature was conducted to acquire more knowledge regarding the topic under investigation, which was police brutality in Johannesburg Central Police Station. The following objectives were fulfilled: It was discovered that the nature and extent of police brutality is a global problem, and this is because resources and implementation of legislations in policing is not consistent per country to communities, It was identified that factors that contribute to police brutality are man-made and required interventions through transformation from human character concurrently with the implementation of the resources and implementation of legislation, It was established that measures that can be taken to prevent police brutality must be based on lessons learned, remedial action, consultations with the community and South African Police Service (SAPS), It was revealed that there are best practices to prevent police brutality from literature consulted and redress must be conducted with consideration of geographical of policing within SAPS. These requires that peer organisations must perform their duties well to avoid the issues to escalate into policing issues within the community policing precinct, It was also revealed that SAPS needs to invest in innovative technological resources to prevent police brutality. This study contributes to the knowledge base regarding police brutality within Johannesburg Central Police Station.Criminology and Security ScienceM.A. (Criminal Justice
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