469 research outputs found

    Nursing researchers forge careers in a highly competitive environment

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    Nurse leaders internationally have lobbied relentlessly for many years to get nurse training transferred from the hospital-based apprenticeship model to nurse education in the higher education sector

    Participatory action research: relevance and use for contemporary nursing research

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    This paper will demonstrate how, using a collaborative, inclusive research methodology, positive impacts on clinical practice and enhanced client outcomes can be achieved

    Nursing researchers forge careers in a highly competitive environment

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    Nurse leaders internationally have lobbied relentlessly for many years to get nurse training transferred from the hospital-based apprenticeship model to nurse education in the higher education sector

    Knowledge co-production: the next step in the development of Mental Health Nursing?

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    Abstract of a presentation at 41st International Mental Health Nursing Conference, 7-9th Oct, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

    Shared responsibility for electronic records: governance in perinatal data entry

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    This paper presents research undertaken as part of a larger research project to examine the factors that influence midwives when entering perinatal data. A grounded theory methodology was used to undertake qualitative interviews with 15 participants from 12 different hospitals across Queensland, Australia using three different systems for perinatal data collection. The findings surrounding accountability are presented revealing that a shift in governance relating to responsibility and accountability is not occurring in midwifery units across Queensland. Without assignation of responsibility for entries and accountability for mistakes or omissions, perinatal data records can be left incomplete or inaccurate. Increasing use of electronic health records and creation of digital hospitals indicates these issues are highly relevant in planning for these services

    Where are the mental health nurses?

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    In the 2007 national census, 7.1 million Australians answered yes to having a mental illness in their lifetime (ABS, 2013). This is a significant number of people, all of whom deserve specialist care from appropriately trained and qualified nurses

    Exercise and psychological benefits for older people

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    The literature establishes that older people benefit not only physically, but cognitively and socially from being engaged in community recreational activities. Community recreational activities support healthy ageing (Young et al. 2015 p2), and allow older people to maintain cognitive abilities, improve self-belief, and quality of life indicators (Balducci et al. 2014)

    Alcohol use disorders: a mental health not a moral issue

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    The prevalence of alcohol use disorders (AUD) and associated alcohol related harm amongst women in the community can compromise their mental and physical health (Foster et al. 2014)

    Giving women a voice - narratives on accessing (or not) drug and alcohol services

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    Abstract of a presentation at the ADDICTION 2015: the Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 20-22 May

    Age friendly communities - achieving positive outcomes by working together

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    Across a broad scope of global challenges the decade from 2020 to 2030 represents a decisive time. It will, in many respects, be a time for action, one where we have the chance to formulate concrete solutions and enact strategies to ensure we all live well, longer
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