480 research outputs found

    Heuristic Glance at the Fundamentals of General Psychology

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    In the article are offered the models allowing deeper understand the essence of the concepts "will" and "attention", and to determine their possible types, which allows us to clear up the essence of the concept "faith". Proceeding from the principle of symmetry of the Laws of Nature and of some general physical representations, a heuristic glance at the fundamentals of General Psychology is proposed, which allows us to discern interrelations between the basic concepts of General Psychology, and thereby systematizing them. In doing so the author does not attempt to reduce complex psychical processes to mechanical schemes, and at all not concerned these processes, but the real unity of the foundation of science as a whole concerning to the General Psychology is trying to show

    The laws of sociodynamics

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    The purpose of this article is to tell briefly about the newly discovered fundamental Laws of Sociodynamics, which are the driving force of the evolution of society and the determining factor of world historic process. Based on the principle of symmetry of the laws of nature the relationship between the Laws of Thermodynamics and Sociodynamics is shown, due to which the fifth Law of Thermodynamics has been formulated. In doing so the objectivity of the concept of «spirituality» has been substantiated. The article is of an interdisciplinary nature at the junction of Sociodynamics and Thermodynamics

    Enzyme activities in brown forest soils after introduction of Bacillus thuringiensis-based bioinsecticides

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    Much attention in the complex of forest pest control methods nowadays is devoted to the application of biological preparations, especially to bacterial formulations produced on the base of Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) that in addition to their high biological effectiveness against injurious insects are safe for man, homoiоtherms, beneficial insects and fish. As is known only 20-40% of sprayed preparation influences directly on pests while its 60-80% by different ways eventually penetrates into the soil. Taking into account also the fact that usage norm of commercial bacterial preparations makes up to 1-3 kg ha^-1^ and that preparation powder contains 45-100 billion viable spores g^-1^ it becomes evident that as a result of spraying huge quantity of bacterial stimulants introduces into the forest soils. In this connection a goal was set to determine the impact of some separately applied domestic insecticides of BT species (BT кб-1, BT кб-2, BT(SAR)-49, BT(SAR)-54, BT(SAR)-86, BT subsp. thuringiensis) introduced into the brown forest soils after spraying on soil enzymatic activity (invertase, urease) defining its fertility. Studies were conducted in 2010 under laboratory conditions. The results obtained indicate that in soils sprayed and non-sprayed by bioinsecticides the activities of invertase and urease undergo to changes from May to August. Maximal activities in soils were registered in June (25.641mg C~6~H~12~O~6~ g^-1^ for invertase and 12.254 mg NH~3~ g^-1^ for urease) and minimal – in May (20.643 mg C~6~H~12~O~6~ g^-1^ for invertase) and in August (9.297 mg NH~3~ g^-1^ for urease) at the average for all variants. By statistical analysis of study results it has been established that there aren’t any significant differences between indices of enzyme activities in sprayed and non-sprayed by biopesticides soils. Study results have led us to the assumption that tested insecticides don’t influence adversely on enzyme activities of brown forest soils and can be widely used in the field of plant protection

    About Freedom

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    The purpose of article to justify the abstractness of the concept of "freedom", and to show that the real practical importance have the concept "freedom of action", which is a necessary condition to committing of free action. And a sufficient condition is connected with a practical manifestation of the states of the will of human by means of motivation and/or goal-setting. Also the levels and sublevels of human’s freedoms are denoted. In doing so to denote and representation concepts related to freedom are used some mathematical concepts

    Peculiarities of the Ukrainian medical device market

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    The Ukrainian medical device market is gradually following the path of harmonization with the market of the European Union. Although there was a number of amendments to the Ukrainian regulations in accordance with the existing European directives, the overall legislative part is probably the simplest portion of the homework. To bring the state of the market up to the next level the government of Ukraine will need to take a new and reformatory approach in dealing with the peculiarities of this industry, consisting mostly of out-of-date equipment, shortage of high-value devices, general poor treatment conditions in state clinics and many more. Considering the above-mentioned, scrutiny of current market issues is a key means of identifying and prioritizing critical points that require repair actions

    Economic sociodynamics: criticism

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    The article provides a solution to the problem of classification of the social sciences, and briefly tells about the newly discovered fundamental laws of Sociodynamics, which are the driving force of the historical progress. The author, based on these laws, holds constructive criticism of the concept of Economic Sociodynamics (CES) proposed by R. Greenberg and A. Rubinstein. The corresponding analysis bears interdisciplinary nature at the junction of sciences such as Physics, Psychology and Sociodynamics. The article reasonably shows the fallacy of the foundation of CES. The author in doing so was basing on the objective laws of nature and not on the subjective judgments

    Regulatory Competition Puzzle: the European Design

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    In this paper, we examine the inconclusive debate on regulatory competition in the Europe. We demonstrate that the recent expansion in the EU company law has created archetypal underpinning for formation of regulatory competition: the ground-breaking “triptych” of the ECJ on Centros, Überseering, and Inspire Art, on the top of previously infamous cases, has paved a way to a regulatory arbitrage throughout the EU, and a petite migration of companies abroad is already an evidence. We elucidate that few European states are putting into practice some facilitation in company registration procedure, including a significant cut in the minimum capital requirements, aiming to keep up with foreign options. This is the very process called regulatory competition, though it is not for charters and not for re-incorporations, but for capital requirements and for start-ups. Our idea is that these actions are only some, but promising, first steps en route to expansion towards regulatory competition in Europe also for large companies and for their reincorporation options. Hitherto, we reject the existence of an “EU Delaware”, though we demonstrate that few EU and EEA Member States have potential to take the lead in forthcoming chartermongering activities and are preparing for that: we claim for the appearance of more then one “European Delawares” in Europe at least for the time being. The then competition result will largely depend on the further advancements in the EC programs on this field, and/or on another “spectacular crusade” of the ECJ in particular, be it a reality. Thus, it is still soon to conclude the competition and prize the winner, but considerable network externality effects that drive a path dependent evolution suggests that it is likely to see a state that will become the “basin of attraction” for most of the companies later on. As a focal point, in the EU it is implausible to see a regulatory competition without Brussels meddling down from the top, which affects such developments negatively, unfortunately.Freedom of establishment, Regulatory arbitrage, Regulatory competition, Company law, (Re)incorporations, EU, EEA

    Economic Sociodynamics: Criticism

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    The article provides a solution to the problem of classification of the Social Sciences, and briefly tells about the newly discovered fundamental Laws of Sociodynamics, which are the driving force of the historic progress. The author, based on these laws, holds constructive criticism of the Concept of Economic Sociodynamics (CES) proposed by R. S. Greenberg and A. J. Rubinstein. The corresponding analysis bears interdisciplinary nature at the junction of sciences such as Sociodynamics, Psychology and Physics. The article reasonably shows the fallacy of the foundation of CES and its potential danger. The author in doing so was basing on the objective Laws of Nature and not on the subjective judgments
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