195 research outputs found

    The Large Ultraviolet/Optical/Infrared Surveyor

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    Astronomy crossed a threshold three decades ago with the discovery of planets around other stars. Compared to scientists' previous expectations set by the Solar System, exoplanets are wonderfully abundant and varied. Indirect planet discovery techniques have shown that small rocky planets residing in stellar habitable zones, where such planets may have liquid water on their surfaces, are not rare. This revelation drives us to ask more ambitious and fundamental questions, that fascinate scientists and the public alike: are there other truly Earth-like planets out there and do any of them harbour life? Today, exoplanets are largely small black shadows' to us, with measurements of orbits, sizes and masses (all three in the best cases).The upcoming James Webb Space Telescope and future 30-m-class ground-based telescopes will characterize the atmospheres of habitable planet candidates orbit in glow-mass M dwarf stars. However, deeply probing atmospheres of the exoplanets most similar to the Earth, those around Sun-like stars, remains out of reach for currently planned observatories. Bringing them within our grasp is a primary motivation for the Large UV/Optical/Infrared Surveyor(LUVOIR) mission concept, currently the focus of a three-year NASA study

    Detecting dark matter substructure spectroscopically in strong gravitational lenses

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    The Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model for galaxy formation predicts that a significant fraction of mass in the dark matter haloes that surround L L* galaxies is bound in substructures of mass 1E4-1E7Msun. The number of observable baryonic substructures (such as dwarf galaxies and globular clusters) falls short of these predictions by at least an order of magnitude. We present a method for searching for substructure in the haloes of gravitational lenses that produce multiple images of QSOs, such as 4-image Einstein Cross lenses. Current methods based on broadband flux ratios cannot cleanly distinguish between substructure, differential extinction, microlensing and, most importantly, ambiguities in the host lens model. These difficulties may be overcome by utilizing the prediction that when substructure is present, the magnification will be a function of source size. QSO broad line and narrow line emission regions are approximately ~1pc and >100pc in size, respectively. When narrow line region (NLR) features are used as a normalisation, the relative intensity and equivalent width of broad line region (BLR) features will respectively reflect substructure-lensing and microlensing effects. Spectroscopic observations of just a few image pairs would probably be able to cleanly extract the desired substructure signature and distinguish it from microlensing. In the rest-optical, the Hbeta/[OIII] region is ideal, since the narrow wavelength range also largely eliminates differential reddening problems. Simulations of Q2237+030 are done as an example to determine the level of substructure that is detectable in this way, and possible systematic difficulties are discussed. This is an ideal experiment to be carried out with near-infrared integral field unit spectrographs on 8-m class telescopes.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS, uses LaTeX2e mn2e.cl

    The Effects of Ram-pressure Stripping and Supernova Winds on the Tidal Stirring of Disky Dwarfs: Enhanced Transformation into Dwarf Spheroidals

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    A conclusive model for the formation of dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies still remains elusive. Owing to their proximity to the massive spirals Milky Way (MW) and M31, various environmental processes have been invoked to explain their origin. In this context, the tidal stirring model postulates that interactions with MW-sized hosts can transform rotationally supported dwarfs, resembling present-day dwarf irregular (dIrr) galaxies, into systems with the kinematic and structural properties of dSphs. Using N-body+SPH simulations, we investigate the dependence of this transformation mechanism on the gas fraction, fgas, in the disk of the progenitor dwarf. Our numerical experiments incorporate for the first time the combined effects of radiative cooling, ram-pressure stripping, star formation, supernova (SN) winds, and a cosmic UV background. For a given orbit inside the primary galaxy, rotationally supported dwarfs with gas fractions akin to those of observed dIrrs (fgas >= 0.5), demonstrate a substantially enhanced likelihood and efficiency of transformation into dSphs relative to their collisionless (fgas = 0) counterparts. We argue that the combination of ram-pressure stripping and SN winds causes the gas-rich dwarfs to respond more impulsively to tides, augmenting their transformation. When fgas >= 0.5, disky dwarfs on previously unfavorable low-eccentricity or large-pericenter orbits are still able to transform. On the widest orbits, the transformation is incomplete; the dwarfs retain significant rotational support, a relatively flat shape, and some gas, naturally resembling transition-type systems. We conclude that tidal stirring constitutes a prevalent evolutionary mechanism for shaping the structure of dwarf galaxies within the currently favored CDM cosmological paradigm.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 8 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX (uses emulateapj.cls

    A Dark Census: Statistically Detecting the Satellite Populations of Distant Galaxies

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    In the standard structure formation scenario based on the cold dark matter paradigm, galactic halos are predicted to contain a large population of dark matter subhalos. While the most massive members of the subhalo population can appear as luminous satellites and be detected in optical surveys, establishing the existence of the low mass and mostly dark subhalos has proven to be a daunting task. Galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses have been successfully used to study mass substructures lying close to lensed images of bright background sources. However, in typical galaxy-scale lenses, the strong lensing region only covers a small projected area of the lens's dark matter halo, implying that the vast majority of subhalos cannot be directly detected in lensing observations. In this paper, we point out that this large population of dark satellites can collectively affect gravitational lensing observables, hence possibly allowing their statistical detection. Focusing on the region of the galactic halo outside the strong lensing area, we compute from first principles the statistical properties of perturbations to the gravitational time delay and position of lensed images in the presence of a mass substructure population. We find that in the standard cosmological scenario, the statistics of these lensing observables are well approximated by Gaussian distributions. The formalism developed as part of this calculation is very general and can be applied to any halo geometry and choice of subhalo mass function. Our results significantly reduce the computational cost of including a large substructure population in lens models and enable the use of Bayesian inference techniques to detect and characterize the distributed satellite population of distant lens galaxies.Comment: 21 pages + appendices, 7 figures. v2: Some derivations streamlined, extended appendices. Matches version published in PR

    Keck Spectroscopy of Objects with Lens-like Morphologies in the Hubble Deep Field

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    We present spectroscopy from the Keck telescope of three sets of objects in the Hubble Deep Field which have lens-like morphologies. In the case of J123641+621204, which is composed of four objects with similar colors and a mean separation of <= 0.8", we find at least two distinct components at redshifts of z=3.209 and z=3.220 which are separated by 0.5" spatially. Each of these components has narrow Ly-alpha emission, and possibly NV emission and SiIV and CIV in absorption or with a P-Cygni profile. The second case is J123652+621227, which has an arc-like feature offset by 1.8" to the southwest of a red elliptical-like galaxy, and a ``counterimage'' offset 1.4" on the opposite side. We tentatively find a single line at 5301 AA at the spatial position of the counterimage, and no corresponding emission line at the position of the arc. The colors of the counterimage are consistent with the identification of this line as Ly-alpha at z=3.36. The colors of the arc are different than those of the counterimage, and thus both the colors and spectra indicate that this object is unlikely to be a gravitational lens. For a third lensing candidate (J123656+621221), which is a blue arc offset by 0.9" from a red, elliptical-like galaxy, our spectroscopy does not clearly resolve the system spatially, complicating the interpretation of the spectrum. We discuss possible identifications of features in the spectrum, and find that gravitational lensing remains a possibility in this case. We conclude that the frequency of strong gravitational lensing by galaxies in the HDF appears to be very low. This result is difficult to reconcile with the introduction of a cosmological constant to account for the large number of faint blue galaxies via a large volume element at high redshift.Comment: To be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. 10 pages, 3 Figures, 2 Plates. AAS LaTex v4.0. Paper+Figures+Plates also available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/davisgrp/HDF/ and via anonymous ftp at ftp://magicbean.berkeley.edu/pub/HDFLen

    The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. I. A Large Spectroscopically Selected Sample of Massive Early-Type Lens Galaxies

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    The Sloan Lens ACS (SLACS) Survey is an efficient Hubble Space Telescope Snapshot imaging survey for new galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses. The targeted lens candidates are selected spectroscopically from within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database of galaxy spectra for having multiple nebular emission lines at a redshift significantly higher than that of the SDSS target galaxy. In this paper, we present a catalog of 19 newly discovered gravitational lenses, along with 9 other observed candidate systems that are either possible lenses, non-lenses, or non-detections. The survey efficiency is thus >=68%. We also present Gemini and Magellan IFU data for 9 of the SLACS targets, which further support the lensing interpretation. A new method for the effective subtraction of foreground galaxy images to reveal faint background features is presented. We show that the SLACS lens galaxies have colors and ellipticities typical of the spectroscopic parent sample from which they are drawn (SDSS luminous red galaxies and quiescent main-sample galaxies), but are somewhat brighter and more centrally concentrated. Several explanations for the latter bias are suggested. The SLACS survey provides the first statistically significant and homogeneously selected sample of bright early-type lens galaxies, furnishing a powerful probe of the structure of early-type galaxies within the half-light radius. The high confirmation rate of lenses in the SLACS survey suggests consideration of spectroscopic lens discovery as an explicit science goal of future spectroscopic galaxy surveys (abridged).Comment: ApJ, in press. 20 pages, numerous figures, uses emulateapj. Replaced to include full-resolution spectro figures. Version with full-resolution imaging figures available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~abolton/slacs1_hires.pdf (PDF) or at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~abolton/slacs1_hires.ps.gz (PS). Additional SLACS survey info at http://www.slacs.or