17 research outputs found

    Planetary Defense Ground Zero: MASCOT's View on the Rocks - an Update between First Images and Sample Return

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    At 01:57:20 UTC on October 3rd, 2018, after 3Âœ years of cruise aboard the JAXA spacecraft HAYABUSA2 and about 3 months in the vicinity of its target, the MASCOT lander was separated successfully by from an altitude of 41 m. After a free-fall of only ~5m51s MASCOT made first contact with C-type near-Earth and potentially hazardous asteroid (162173) Ryugu, by hitting a big boulder. MASCOT then bounced for ~11m3s, in the process already gathering valuable information on mechanical properties of the surface before it came to rest. It was able to perform science measurements at 3 different locations on the surface of Ryugu and took many images of its spectacular pitch-black landscape. MASCOT’s payload suite was designed to investigate the fine-scale structure, multispectral reflectance, thermal characteristics and magnetic properties of the surface. Somewhat unexpectedly, MASCOT encountered very rugged terrain littered with large surface boulders. Observing in-situ, it confirmed the absence of fine particles and dust as already implied by the remote sensing instruments aboard the HAYABUSA2 spacecraft. After some 17h of operations, MASCOT‘s mission ended with the last communication contact as it followed Ryugu’s rotation beyond the horizon as seen from HAYABUSA2. Soon after, its primary battery was depleted. We present a broad overview of the recent scientific results of the MASCOT mission from separation through descent, landing and in-situ investigations on Ryugu until the end of its operation and relate them to the needs of planetary defense interactions with asteroids. We also recall the agile, responsive and sometimes serendipitous creation of MASCOT, the two-year rush of building and delivering it to JAXA’s HAYABUSA2 spacecraft in time for launch, and the four years of in-flight operations and on-ground testing to make the most of the brief on-surface mission

    Hayabusa2 operation for MASCOT delivery to Ryugu surface

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    The asteroid explorer Hayabusa2 was launched by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) on December 3rd, 2014. The primary mission of the spacecraft is to sample pieces of the asteroid and return it to Earth for more advanced scientific analysis on the Earth. After three-year cruise phase, Hayabusa2 finally arrived at the asteroid Ryugu on June 28, 2018, and mission operations started. Hayabusa2 carries multiple rovers, separates them to land on the asteroid surface. One of these rovers, called MASCOT, was developed under the international cooperation between Deutsches Zentrum fĂŒr Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR) and Center National d'Ă©tudes Spatiales (CNES). This rover was planned to be separated to land on the surface of the asteroid and planned to perform several missions on the asteroid surface. In order to support these missions, the mother ship Hayabusa2 was requested to separate this rover at a very low altitude about 50 ​m, and to hover about 3 ​km after separation to achieve a reliable communication link with MASCOT. On October 2–5, 2018, we performed the operation for MASCOT release. In this paper, we introduce the flight results of the entire operation for the MASCOT release

    Rosetta Lander - Landing and operations on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    The Rosetta Lander Philae is part of the ESA Rosetta Mission which reached comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko after a 10 year cruise in August 2014. Since then, Rosetta has been studying both its nucleus and coma with instruments aboard the Orbiter. On November 12th, 2014 the Lander, Philae, was successfully delivered to the surface of the comet and operated for approximately 64 h after separation from the mother spacecraft. Since the active cold gas system aboard the Lander as well as the anchoring harpoons did not work, Philae bounced after the first touch-down at the planned landing site “Agilkia”. At the final landing site, “Abydos”, a modified First Scientific Sequence was performed. Due to the unexpectedly low illumination conditions and a lack of anchoring the sequence had to be adapted in order to minimize risk and maximize the scientific output. All ten instru- ments could be activated at least once, before Philae went into hibernation. In June 2015, the Lander contacted Rosetta again having survived successfully a long hibernation phase. This paper describes the Lander operations around separation, during descent and on the surface of the comet. We also address the partly successful attempts to re-establish contact with the Lander in June/July, when the internal temperature & power received were sufficient for Philae to become active again

    MASCOT aboard Hayabusa2: Status of Landing Preparations

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    MASCOT (’Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout’) is a 10 kg mobile surface science package on-board JAXA’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft, which, by July 2018, will have reached the near-Earth Asteroid (162173) Ryugu. MASCOT has been developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in cooperation with the Centre National d’Etudes Spaciales (CNES). The concept of MASCOT is to perform in-situ measurements on the asteroid’s surface and to support the Hayabusa2 mission in the sampling site selection. MASCOT is equipped with 4 scientific instruments: a wide angle camera, an IR spectrometer, a radiometer, and a magnetometer. The data provided by the instruments aboard the Hayabusa2 spacecraft from June till September 2018 will be used to select both, sampling sites for the main spacecraft but also the best landing site for MASCOT. Besides of scientific preferences, the main selection criteria will be illumination (thermal), flight dynamics, visibility from main spacecraft and minimum interference between sampling and landing sites. The landing of MASCOT is scheduled for October 1, 2018. The paper will give an update of the status of MASCOT operations planning and landing site selection, 3 months before the actual landing

    Philae - Science Scheduling and unknown context: Lessons learned

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    Rosetta is an ambitious mission launched in March 2004 to study the nucleus as well as the coma of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. It is composed of a space probe and the Philae Lander. The mission is a series of premieres: among others, first probe to escort a comet, first time a landing site is selected with a so short notice, first time a lander has landed on a comet nucleus. The space probe Rosetta reached the vicinity of the comet in spring 2014 when it has started to study Churyumov-Gerasimenko with remote sensing instruments. An intense observation phase followed to be able to select a landing site for the Lander. And in November 2014, at a distance of about 3 AU from the sun, Philae has reached its destination on the surface of the comet 67P. Once stabilized on the comet, the lander has performed its “First Science Sequence”. Philae’s aim was to perform detailed and innovative in-situ experiments on the comet’s surface to characterize the nucleus by performing mechanical, chemical and physical investigations on the comet surface. The main contribution to the Rosetta lander by the French space agency (CNES) is the Science Operation and Navigation Centre (SONC) located in Toulouse. Among its tasks is the scheduling of the scientific activities of the 10 lander experiments and then to provide it to the Lander Control Centre (LCC) located in DLR Cologne. Nevertheless, the specific context of the Rosetta mission made this task even more complex if compared to usual spacecraft or landers: indeed the teams in charge of the Philae activity scheduling had to cope with huge constraints in term of energy, data management, asynchronous processes and co-activities or exclusions between instruments. In addition to these huge constraints it is important to note that the comet, its environment and the landing conditions remained unknown until the separation time and that the landing site was selected a short time before it had to take place and when the baseline operational sequence was already designed. This paper will explain the specific context of the Rosetta lander mission and all the constraints that the activity scheduling had to face to fulfil the scientific objectives specified for Philae. A specific tool was developed by CNES and used to design the complete sequence of activities on the comet with respect to all constraints. The baseline scenario designed this way will also be detailed to highlight the difficulties and challenges that the operational team had to face. A specific focus will be given on the landing site selection and the impacts on the scientific operations scheduling. Moreover the actual sequence performed on the comet will also be detailed and analysed to deduce the lessons that could be learned from such an unprecedented endeavour. Indeed as for every mission of exploration the flexibility concept was anticipated but had to face unexpected events

    Attitude reconstruction of MASCOT lander during its descent and stay on asteroid (162173) Ryugu

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    Hayabusa-2, a JAXA mission, reached C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu in June 2018. Hayabusa2 carried MASCOT (Ho et al., 2016), a small lander developed by DLR and CNES. The goal of MASCOT was to perform in situ measurements on the surface of the asteroid by means of its four scientific instruments, substantially contributing in this way to the overall scientific return of Hayabusa2 mission. MASCOT landing occurred the October 3, 2018. After its release by Hayabusa2 spacecraft, the MASCOT lander experienced 17 ​min of descent and bounces. Then after stabilization it collected measurements during 17 ​h, visiting three slightly different sites. A comprehensive knowledge of MASCOT’s attitudes on the various moment of its mission is essential for the understanding of the science data gathered by the scout. CNES flight dynamics team was involved in the reconstruction of MASCOT landing trajectory and attitude. This paper presents the attitude reconstruction of MASCOT during its descent and on its second landing site. The reconstruction used as inputs the housekeeping data generated by the 6 Photo Electric Cells of MASCOT, as well as the images acquired by Hayabusa2 ONC camera and the MASCAM camera. The assessment was very complex but we determined the attitude with a mean accuracy around 10° during descent and 8° when MASCOT was stable once the second landing site was successfully reached. Nevertheless, for the other phases - bounces, first landing site and last landing site-the lander attitude is still undetermined

    The process for the selection of MASCOT landing site on Ryugu: design, execution and results

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    International audienceMASCOT, the Mobile Asteroid Surface SCOuT, is a small lander jointly developed by the German and French space agencies [Ho et al., 2017], that travelled on board of the JAXA Hayabusa2 spacecraft for over 3 years to the C-type asteroid Ryugu. The goal of MASCOT was to perform in situ measurements on the surface of the asteroid by means of its four scientific instruments, substantially contributing in this way to the overall scientific return of Hayabusa2 mission. The objective of the paper is to provide a detailed overview of the Landing Site Selection Process (LSSP) for MASCOT, from the preliminary design phase that started several years before launch, up to the actual execution of the selection process and its operational implementation. The effort that was put on the LSSP by all the teams involved over all these years was one of the key elements, leading to the unprecedented success of this mission