1,708 research outputs found

    High Levels of Chromosomal Differentiation in Euchroma gigantea L. 1735 (Coleoptera, Buprestidae)

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    Euchroma giganteawas karyotypically studied using conventional staining, C-banding, silver nitrate staining and ribosomal fluorescent in situ hybridization (rDNA FISH). Broad wide autosomal polymorphism and a complex sex determination system were found in this beetle. Karyotype complements ranging from 2n = 32, X1X2X3Y1Y2Y3 to 2n = 36,X1X2X3Y1Y2Y3 were detected in the sample analyzed. Punctiform suernumerary chromosomes were present in the different karyotypes. The karyotypic evolution of Brazilian E. giganteamay have taken two directions, reduction in the diploid number of 2n = 36 to 24 through centric fusions or 2n = 24 to 36 due to chromosomal fissions. In addition, pericentric inversions were also involved. The complex multiple sex mechanism of this species seems to be old and well established since it is found in specimens from different populations. Small pericentromeric blocks of constitutive heterochromatin were located on the autosomes and terminal blocks were also found on some small pairs. The sex chromosomes showed larger constitutive heterochromatin blocks. Silver nitrate staining during prophase I of meiosis showed labeling of the sex chromosome chain. However, the rDNA sites could only be precisely determined by FISH, which permitted the identification of these ribosomal sites on chromosomes X1 and X2 of this species

    Karyotypic; Characterization of representatives from Melolonthinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): karyotypic analysis, banding and fluorescent in siyu hybridization (FISH).

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    The aim study is to investigate the meiotic chromosomes of males of the species Phyllophage (Phytalus) vestita, Phyllophage aff capillata and Lyogenys fuscus using conventional stating, differential chromosome banding techniques and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). the use of these techniques permitted a comparative analysis of the three Melolonthinae species studied

    Monitoramento dos fluxos de radiação, energia, CO2 e vapor d'água em superfícies vegetadas.

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    Aplicações micrometeorológicas; Aspectos metodológicos; Componentes do balanço de radiação e de energia; Fluxos de CO2, vapor d?água e balanço de energia pelo método das Covariâncias dos Vórtices Turbulentos; Características aerodinâmicas e perfil logarítmico do vento; Técnicas de medidas

    Comportamento do albedo durante o período chuvoso em uma área de Caatinga degradada na região da Chapada do Araripe, PE.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o comportamento do albedo para uma área de caatinga degradada durante o periodo chuvoso na região da Chapada do Araripe ?PE. Para tanto, foi conduzido um experimentodurante o primeiro trimestre do ano de 2012 em uma área com caatinga degradada localizada na Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária -IPA (7o27?S; 40o24?W, 828 m).As medidas da radiação foram obtidas por meio da instalação de um radiômetro (CNR1, Campbell scientific), instalado a uma altura de 6,7 metros. O albedo (α, %), foi obtido por meio da relação entre os dados de radiação refletida e incidente.Pode-se observar que houve uma grande variação dos valores horários de albedo associadas a variaçãodo ângulo de elevação solar, com valores médios diários em torno de 16%. Estes resultados podem ser utilizados como parâmetros de entrada em modelos de simulação climática

    Structural properties of crumpled cream layers

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    The cream layer is a complex heterogeneous material of biological origin which forms spontaneously at the air-milk interface. Here, it is studied the crumpling of a single cream layer packing under its own weight at room temperature in three-dimensional space. The structure obtained in these circumstances has low volume fraction and anomalous fractal dimensions. Direct means and noninvasive NMR imaging technique are used to investigate the internal and external structure of these systems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted in J. Phys. D: Appl. Phy

    Validação do Kit Embrapa de Ordenha Manual® para caprinos leiteiros.

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    bitstream/item/58380/1/COT-126.pdf; bitstream/item/132485/1/CNPC-2011-Validacao.pd