919 research outputs found

    Crescimento de raízes de leguminosas em camadas de solo compactadas artificialmente.

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    O experimento foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetacao da Universidade Federal de Vicosa em 1992. Testaram-se as leguminosas crotalaria juncea (Crotalaria juncea L.) guandu (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millps), feijao-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformes (L.) DC.), feijao-bravo do ceara (Canavalia brasiliensis M. e Benth) e mata-pasto (Senna occidentalis L.) quanto a capacidade de suas raizes de penetrar me camadas de um latossolo vermelho-amarelo alico, muito argiloso, com diferentes niveis de compactacao. As leguminosas, com excecao do mata-pasto, tiveram os sistemas radiculares significativamente reduzidos dentro da camada compactada e abaixo dela, e apresentaram um acumulo de raizes no anel superior do vaso, a medida que o nivel de compactacao aumentou. O mata-pasto sobressaiu como a especie com maior potencial para crescer em camadas compactadas de solo e o feijao-de-porco foi a leguminosa mais afetada pela compactacao

    A pipeline to study structural interactions among Spodoptera frugiperda serine proteinases and plant proteinase inhibitors.

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    We propose here a computational biology pipeline to identify and analyze possible structural determinants that could explain some level of insensitivity by S. frugiperda serine proteinases (SPs) against plant PIs observed in a real time PCR experiment.GA 330

    Características de alguns adubos verdes de interesse para a conservação e recuperação de solos.

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    Em um Podzolico Vermelho-amarelo do municipio de Vicosa, MG, foram testados os adubos verdes caupi (Vigna unguiculata), crotalaria juncea (Crotalaria juncea), crotalaria paulina (Crotalaria paulina), guandu (Cajanus cajan), feijao-bravo-do-ceara (Canavalia brasiliensis), feijao-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformis), lab-lab (Dolichos lab lab) e mucuna-preta (Stizolobium aterrimum). Foram avaliadas a velocidade e a porcentagem de cobertura do solo proporcionadas pelas especies. No florescimento de cada especie, determinou-se o peso verde e seco da biomassa aerea, o teor de nutrientes e a densidade radicular dos adubos verdes. Para a conservacao do solo, destacou-se o feijao-de-porco quanto a velocidade inicial e percentagem de cobertura do solo. O guandu foi a especie com maior potencial para penetracao de raizes no solo, producao de biomassa aerea e imobilizacao de nutrientes. As crotalarias e o caupi mostraram-se especieis mais sensiveis a compactacao do solo, concentrando suas raizes mais a superficie

    Influência de ferro e de alumínio amorfos do solo na reatividade de quatro corretivos de acidez.

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    Foram tomadas amostras moídas de quatro rochas carbonatadas de gêneses distintas, sendo duas de baixa e duas de alta solubilidade. Amostras de três latossolos com teores distintos em Fe e Al obtidos pelo ataque sulfúrico, pelo ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato e pelo oxalato de amônio foram incubadas com os corretivos. Aplicaram-se os corretivos. Aplicaram-se os corretivos aos solos em dose calculada para elevar o nível de saturação por base a 60%. A umidade foi mantida próxima a da capacidade de campo durante os 120 dias de incubação. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que: a) a reatividade dos corretivos estudados depende de sua natureza, alem da classe de solo em que são aplicados; e b) houve capeamento de partículas de corretivo por oxi-hidróxidos de ferro e de alumínio no solo

    Selection of Conilon coffee clones for the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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    Recently, the cultivation of Coffea canephora species has expanded as a consequence of climate change effects and emerging markets that use this coffee as raw material. To meet such demands of production, it is necessary to also improve yield in cultivated areas. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate Conilon coffee clones to identify the most promising fitting material for the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais, as well as to analyze the effect of the genotype x biennium interaction and estimate correlation coefficients among evaluated characteristics. Vegetative vigor, yield, main pests and diseases were evaluated in 36 clones from Incaper, ES. The statistical analyses considered the averages of each biennium: Biennium 1 (B1) - 2005/2006; Biennium 2 (B2) - 2007/2008; Biennium 3 (B3) - 2009/2010, and also the average of three biennia (A3B). Univariate and joint statistical analysis were performed, as well as estimates of phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlation coefficients among assessed characteristics. A wide variability among clones was observed for most of the evaluated characteristics for both each biennium and the average of three biennia. The severities of most diseases have reduced over the years of cultivation. The genotypic correlation coefficients have overcome phenotypic and environmental ones. In general, pests and diseases severities showed significant and negative correlations with vegetative vigor and yield. On the other hand, the last two characteristics were positively correlated. It was also evidenced a certain diversity among clones for most of the evaluated traits. Clone x biennium interaction was significant only for yield and leaf rust severity. There are negative correlations among the characteristics associated with yield and pests and diseases occurrences, which make it possible the use of yield variable as a selection parameter. Clones 24, 23, 28, 26, 21, 29 and 06 MG/ES present a higher potential for cultivation in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais

    SSR and ISSR markers in assessing genetic diversity in Gallus gallus domesticus: a quantitative analysis of scientific production.

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    Poultry meat is a major source of animal protein in the world. Research indicates a high inbreeding rate derived from a relative absence of heterozygous subpopulations of chicken from different suppliers. Molecular markers can provide information for the genetic basis of chicken consumed in rural areas and help establishing a chicken database for product quality and warranty. The bibliometric research, comprises between 1994 and 2018, from five previously selected databases: Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Web of Science, using the following descriptors: ?microsatellites?, ?SSR?, ?ISSR?, ?genetic variability? and ?genetic diversity?, all of them coupled to ?chicken? and/or ?birds? results in 66 scientific publications. The publications were then categorized according to their titles to the use of ISSR or SSR markers. They were also addressed by countries according first author cited. The publications data appointed that countries with the height production of poultry meat and hens are the most interested in the genetic diversity study of these species. The SSR markers, due to its more specific characteristic, are more frequently applied to genetic diversity assignment, compared to ISSR

    Bryozoans are Major Modern Builders of South Atlantic Oddly Shaped Reefs

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    Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-27961-6.In major modern reef regions, either in the Indo-Pacific or the Caribbean, scleractinian corals are described as the main reef framework builders, often associated with crustose coralline algae. We used underwater cores to investigate Late Holocene reef growth and characterise the main framework builders in the Abrolhos Shelf, the largest and richest modern tropical reef complex in the South Western Atlantic, a scientifically underexplored reef province. Rather than a typical coralgal reef, our results show a complex framework building system dominated by bryozoans. Bryozoans were major components in all cores and age intervals (2,000 yrs BP), accounting for up to 44% of the reef framework, while crustose coralline algae and coral accounted for less than 28 and 23%, respectively. Reef accretion rates varied from 2.7 to 0.9 mm yr−1, which are similar to typical coralgal reefs. Bryozoan functional groups encompassed 20 taxa and Celleporaria atlantica (Busk, 1884) dominated the framework at all cores. While the prevalent mesotrophic conditions may have driven suspensionfeeders’ dominance over photoautotrophs and mixotrophs, we propose that a combination of historical factors with the low storm-disturbance regime of the tropical South Atlantic also contributed to the region’s low diversity, and underlies the unique mushroom shape of the Abrolhos pinnacles.We thank CNPq/FAPES-Sisbiota/PELD, CAPES/IODP, CAPES/Ciências do Mar, and ANP/Brasoil for long term project funding. We also thank ICMBio for research permits and field logistic support, and Conservation International for providing and authorizing the use of the IKONOS image. JMW and JCB are International Visiting Researcher at UFES and JBRJ, supported by the Science Without Borders program. Zá Cajueiro provided invaluable field support and Ronaldo Francini, Carlos Janovitch and Lucio Engler helped in the drilling operations. This is a contribution from the Rede Abrolhos (abrolhos.org)

    Promoção de crescimento e biocontrole de fitonematoides por rizobactérias em cana-de-açúcar.

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    Entre os problemas que afetam a cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) no Brasil, os fitonematoides são responsáveis por limitar o desenvolvimento das plantas e a produtividade da cultura