56 research outputs found

    Resistant hypertension? Time to consider this fourth-line drug

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    Resistant hypertension? Time to consider this fourth-line drug For most adults with resistant hypertension, spironolactone is superior to doxazosin and bisoprolol as an adjunct to triple therapy. Practice changer: When a triple regimen of an ACE inhibitor or ARB, calcium channel blocker, and a thiazide diuretic fails to achieve the target blood pressure, try adding spironolactone

    Yeast infection in pregnancy? Think twice about fluconazole

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    Yeast infection in pregnancy? Think twice about fluconazole. This study's findings regarding the risk of miscarriage may mean it's time to forego fluconazole in favor of topical azoles as first-line treatment. Practice changer: Avoid prescribing oral fluconazole in early pregnancy because it is associated with a higher rate of spontaneous abortion than is topical azole therapy. Stength of recommendation: B: Based on a large cohort study performed in Denmark

    Treating migraines : it's different for kids

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    Treating migraines: Its different for kids. Certain medications used for migraine prevention in adults do not perform the same way in children and adolescents and can actually cause harm. PRACTICE CHANGER: Do not prescribe amitriptyline or topiramate as preventive therapy for migraine in children; both drugs are no better than placebo for this population and are associated with increased rates of adverse events.Authors: Matthew Hawks, MD; Anne Mounsey, MD Nellis AFB Family Medicine Residency, Las Vegas, Nev (Dr. Hawks); Department of Family Medicine, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Dr. Mounsey

    Consider these medications to help patients stay sober

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    Naltrexone can help prevent relapse in recently detoxified patients with alcohol use disorder. The evidence for acamprosate is not quite as strong. Practice changer: Consider prescribing oral naltrexone (50 mg/d) for patients with alcohol use disorder who wish to maintain abstinence after a brief period of detoxification

    A spoonful of honey helps a coughing child sleep

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    When a parent brings in a child (ages 1-5 years) with cough, runny nose, and other symptoms of a viral upper respiratory infection (URI), recommend that honey be given at bedtime. Stength of recommendation: A: Based on a well-designed, randomized controlled trial (RCT)

    Mediterranean diet: Higher fat but lower risk

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    "For patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease, a Mediterranean diet may be the best bet."Counsel patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke to follow a Mediterranean diet, which is associated with a 30% risk reduction

    Injection may be the best bet for young athletes' knee pain

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    Consider giving dextrose/lidocaine injections to adolescents with Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) that persists despite physical therapy. Stength of recommendation: A: Based on one well-designed, randomized controlled trial (RCT)

    Does niacin decrease cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in CVD patients?

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    Q: Does niacin decrease cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in CVD patients? A: No. Niacin doesn't reduce cardio- vascular disease (CVD) morbidity or mortality in patients with established disease (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials [RCTs] and subsequent large RCTs). Niacin may be considered as mono-therapy for patients intolerant of statins (SOR: B, one well-done RCT).Authors: Peter Lazzopina, MD; Anne Mounsey, MD University of North Carolina Family Medicine Residency, Chapel Hill; Lara Handler, MSLS University of North Carolina, Chapel Hil

    Which treatments work best for hemorrhoids?

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    Excision is the most effective treatment for thrombosed external hemorrhoids (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, retrospective studies). For prolapsed internal hemorrhoids, the best definitive treatment is traditional hemorrhoidectomy (SOR: A, systematic reviews). Of nonoperative techniques, rubber band ligation produces the lowest rate of recurrence (SOR: A, systematic reviews)

    Need an add-on to metformin? Consider this

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    Review of: Ou SM, Shih CJ, Chao PW, et al. Effects of clinical outcomes of adding dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors versus sulfonylureas to metformin therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Ann Intern Med. 2015;163:663-672.1.Need an add-on to metformin? Consider this. Sulfonylureas have been the preferred add-on therapy to metformin for T2DM, but a study finds that DPP-4s have lower risks of death, CV events, and hypoglycemia. Practice changer: Consider a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor before a sulfonylurea for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who require therapy in addition to metformin
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