219 research outputs found

    Stability diagram of colliding beams

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    The effect of the beam-beam interactions on the stability of impedance mode is discussed. The detuning is evaluated by the means of single particle tracking in arbitrarily complex collision configurations, including lattice non-linearities, and used to numerically evaluate the dispersion integral. This approach also allows the effect of non-Gaussian distributions to be considered. Distributions modified by the action of external noise are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, contribution to the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Effects in Hadron Colliders, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 Mar 201

    Electromagnetic fields created by a macroparticle in an infinitely long and axisymmetric multilayer beam pipe

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    This paper aims at giving an as complete and detailed as possible derivation of the six electromagnetic field components created by an offset point charge travelling at any speed in an infinitely long circular multilayer beam pipe. Outcomes from this study are a novel and efficient matrix method for the field matching determination of all the constants involved in the field components, and the generalization to any azimuthal mode together with the final summation on all such modes in the impedance formulas. In particular the multimode direct space-charge impedances (both longitudinal and transverse) are given, as well as the wall impedance to any order of precision. New quadrupolar terms for the transverse wall impedance are found, which look negligible in the ultrarelativistic case but might be of significance for low-energy beams. In principle from this analysis the electromagnetic fields created by any particular source, with a finite transverse shape, can then be computed using convolutions

    Expansion of the Materials Cloud 2D Database

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    Two-dimensional (2D) materials are among the most promising candidates for beyond-silicon electronic, optoelectronic, and quantum computing applications. Recently, their recognized importance sparked a push to discover and characterize novel 2D materials. Within a few years, the number of experimentally exfoliated or synthesized 2D materials went from a few to more than a hundred, with the number of theoretically predicted compounds reaching a few thousand. In 2018 we first contributed to this effort with the identification of 1825 compounds that are either easily (1036) or potentially (789) exfoliable from experimentally known 3D compounds. Here, we report on a major expansion of this 2D portfolio thanks to the extension of the screening protocol to an additional experimental database (MPDS) as well as the updated versions of the two databases (ICSD and COD) used in our previous work. This expansion leads to the discovery of an additional 1252 monolayers, bringing the total to 3077 compounds and, notably, almost doubling the number of easily exfoliable materials to 2004. We optimize the structural properties of all these monolayers and explore their electronic structure with a particular emphasis on those rare large-bandgap 2D materials that could be precious in isolating 2D field-effect-transistor channels. Finally, for each material containing up to 6 atoms per unit cell, we identify the best candidates to form commensurate heterostructures, balancing requirements on supercell size and minimal strain

    Impedance measurements and simulations on the TCT and TDI LHC collimators

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    The LHC collimation system is a critical element for the safe operation of the LHC machine and it is subject to continuous performance monitoring, hardware upgrade and optimization. In this work we will address the impact on impedance of the upgrades performed on the injection protection target dump (TDI), where the absorber material has been changed to mitigate the device heating observed in machine operation, and on selected secondary (TCS) and tertiary (TCT) collimators, where beam position monitors (BPM) have been embedded for faster jaw alignment. Con- cerning the TDI, we will present the RF measurements per- formed before and after the upgrade, comparing the result to heating and tune shift beam measurements. For the TCTs, we will study how the higher order modes (HOM) intro- duced by the BPM addition have been cured by means of ferrite placement in the device. The impedance mitigation campaign has been supported by RF measurements whose results are in good agreement with GdfidL and CST simula- tions. The presence of undamped low frequency modes is proved not to be detrimental to the safe LHC operation

    Measurements of the LHC longitudinal resistive impedance with beam

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    The resistive part of the longitudinal impedance contributes to the heat deposition on different elements in the LHC ring including the beam screens, where it has to be absorbed by the cryogenic system and can be a practical limitation for the maximum beam intensity. In this paper, we present the first measurements of the LHC longitudinal resistive impedance with beam, done through synchronous phase shift measurements duringMachine Development sessions in 2012. Synchronous phase shift is measured for different bunch intensities and lengths using the high-precision LHC Beam Phase Module and then data are post-processed to further increase the accuracy. The dependence of the energy loss per particle on bunch length is then obtained and compared with the expected values found using the LHC impedance model

    Intrinsic ripples in graphene

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    The stability of two-dimensional (2D) layers and membranes is subject of a long standing theoretical debate. According to the so called Mermin-Wagner theorem, long wavelength fluctuations destroy the long-range order for 2D crystals. Similarly, 2D membranes embedded in a 3D space have a tendency to be crumpled. These dangerous fluctuations can, however, be suppressed by anharmonic coupling between bending and stretching modes making that a two-dimensional membrane can exist but should present strong height fluctuations. The discovery of graphene, the first truly 2D crystal and the recent experimental observation of ripples in freely hanging graphene makes these issues especially important. Beside the academic interest, understanding the mechanisms of stability of graphene is crucial for understanding electronic transport in this material that is attracting so much interest for its unusual Dirac spectrum and electronic properties. Here we address the nature of these height fluctuations by means of straightforward atomistic Monte Carlo simulations based on a very accurate many-body interatomic potential for carbon. We find that ripples spontaneously appear due to thermal fluctuations with a size distribution peaked around 70 \AA which is compatible with experimental findings (50-100 \AA) but not with the current understanding of stability of flexible membranes. This unexpected result seems to be due to the multiplicity of chemical bonding in carbon.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Negative Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Graphene Measured by Raman Spectroscopy

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    The thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of single-layer graphene is estimated with temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopy in the temperature range between 200 and 400 K. It is found to be strongly dependent on temperature but remains negative in the whole temperature range, with a room temperature value of -8.0x10^{-6} K^{-1}. The strain caused by the TEC mismatch between graphene and the substrate plays a crucial role in determining the physical properties of graphene, and hence its effect must be accounted for in the interpretation of experimental data taken at cryogenic or elevated temperatures.Comment: 17 pagese, 3 figures, and supporting information (4 pages, 3 figures); Nano Letters, 201

    Ripple Texturing of Suspended Graphene Atomic Membranes

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    Graphene is the nature's thinnest elastic membrane, with exceptional mechanical and electrical properties. We report the direct observation and creation of one-dimensional (1D) and 2D periodic ripples in suspended graphene sheets, using spontaneously and thermally induced longitudinal strains on patterned substrates, with control over their orientations and wavelengths. We also provide the first measurement of graphene's thermal expansion coefficient, which is anomalously large and negative, ~ -7x10^-6 K^-1 at 300K. Our work enables novel strain-based engineering of graphene devices.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Performance of Monolayer Graphene Nanomechanical Resonators with Electrical Readout

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    The enormous stiffness and low density of graphene make it an ideal material for nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) applications. We demonstrate fabrication and electrical readout of monolayer graphene resonators, and test their response to changes in mass and temperature. The devices show resonances in the MHz range. The strong dependence of the resonant frequency on applied gate voltage can be fit to a membrane model, which yields the mass density and built-in strain. Upon removal and addition of mass, we observe changes in both the density and the strain, indicating that adsorbates impart tension to the graphene. Upon cooling, the frequency increases; the shift rate can be used to measure the unusual negative thermal expansion coefficient of graphene. The quality factor increases with decreasing temperature, reaching ~10,000 at 5 K. By establishing many of the basic attributes of monolayer graphene resonators, these studies lay the groundwork for applications, including high-sensitivity mass detectors
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