3,634 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric dark matter search via spin-dependent interaction with He3

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    The potentialities of MIMAC-He3, a MIcro-tpc MAtrix of Chambers of Helium 3, for supersymmetric dark matter search are discussed within the framework of effective MSSM models without gaugino mass unification at the GUT scale. A phenomenological study has been done to investigate the sensitivity of the MIMAC-He3 detector to neutralinos (m > 6 GeV/c2) via spin-dependent interaction with He3 as well as its complementarity to direct and indirect detection experiments. Comparison with other direct dark matter searches will be presented in a WIMP model-independent framework.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    MIMAC-He3 : MIcro-tpc MAtrix of Chambers of He3

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    The project of a micro-TPC matrix of chambers of He3 for direct detection of non-baryonic dark matter is outlined. The privileged properties of He3 are highlighted. The double detection (ionization - projection of tracks) will assure the electron-recoil discrimination. The complementarity of MIMAC-He3 for supersymmetric dark matter search with respect to other experiments is illustrated. The modular character of the detector allows to have different gases to get A-dependence. The pressure degreee of freedom gives the possibility to work at high and low pressure. The low pressure regime gives the possibility to get the directionality of the tracks. The first measurements of ionization at very few keVs for He3 in He4 gas are described

    MIMAC : Detection of low energy recoils for Dark Matter search

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    The MIMAC project is based on a matrix of Micro Time Projection Chambers (micro-TPC) for Dark Matter search, filled with He3 or CF4 and using ionization and tracks. The first measurement of the energy resolution of this micro-TPC is presented as well as its low thresholdComment: Dark Energy and Dark Matter conference, Lyon : France (2008

    An analysis method for time ordered data processing of Dark Matter experiments

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    The analysis of the time ordered data of Dark Matter experiments is becoming more and more challenging with the increase of sensitivity in the ongoing and forthcoming projects. Combined with the well-known level of background events, this leads to a rather high level of pile-up in the data. Ionization, scintillation as well as bolometric signals present common features in their acquisition timeline: low frequency baselines, random gaussian noise, parasitic noise and signal characterized by well-defined peaks. In particular, in the case of long-lasting signals such as bolometric ones, the pile-up of events may lead to an inaccurate reconstruction of the physical signal (misidentification as well as fake events). We present a general method to detect and extract signals in noisy data with a high pile-up rate and qe show that events from few keV to hundreds of keV can be reconstructed in time ordered data presenting a high pile-up rate. This method is based on an iterative detection and fitting procedure combined with prior wavelet-based denoising of the data and baseline subtraction. {We have tested this method on simulated data of the MACHe3 prototype experiment and shown that the iterative fitting procedure allows us to recover the lowest energy events, of the order of a few keV, in the presence of background signals from a few to hundreds of keV. Finally we applied this method to the recent MACHe3 data to successfully measure the spectrum of conversion electrons from Co57 source and also the spectrum of the background cosmic muons

    MIMAC-He3 : A Micro-TPC Matrix of Chambers of He3 for direct detection of Wimps

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    The project of a micro-TPC matrix of chambers of \hetrois for direct detection of non-baryonic dark matter is presented. The privileged properties of He3 are highlighted. The double detection (ionization - projection of tracks) is explained and its rejection evaluated. The potentialities of MIMAC-He3 for supersymmetric dark matter search are discussed.Comment: to appear in Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2005), Zaragoza, Sept. 200

    Mimac-He3, a Project for a Micro-TPC Matrix of Chambers of Helium 3 for Axial Direct Detection of Non-Baryonic Dark Matter

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    MIMAC-He3 (MIcro-tpc MAtrix of Chambers of Helium 3) is a project for direct detection of non-baryonic dark matter search using He3 as sensitive medium. The priviledged properties of He3 are highlighted. The double detection : ionization and track projection, is explained and rejection evaluated. A phenomenological study in effective SUSY models has been to investigate the MIMAC-He3 complementarity with respect to existing Dark Matter detectors.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the Rencontres de Moriond 2005 : Very High Energy Phenomena in the Univers

    Design of a horizontal neutron reflectometer for the European Spallation Source

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    A design study of a horizontal neutron reflectometer adapted to the general baseline of the long pulse European Spallation Source (ESS) is presented. The instrument layout comprises solutions for the neutron guide, high-resolution pulse shaping and beam bending onto a sample surface being so far unique in the field of reflectometry. The length of this instrument is roughly 55 m, enabling δλ/λ\delta \lambda / \lambda resolutions from 0.5% to 10%. The incident beam is focussed in horizontal plane to boost measurements of sample sizes of 1*1 cm{^2} and smaller with potential beam deflection in both downward and upward direction. The range of neutron wavelengths untilized by the instrument is 2 to 7.1 (12.2, ...) {\AA}, if every (second, ...) neutron source ulse is used. Angles of incidence can be set between 0{\deg} and 9{\deg} with a total accessible q-range from 4*10^{-3} {\AA}^{-1} up to 1 {\AA}^{-1}. The instrument operates both in {\theta}/{\theta} (free liquid surfaces) and {\theta}/2{\theta} (solid/liquid, air/solid interfaces) geometry. The experimental setup will in particular enable direct studies on ultrathin films (d ~ 10 {\AA}) and buried monolayers to multilayered structures of up to 3000 {\AA} total thickness. The horizontal reflectometer will further foster investigations of hierarchical systems from nanometer to micrometer length scale, as well as their kinetics and dynamical properties, in particular under load (shear, pressure, external fields). Polarization and polarization analysis as well as the GISANS option are designed as potential modules to be implemented separately in the generic instrument layout. The instrument is highly flexible and offers a variety of different measurement modes. With respect to its mechanical components the instrument is exclusively based on current technology. Risks of failure for the chosen setup are minimum.Comment: Matched to the version submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    Project of a superfluid He3 detector for direct detection of non-baryonic dark matter : MACHe3

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    MACHe3 (MAtrix of Cells of superfluid Helium 3) is a project of non-baryonic Dark Matter search using superfluid He3 as sensitive medium. Simulations on a high granularity matrix show very good rejection against background events. First results on a prototype cell are very encouraging. Neutron detection has been highlighted as well as cosmic muon detection. A phenomenological study has been done with the DarkSUSY code to investigate complementarity of MACHe3 with existing Dark Matter detectors.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the 4th Marseille International Cosmology Conferenc
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